Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sometimes I just don't feel like talking.
But some people around me perceive that I'm in a bad mood

O yea, now I feel resigned
just came back from Kuala Lumpur 1 day ago
I found that
I'm still quite miss that place D:
Though, I'll never return to that place again :)
My resolution is to study in Singapore
and live in Johor

1 thing
I really don't like living nearby anyone that I know
I prefer living by myself
living according to my tune
according to my own lifestyle
no one can control me :)

I'm gonna find a work after finishing my JPJ test
tomorrow is 2012
day went by day
but I'm not prepared to be mature yet, really.
Yet, I will try to move on
and make myself use to the world of grown-up :)

again, I MUST
not fail in my life
I MUST prove that I'm more capable than anybody
:) Byes

Thursday, December 15, 2011

This is how I came out from my mother's uterus in the hospital LOL

er hm...
My childhood was quite ok, nothing special
because during that time I'm still ignorant :)
I remember last time I always play with my siblings
but I don't know since when
we started to be not very good in talking terms
perhaps because they'd all achieve "Individuality"
I remember during my times in kindergarten
I was damn screwed up with Mathematics
especially addition and subtraction involving number more than 10
because I only have 10 fingers ><
Maths is quite a difficult subject for me

I went into a primary school called SJK (C) Chen Moh
Nothing special happened in standard 1
standard 2, I started to make a lot of new friends
and standard 3 was quite hard for me T_T
coz my teacher was too fierce
every time during spelling, I wrote lots of wrong chinese characters
and got caned
standard 3 is the time when I got caned the most D:
standard 4 nothing special
standard 5 is the most merriest time :)
because examinations went quite smooth and well
and so I was freaking reveling in playing tricks at 1 girl
xD until now we still keep in contact with each other
and I miss the times when 1 girl who sit beside me
we were always giggling during class with the 2 boys in front of us
Despite the happy memories, every time during BM class was..
tremendously horrible, not for me only, everyone does hor.
because our BM teacher is Cikgu Lee
she very fierce D:
but still I did well in BM exams :)
but those are only the happy memories :)
standard 6?
well I hate this year! 2006...
This is the year when
I always digress in my BM essay, and got scolded so badly
because I really did well in standard 5
so Cikgu Lee was quite not so angry with my meagre grade
and once again, during UPSR trial, I upset her again...
and got scolded very badly
and this is the year I got slapped by her -.-!
I remember I was called to 6E class
and she kept interrogating about something ( this is not important )
and got slapped =.=
very funny
LOL, don't be startle when you know I got slapped
everyone did got slapped and stroked BADLY before.
because she's too fierce
that's why... My BM now so pro :P
But I'm still grateful that I have such a good BM teacher :)
well, this is still not the extreme embarrassment I'd ever experience
that's why I hate the times in standard 6
because something more serious happened to me D:
I'd never cry in front of people ( until secondary school )
but that time I did cried
and confided everything to my confidante
haizz, don't want to recall those unhappy memories liao
but 1 thing for sure
my childhood memories are still sweet :)
those incidents are what make me grow :)

Secondary school?
haizz, once again was damn devastated
when I was admitted to La Salle PJ (LSPJ)
all my friend went to Catholic High School (CHS)
but some went into La Salle la of coz :)
my case was quite funny
UPSR I got 7A's and got admitted to LSPJ
Complaining won't change the fact
so everything goes as arranged by God~ :)

Well in LSPJ was quite boring
this school was full of uncivilized barbarians
their exam grades suck
so I placed myself in complacency until I moved to JB
because I don't have to burn the midnight oil
hit the book, study hard to get top in class
I remember I was a scout boy in Form 1
say real, it's quite fun
because I'm too nerdy to bear the horrible physical training x)
so i quit and join PBSM since after the horrible scout camp
one more thing
I really despise those chinese in LSPJ who don't know how to speak chinese
I mean, I don't blame them for not being able to speak chinese
it's like they don't know how to speak chinese
and glamorize English
to the extent of looking down at some people
who're brought up in chinese family
but not being able to speak fluent English
please, they can't speak formal English too -.-!
campur campur with cantonese
tsk tsk, how corrupted they're.
I remember during the scout camp
1 senior was talking to my friend
but my friend didn't know the senior was talking to him
( well I'm on the spot, I don't know too )
when the senior got no reply
1 stupid fellow simply came out
and said that my friend don't know English

Since I said LSPJ people grades sucks
so I placed myself in complacency until Form 3
and didn't even make use of my precious time
to read up some good books
instead, I squander all my time in computers
in the end, my game account got hacked
and nothing left inside
nevertheless, my efforts in playing the game character
all went into longkang... xD

Form 2? still ok
but there some chinese which I really don't like
because they like to use vulgarities
sound so uncivilized
use not so serious vulgar I can accept
because we're boys LOL!
well, 1 thing I observed in LSPJ
If you ever cried in public
you'll be ostracized
and this happened to my friend .

But I'm grateful that
I made some really good friends there :)
We always went to each other house to play together :D
And I was quite bad that time
because I keep playing pranks on my friends xD
sorry ya :P

~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOHOR BAHRU ~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was AWEFUL at first
because I know nothing here!
I hate SMKTD !
because I have no friends here
with lots of weird people around me
I always look to the sky
thinking what're my LSPJ friends doing

Being in a strange environment was quite not good ><
no one to talk to
no one to confide to
no one to joke
no one to even laugh at
so I appeared as an introvert
who're the most hardworking one in class
always reading and doing exercise
when teachers weren't around
whilst other people were wandering everywhere
finding friends to chit-chat
haizz, the most tedious time is the time after PMR
sitting in the stupid hard hall
listening to those craps
and doing some crap activities ... =.=

1 more thing hehe
I was quite startled la in SMKTD
Because I've not seen female homo sapiens for more than 2.5 years xD
so I was quite uncomfortable seeing those
blue-uniformed students walking past me xD
btw, I did spotted some pretty ones la ! :D
pei qi was the first girl to talk to me
" Do you take Chinese subject ? " xD!
3 Bestari?
Banana : "Hi" ( this is his simplicity xD )
Zihao during moral class : "Hi, I'm Christopher"
" got watch football ?"
Carrick : "我叫金城"
hahaha ...

I'm so grateful to pei qi lor T_T
she;s very good
very dedicated in teaching me some stuffs
and some 'tradition' in SMKTD
if it wasn't her, I'm still not so familiar with SMKTD xD

Form 4?
I remember I was struggling in
But eventually I went into Science Stream
aww, that time I don't feel like going 4A
because I'm not close with the people there
but I went in also =.=!
but it turned out to be fun
they were very kind ( only a few )
hey, forgot to mention!
during Form 3 chinese class
Wai Kent was the one who was sitting beside me :)
and Grace in front
I found that Grace was quite a prima donna =.=
when she kept on showing off to Wai Kent that
she didn't study a single things during mid year exam
and she got 70+ 80 + marks =.=
that time I already knew that
this girl isn't the right choice to befriended :x ( SHHH )
but the first thing she asked me was
" Do you play any musical instrument "
I replied violin
she was quite shock to hear that ~~~ ;shy ;shy
maybe because male violinist is very rare in this community... haha .
but still we became friend in 4A .
and she very bad lor
every time complain when I couldn't play in tune /.\

at the beginning of 2010 in 4A was quite sian la
coz I can only befriended a few friends
but since when har?
I was arranged to sit with Mathan beside me
and Vincent beside Mathan
then we started to be very close haha
I remember during miss noraini class
they attempted to make me giggle about 'RSVP'
but in the end, I sit still
and their giggles were spotted by miss noraini xD
Just to say that 4A is a warm family

Omg I lazy to type liao ... =.=
let's talk about the class trip
that night ...
I didn't expect Wai Kent that he started 'it' so early
standard 6....
and DY DH?
they watched before....
I watched before.. yea.
at the age of 17 .
no! this is call good boy
vincent I forgot d
but was quite uncomfortable lor
when I knew that they '....' before
but thank them la =.=
Now I think it's normal ~
really love 5A
though my childhood was not so good
compare with others
and went into an unfamiliar school
but this is what make me grows :)
and my friends of SMKTD also did influenced me very much
Seriously, I'm not prepared to be mature yet!
because I feel like I cannot held the responsibilities
to become a grown-up..
I do not wish to went back into the past...
Because I have put so much effort in my journey of life
until now
I really do not wish to redo all the things in the past :)
let bygones be bygones~
and make a better future~

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You can say I'm spiteful or what
but I have a "wild will"
to be more successful than my friends :x
this is how I feel la haha

Seriously, nowadays I'm really bored to hell
but I know this won't last long
I'm going to work soon. maybe in January :D
nowadays I'm getting confused by 2 girls =.=
the feeling of
when you like someone had becoming more vague in my mind @.@
nvm, I don't care also :D
now what I care for is only study!

seriously I can't wait for form 6 ~
because I can go back to that school again
though there're alot of stupid rules that I have to follow
could make new friends~
and learn new things~
haizz, I keep telling myself that
I must go into Singapore University
that's why I choose to study Form 6 =.=

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My zeal for study grew stronger~
I don't know why~ Haha
Time is passing fast~
left 4 weeks for me to prepare ><
and 8 weeks more to suffer!
Today is the day which I made good use of my time the most
sitting in the class, doing revisions
and my talks with friends
are mostly about SPM things

nowadays I'm doing past year questions voraciously @.@
Now it's really not a suitable time to rewind!
wait 8 weeks more ^^ hehe
Today I saw those who were taking PMR
return home
with their face smiling triumphantly, joyfully
I started to envy them
though I experienced it two years ago
now I think they must be party-ing !!!
hm and how about me?
Doing revisions at home lor...

they just don't know the real world yet
I bet their life will be turning upside down
when their exams are mostly subjective
when they turned Secondary 4. xD
Well I wanna say that
let's have the last laugh after 8 weeks!

Friday, October 7, 2011

I found back my zeal in study ler
it turned out to be
I have to rush those exercises that I've not finished!
past year questions + trial exams from different states
(it's uncountable =.=
a good analogue is like counting sugar crystals in a bowl of sugar )
haiz no choice
now I became very worry ler =.=
I scared I 4got bout the facts
and answer wrongly during exams

now I'm going to do my job as a good student again~
my aim for today is 2007 past year questions
for Bio, Chemistry and Physics

haiz, I won't want to chat in class again! =.=
I choose to do add maths exercise in class
so that I could drain my concentration to studies
instead of chatting . D:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

haiz, so many days after trial
I'm still not in a mood to study
how ? /.\
I find that
the frequency of me playing computers
is the highest after every exams
I think it's because I was too tense up
when preparing for exams...

I think now I'm going to study again
tomorrow school again
boring.... *Yawn*
how funny
I feel like giving up my life
after I fight for so many years
when now my life had reached the 'semi-climax'
( >< I'm not sure when's the climax of my life, so I said semi instead )
I really lose my zeal in study =.=
But I'm not gonna let this pull me down
But how can I ignite my enthusiasm in study, and in life?

Today was quite panic :x
1st time I do a MC job
today I attended the 'Majlis Daya Student Leader Congress'
me and Grace be the co-MC ><
not bad la, can learn some experience from it.
D: But I never eat to my extent la
when I went back to my seat to eat
the workers took my plate away already D:

say real
sometimes I fear to be failed in life ><
and sarcastically
I'm lazy . hehe
so I have to reach an equilibrium between these 2 aspects la.
playing . fighting for excellence ...
Hope SPM faster finish la ~ @.@

Friday, September 30, 2011

change in mood from gloomy > excited
weird? hahas
Tomorrow is my school's graduation day :)
owh.. So excited
hope I'm not panic or what when
going up stage receiving my cert from teacher xP
hahas, it's just sec school graduation :)
but I'm looking forward to it
tomorrow everyone will be dressing formally
weird ya.

After graduation have to work hard for SPM already!
woah, time had gone too fast ><
I remember last time standard 6
I kept telling myself
that I want to stay in primary school forever
coz I don't want to grow !
And become mature D:

Anyway, what I'm excited about
is our 5A ROCKSSS performance

phew, finally graduate ler...
my last resolution is to pass with flying colours in SPM
not pass, is SCORE! :)
byes good night.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

what has happened to me?! =.=
like brainwashed by some unknown sources
I really find that korean girls not as hot as English girls
well, English girls who play music are more hot!
regardless their physique
of course I'm still a guy
not too fat, slim abit la .

English girl that plays piano is the apple of my eye <3
I love music!
So I really have to work hard from now on =.=
study hard
go overseas to study not possible
either I migrate to other countries
or work harder in a company
and got sent to other countries
but I'm science student D:
today the teacher ( Idk her name )
speech is so inspiring !
hm, eventually I'd been studying for more than 11 years
and my final aim is to success in life
and I forgot which teacher said that
Aftermath of SPM is only the beginning of a challenging life!

Hm, I study damn hard ><
but not as hard as yue yuan la of course
why am I studying hard while others not?
well, I have a wild desire
to be good at everything
top to toes ...
appearance, physique, verbal, IQ, attitude
now I'm striving for excellence in IQ
and I'm on the way in finding my own identity
what I found is that :
I damn like to act cute =.= but always failed
so it looks quite abit .... LOL
and I always live with my principle <3

these 2 aren't the things that I should ponder upon now
they're what will be predetermined by my results
as to my perspective,
being a penniless fellow like me
study or certificate is the most important thing in life
with certificate,
my capability is recognized in society
if I'm able to strive for a good cert
the chances of me getting a high salary job is greater :)
if I can earn more money
then only I'm able to do work on my physique and appearance :)

what's the other reason I study?
I want my mum to be envied by all the relatives!
"Woah, her son is ....
"Woah .... "
this is what I want my mum to hear people around her
uttering such words ~
I also want my mum to feel that
raising a child like me isn't the wrong choice!
I'm so glad that I raise such a good child . xD

and do you know that
being respect / envied by people is kind good?
imagine people in a restaurant looking at you
when you step out of a 'BMW' car
imagine you're attending a wedding banquet
with your hands putting around a sexy girl's waist
imagine that you no longer need to ppreciate everyone around you
who always hurt you, whom you must always grovel from him / her
and now it's the time you become a dragon
and flamethrower them back hard

well, I think my arduous life had just begun :)
but what is worth a price is worth a fight
so before my wings hardened, matured
in preparation for roaming to the sky high
I'll be temporarily closing all the doors around me
stuffing my head in the world of books~~
Physics, Add Maths, Chemistry, Biology, English, Chinese... etc
plunge myself in the world of academics~
wish me break a leg :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nowadays I find that English people, be it male or female
is more handsome / beautiful than asians
I don't know what had happened to my mind =.=
last time I prefer korean girls
now I find that English girls are more hot
well, beauty is the eye of the beholder :)

female :


male :

one thing I envy him : his eyes
one 1 merit English people have
I wish I really grow taller T_T
and it's just my hallucinations or delusions

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I just compared and valued my blog with 1 person
so much difference ><
his one is full of very valuable minds and philosophies
but my one?
just a childish, full of complaints, meaning-hollowed blog

fine, it's because I treat blog as something
that which I could express my feelings
well, you can see also
when I'm serious, I use more proper English :x
when I'm saying some craps, complaints
I use kinda broken English
It's my style
and I'm not gonna follow suit others
as stated before, I strongly advocate individualism
(though I still need lots of effort to practice it)

Sian ( < no such words in English =.= )
I really have no mood to study at all!
I do not know also
I think it's because I stressed out too much during
the Malay Raya Holiday
1 day I used 5 to 8 hours studying all the book!
Only study books, never do exercise
also consume lots of my time
conclusion : revising is time-consuming
even have a simple read is far more better than revising =.=
So I hope I could graduate as soon as possible!

Let's talk about mask thing :x
well, undeniably
everyone is wearing a mask la =.=
it just depends on how thick the mask you're wearing
well, I always wear a mask in my social life
but I'd take control of its thickness in different circumstances
for example, when people are talking sports
My mask thickness is about 50% of its original thickness
when people are talking about sport celebrities
I'll just feign that I have my interest in it
actually I'm not sure am I really love those sports news
but if it's about Malaysia, I mostly will pay heeds to the news
that's why I said I support individualism
although my 'lack of interest in sports'..
is making me lack of topics or discussions with other boys
but I won't change the way I'm ^_^V
this is me xD

in the other hand, I love music
but the sad thing is
many boys don't love music
well I'm here to say that I'm a violinist
I love soft or pop music
but I think, a guitarist, or even a drummer
would have had a good conversation with me also =.=
coz everything about music would make me irrepressible :D
~My zeal my music would never stop!~

it's going to digress from my topic 'mask'
1 more proof I would like to mention about this mask
some people are throwing brickbats at people behind their back lor.
without a sense of remorse and embarrass
don't you feel ashamed when you're facing a friend or a person
whom you always talk bout his negative qualities
without him / her knowing?
and they pretend to be good in front of that person
but they merely just do not want to get hated by that person
and they talk like birds about them behind =.=

last but not least
mask is useful sometimes
when you want to hide your identity or personalities
but I believe it's not long-lasting
your attitudes will be exposed to publicity one day
whether intentionally or unintentionally

So I said
If the thickness of my mask is so great
in front of a person / friend / acquaintance
then I would know that he / she isn't my real friend =.=
a real friend is someone that you trust and confide in.
friend? I never believe the definition of this word
what it's to me is
someone that provide entertainment to you, so you won't feel upset / boring in your life, and these friends find you boring, they won't want to join you again.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

sian failed again =.=
I thought can get 50 above in chinese paper 2
then, haizz
should be grateful that this thing
isn't happen in my Bio, Chem, Phy, Add Maths, English

let's talk about girls.
Why do God created girls?
this is the story
One day, Adam was sleeping
God made him into a deep sleep
while he was sleeping, God make another human
as an assistant to help and accompany Adam
God took out a bone from his body
and use other materials ( sand ) to make another human
God named this human woman, a man's ( Adam ) woman

For me, girls are something that
provide pleasure for guys
what I meant pleasure isn't the '...'
is a vision pleasure understand? :P
Yesterday ZH asked me do I like some girl in our class
so I started to think of : Am I normal?
since I do not fall for any girl

I change my ideal girl periodically de =.=
sometimes I think this girl is pretty and nice
sometimes that
I do not have a steady heart :P~
my heart fluctuates periodically xD

in my point of view,
I would say that
Girls are like flowers in a garden
and I'm a passer-by in the garden
Some colourful flowers caught my attention
and I will stop by to see the flowers
once I feel bored already, then I will switch to another flower

Today I almost got stroke by a girl =.=
not because she's pretty ( actually kinda )
but it's her demure smile
that is able to salvage my heart from falling for other flower further~

Friday, September 16, 2011

One thing I find 'Wern Yean Tan' great is
she looks the same like me =.=
she's also that kind of person
that has strong principles embedded in her heart
but what make she and I different is that
I'm less bonded to my own principles
and the way I act and think
she's more
that's why during primary school we always quarrel
but after awhile, we become friends again
it still apply the same here

so 'friend' this word
started to arise in my mind
what's a true friend?
some friends
1 ) 翻脸了 then forever their relationship can't be salvage
2 )some even have a big quarrel
after a period of times, they get back together again

A true friend for me is number 2
weird, a girl's is my true friend =.=
though I've to admit it

and my friends?
but there is one thing in myself
I don't like to wear a mask when socializing with people ( maybe now )
If I did eventually, the person I'm talking to
is not my true friend
this is how I distinguish between a true friend or
just a merely good friend
that have fun together
when something big happens
he or she will just ditch you .

Wear a mask?
this is what I have to learn when I come into this society later
but not now
now it's the time for me to find my own identity =.=
and not wearing a mask just because
I wanna be a perfect person in front of other people

Seriously, people with different principles
really can't mix together
can you mix a fire with and ice and they bond together?
no right.
as if such people like this still can live together harmoniously
I would say that they're a couple ^^

Thursday, September 15, 2011

everyone in the world is changing.
so does every thing
my mum switched new mobile phone
my friends all growing mature
some people growing taller
their exam results improving
but myself?
still that typical
careless ... clumsy
and my height - stuck between 170 ~ 171

Hm, let's talk about other things
Do you know why I want to be a surgeron?
because I empathize people..
who's gonna lose their loved ones
because their loved ones are inflicted by cancer
but in the other hand, their financial situation
is insufficient for them to pay the high price of surgery
even the doctors, surgeons
all look for money only
even hospital accommodation fees also need lots of money
people who're not wealthy enough
just can sit there and witness their loved ones
being tortured by cancer
and lastly depart their life...
in this context, I wish to be a surgeon that the hospital
is under my control..
to help those needy

City Hunter OST have had a strong influence on me leh :x
I also feel like being a person
who protect the country safety and combat crimes
ask me to be CID ? ( CID = police of lowest rank )
I don't want !
have to chase the criminals ! I don't want. xD
Instead, I feel like being a prosecutor
I don't know is this job available in Malaysia
but Korea does ( xD, I watch City Hunter OST one )
Being a prosecutor
you have to check reports made by police
confront criminals ( small mistakes one )
probe for the truth of the case
and apply your knowledge to solve a case
whether it'd being faked by police, or the criminals.

Surgeon? Need to study alot about Bio D:
Prosecutor ?
I think I can't also
To be a prosecutor, I think you must have
a very good understanding of the country's politics, economy and social
you also have to perform well in government examinations
still the same, have to study, sit for tests
once pass the test, can apply to be a prosecutor d :)
as if I be a prosecutor
but in the end
I will either be imprisoned or I leave the job
I said before
I have individualistic mind
I do what's consider right for me with my own principles
this thing would make me easily offense the country
especially in my country, there're 3 races and other minorities
As a chinese also, people sure will say that I practice racism
when doing my job

U know. In City Hunter OST
Kim prosecutor is one of a prosecutor that I admire a lot
he's just, righteous
His virtuous attitude soon make him die in the end of the drama.
Prosecutor may held pistol one hor ! :D

I also feel like being a script writer
and my script will be used to act a drama
because I love to imagine
but people will think I'm crapping
if I tell them my ideas.
in the other hand
My writing skill isn't good
the way I express my language not so good
so I hope my idea can be act out as a drama / movie

My ambition?
I'm still wandering in this dilemma
I will decide one day
now what I must do is
concentrate in my studies
and strive for excellence in SPM :D

Friday, September 9, 2011

I feel like watching football
but lazy .
nvm I just take care of
the gossips
not gossips . I think is call football news -.-
see I got times or not
I still put music as my priority.
Trial ~
Next week is my fav subjects
Though, efforts still must be put
in order to get flying colours

I like sleeping with my mum
lying on the bed together
chatting our past time
until we feel tired
and close our eyes eventually..
she's the on who closes first
and her snoring sound is always the first to be heard by me
after that when I open my eyes
it's already morning :)

Let's reminisce the past~
Last time when I'm still a small boy
I used to sleep with my mum
and I instructed her that
she must face me.
But I'm a grown-up now
I can no longer do this D:
sometimes la. of course
but not often

Now I love sleeping with my mum because
Can play with him.
can say many things to make him cry
those childish things la haha

SPM is around the corner O.O
I must work hard for it ~
so that my mum's 'investment' on me is is worthwhile and paid off

Sunday, September 4, 2011

OMG I'm so sad .
I just finished watching City Hunter OST
Why must Prosecutor Kim been killed in the drama?!
he's so straight in doing his job
why must he died in the drama?

hm anyway
this drama is damn cool still.. =.=
fighting scenes....
Great technology.
If City Hunter did exist in Malaysia
I think some people really die ler :x
And exams no more tips already
coz City Hunter
will prosecute people who buy the tips with money
or people who involved in corruption to get exam tips.
1st person to be sent to police station
Mr Kalithason! HAHA :P
OMG =.=
I finished watching edi
but City Hunter still kept on floating in my mind leh !
I'm addicted to city hunter ler!!!
I don't mean the drama
I mean this person.... CITY HUNTER!

cheh, I'm too naive la
how come city hunter will exist in this world?
all people scare die de ( like me :P )
and don't wanna sacrifice one
not all people so pro
like city hunter
tall, handsome, IQ high, EQ high, know how to use high-tech, martial arts.

really thumbs up for the japanese who created city hunter lor.
the plot so nice....
If english essay during exam can write such story
I'm willing to give it a try
er hm... the title should me
" how to combat crime ?
Discuss how you would take part in combating crime "

Cannot stay at home rot.
sleep until late late ( not really. 9.30 =.=, consider late for me )
Very funny la they two =.=
<3 Actually I damn love them
but they too naughty d
don't care them la. not my children also
their parents will take care de... .

Trial exams?
should be happy mah... Cheer Up. KL :)
how I wish I could finish Form 5
and pursuit my dream~
er hm. still need to go through Uni. D:
by the way
after SPM can continue to dwell on my stature problem le AHA!
And learn violin
Nowadays I'm so addicted to this music from Beethoven Virus OST
Passion from Beethoven Virus
go search for it :)
music lover ( like me ) sure like it.

so 2 months more is time to take SPM ler
maybe this is my last post d...
( Choy Choy Choy! Joking one lar =.=
I can still continue blogging after SPM
and I cannot tahan 2 months later only play blog xP )
City Hunter is so daring to find prove of the politician's
involvement in corruption
so this stupid silly exam
why can't I treat it as a bean? LOL
Just sit for the exam for 1 month only.

I said before that I feel myself special from others
So I'll continue on my 'specialties'
Hey! I have my own identity
And not that kind of people
that like to mimick people's doing.
I will continue to live
with my principles...
that are hard to be wavered in any circumstances.. <3

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Trial's right after this holiday
still, exam always motivates me to study study study!
I promise myself not to collapse before the real examination
SPM .....
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia
it sounds peanut compare to other cert.
but it serves as a ticket
for me to pursuit my studies
and even my job later.

Why am I studying so hard?!
Being a man ( sounds so gross xP I'm still a boy 'lahhh~' )
not merely appearance and stature ( << which I've always been dwelling on )
could boost a man's affections
but. in this materialistic era
A man with successful career..... can you imagine?

who said only education can make a person successful?!
but.. who in this world is so much lucky
can be as successful as .. Build Gates? 林梧桐?
So.... Study barh -.-!
and strive for a beautiful, glorious, magnificent certificate

how to start?
throw away my laziness
temporarily shift my attention to studies
instead of dwelling on my stature problem.
This is my destiny
and it depends on myself ! :D

Seriously la :x
I would like to do an experiment
and the manipulated variable in it is : Kok Leong's routine
what I mean is
I will not engage myself in any body building activities
which my classmates are so indulge and obsessive with.
and I will only concentrate on height increment.
Responding variable :
between organism of same species who does lots of muscle training
and organism of same species who does lots of jumping, spine sretching
who will grow taller faster?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I hope it's not fake la T__T
Coz today I stood beside ZiHau
without him knowing my real intention =P
and I ask Bryan to see
who's taller!
who knows
he said me.
Really happy leh!
is he trying to comfort me?
or because of some factors, he saw it wrongly?
Hope I really grow taller la! :P

Saturday, August 20, 2011

LOL :x :x :x :x :x
Today lots of interesting happened
upon my visit to Jusco in Tebrau City
I went Harris to see STMP textbook ( Thick like hell D: )
the moment I made my way to the piles of book
someone said hello to me :x
I don't know who she was saying to
I just ignore
and she found me! ( she just stood next to me, block by an average height shelf )
then we greet each other and talked abit xD

after this, I went to Yamaha store
and I saw another familiar face
she's the woman whom I saw in Setia Indah Yamaha store before
and she recognize me!
and we talked abit lar LOL
I told her that I went to Yamaha in Setia Indah
to buy rosin for violin before..
I also saw Kawaii working is Samsung Store

this is damn embarrassing and funny la weih =.=
I was going to find my family
after going up another floor
I saw my bro
ok then I saw my maid :x haha
She didn't know that I was behind
and I go and pat my hand on her shoulder
and push her slightly
she thought someone harassed her =.=!
she turned and gave the fellow a slap ( the fellow is me lar )
=.=... haha

So many interesting things happened today lar <3
so may I have miracles happen on myself? :P
please la just 5 cm more first T____T

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Haha, Sejarah exam over ler
actually this kind of exam not bad for me..
can motivate me to study..
in other times I really no mood to study lor

Haiz, nowadays I'm not so like to sleep at night
Sian la
plus sometimes I will have insomnia D:
how am I gonna grow taller if I can't get sufficient sleep?!

Everytime when sitting bus
or during some easy exams
some korean songs will be playing in my mind de haha
anyway I did enjoy it lar :D
but exam like Add Maths, languages, Chemistry
I will just concentrate the whole time :)

SPM is around the corner D:
I feel the weight of stress already
I really hope my dreams can become true lar.
But I know i have to work for it
what is worth a price is worth a fight. haha
so I will continue with my hardwork :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

好懊恼 =.=
我的生长板现在是关着的还是开着的啊? D:

今天花了蛮长的时间温习 Add Maths
说真的,我蛮爱 Add Maths 的

Sejarah 考试我该怎么办?

身高,SPM, 驾车执照,预考

Monday, August 8, 2011

er hem 补充以下
换了 facebook profile picture
因为可以看到我的梦想~ :P
My inspiration ~~~~
为了追求我的 “梦想”
比方 :
那个 Osman 的讲座让我有很多荒谬的想法
他讲的每一个 "strategy" 我都跑去做了

淮康讲他当时怎样在 PMR 考 8科 A 的方法
结果我把他跟 Osman 的话信以为真了

算了拉 算了拉!

明天有考试~ =.=

Sunday, August 7, 2011

老是爱上网查韩星的高度是我得空时爱做的事情 <3
尤其是男的 哈哈
后果每个都是落得非常的羡慕 D: 
Haiz, sometimes I feel that
I'm so unique compared to others
in many ways....
But today I concentrate in one aspect

When I'm copying answers from others people's work
I will check if the working is correct or not
I'm not that kind of person

And very funny..
The stupid answers from add maths project
volume of pentagon =
base area x height
Base area = total 5 area of similar ISOSCELES TRIANGLES
and you know when the answer show the working for base area
it is like this :
Base area = 5 ( width and length )
correct? LOL, it didn't divide by 2 .. EPIC ...
width and length is only = area or square / rectangle

This is how I find myself unique
not because of I can spot the mistakes
is because...
if I go to school
and tell my classmates that it's wrong
they will say it's ok, nevermind .
they won't want to REFORM ( I love this word <3 )
they will say : "Everyone also does the same
don't have to be so troublesome and change it
teacher won't spot it, as if teacher spotted it,
the mark is only for SPM Trial"

Haiz, nevermind lor, I keep it to myself can ler
But I think I will try to tell Yue Yuan
coz I believe that he will understand ..
But if he don't want to change, bo bian
I ownself do the way I like barh =.=!
I already decided to do love-shaped base ^_^V
and the calculation is not hard
tomorrow I will try to consult teacher for more details
whether am I wrong or the answers provided wrong.

( This post explain how my principles
affect me in my social life, which I
don't have much friends )

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

那就是我好像长高了 0.5 cm
那个 L license 我还没拿到哩
我想快点拿到 P 然后就不用烦了
add maths project 可能明天我才开始做

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

我有压力了! =.=
可是我又不觉得我有压力 xD
Haiz 那个 add maths project.

希望 Pn. Mahani 快点还我 pendrive
因为我很想快点 reformat 电脑

Monday, August 1, 2011

不知怎么最近我会那么勤劳 <3
也不知最近我为什么突然间想开了 <3
我知道我矮 哈哈
我已经知足了~ <3

我啊。。。。 还在等待奇迹出现的那一刻~ :D

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hard to believe that my bro watches City Hunter OST
I thought he don't like to watch korean drama
er hm, it's really a fcking nice show la!
today I watched an ep :P
Damn cool man. have some fighting scenes
which I damn like de
and LMH is damn clever :)

Today I studies Bio chap 2 and 3
feel so great :)
Tmr will continue to study again~

I think I'm quite ok now la :D
I'm not fanatic about height already
But it doesn't mean that I will give up hor :P
I will work for it x.x
hope it works la .. muacks.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Still in the progress of positive thinking :)

Today stayed in the dewan for almost the whole school hours
though I learnt something from Pn .Norashuhah
^ Our so called cikgu fokus

Now really have no time to slack liao
have to study hard for SPM d :D
To conquer my laziness. EASY
But to conquer my .... U know one....
I decided to be positive already :)
and be optimistic
still waiting for that miracle to happen :)

So I don't think I have time to think about it already
Thanks to SPM :) For making me forget about it
and work smart & hard for you. SPM

There's something very vivid in my mind that Vincent told me
"The more you long for something, you sure won't get it"
in this context, he meant I want to be chosen to NS
But in the end, I wasn't chosen
But in my context,
Say real, I want to prove that this concept is wrong lor
If I want go to NS, I can apply one right?

Hormone is something that very important
and any fluctuation in its quantity
can affect you badly or godly
and nowadays
my 'positive thinking' hormone dropped drastically.
I know why la of course, but I can't do nothing also

So from now on, I made up my mind ler :) !
After today ( midnight ) I wouldn't want to measure my height again ler!
A watched pot never boiled, this is how it sounds
I will just concentrate on my studies first :)
I will measure it again after SPM ( Probably in mid of December )
erm. or maybe mid of March next year?

I hope I can control myself la haha
Say real la, nothing is impossible.
U see in Korea
They're not satisfy with their face
or they think they're not attractive enough
They may go for plastic surgery
You're not satisfy with your current gender
You may go for a surgery too
Cancer strikes you
You may go for chemotherapy
You have a lot of pimples
You may go for H2O or any Dermatologist
You're fat
You may go for London weight management? haha

So from all the things I type
You can do something to reform yourself :)
You need not to feel sad by now
and also never give up until the end :)
There is always many solution to a problem
Just we have to put effort in search of them~

Lastly, I'm not greedy, I just want to reform myself and be more perfect.
I hope You give Your consent, God

Friday, July 22, 2011

突然间看到一个金色短发,样子长得很像 voldermort 的女孩对我微笑
这对我来说满恐怖的啦 =.=

我看了子豪给我的 video
结果我去叫 kakak 跟我按摩 =.=
好不容易她才肯跟我按 :P
希望这个东西是有效的啦 =.=

最近我承认我太疏忽考试了 D:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

be positive is in the progress.. :)

Yet I have to face another problem
tomorrow is exam
But I feel like I'm not well prepared
how come? I got revise also
but not as hard as during mid year exam la..

Never mind.
This time it serves as an experiment
of sleeping earlier and wake up with a fresher brain
and sit for examinations :)
because every time the day before exam
I sleep at quite late hours

Hope tomorrow everything is fine
Malay I scared the sentence making I can't make it
And I wonder Redox reaction experiment come out what =.=
Literally I really understand the redox process :)
Just have to be more cautious when answering the question
Sciences and Mathematics are never be the subjects that makes me scare
just language
I hate language =.=
Hope tonight I don't get any insomnia
and tomorrow everything is fine D:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

OKLA Nowadays I'm REALLY REALLY gloomy!
because of my current stature.
I didn't know when did I become so fanatic about my stature
and I'm damn pissed off with the fact that
An inexplicable mood
which influence my mood to revise
my mood to surf the web
and my routines. Sigh.

I know that I should be contented that
I'm not born handicapped, mental retarded
or inability in something
but can't I have more? D:
Moreover, my parents aren't tall
( Seriously, I'm now taller than both of them )
Say real, I really resent my current stature
and I'm also quite envy of my friends
as some of them are tall because they've tall parents

Well you know
Because of my stature
it affects my mood heavily
plus I'm always deprive of sleeps everyday
and my current resentment did add on a lots of stress during my school time
even when I'm revising for my exams
The feeling of wanting to grow more more taller
can't be erased from my mind D:

There's a very renowned phrase
"The more you yearn for something,
the more the disappointment might strikes you"
( I translated it from Mandarin )
And I also heard of someone said this before
"Your foolish persistence will only make you perish soon"
( I also translated it from Mandarin )

I really do not know who should I seek solace from
Be positive?
I tried
Be contented?
I'm not that virtuous
YES I love this word!


Friday, July 15, 2011

I really buay tahan la!
Everyday at school so tired liao panda
at night active like owls =.=
how come?!
10.15 p.m. I already went to bed
flip on bed until 11.30+ only fell asleep =(
So today I forced myself not to take afternoon nap =)
instead I revised Bio D:
exam is around the corner
I think this time I won't stress out
I just simply read .. :D

When you're doing something consider illegal
U really did sweat alot! xD
On Tuesday I got what I wanted d
which my mum don't know de
and I hide it among my clothes in the cupboard
she sure won't find out :D
haha damn bad hor?
but no choice, this is for my future :P
And that day I tumpang Jr's car :D
and I saw Hamidkuah =.=
haha damn funny

Wednesday went to CCC's house to play basketball again
quite satisfy la
every time I'm so scared to bring the ball
but at least now have some courage d
but still sucks :x
need more practise x.x

And sadly, I never kena NS
Yean, and other of my friends all kena ler =.=
I know they will sure show off to me about NS
when they return!
So I feel like going also
But I still wonder is it against His will
I really don't know la D:

Nowadays I really have a lot of personal problems
I still can't choose between Matric and STPM
But probably I'll opt for STPM la...
Haiz Today hor I went Jusco
I stacked all the subjects book which I intended to take during Form 6
who knows.. it's damn thick
Haiz D:
I still can't stay away from books after my SPM la D:

Nowadays I'm really very no mood lor!
damn ..
feel so lethargic in school
and problems floating on my mind
and the 'something'
is bothering me too la!
If I really can't make it
I will choose to accept the fact.
But now I'm still hoping my miracles~
Now I'm going to SLEEP liao!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wah, today really waste my time lor!
and I lied alot today la
because of my 'secret mission'
but it fails. HAHA
Who knows that I'm damn bad luck =.=

So I decided
to do it again on Tuesday
coz Tuesday 1 pm school ends
and then 2.30 I only go duty as librarian
so the 1.30 hours I make use of it la of coz
I really have no choice /.\
Today is fated to fail one
now I only get to know this =.=
nvm, don't give up! haha
Tuesday I think I'm able to finish this mission :)

Frank Lampard

최시원 / Choi Si Won

강지환 / Kang Ji Hwan

You would think that I'm gay
But you can think whatever u like =.=
There is something I very envy of D:
I won't tell here haha
But very easy guess de

Tomorrow I really have to carry out my secret mission d la!
can't wait already. still wait for what?
btw, it's a secret mission
so I won't say what thing is it also :P
and today I revise BIO chapter 3
talk about hormones one
and it inspires me again
those 'things' also inspires me alot haha
coz I said liao
I'm not that kind of people that can give up easily
and my full plan will be carried out on Monday I think :x
hope I success.
but have u heard of
the more u yearn for something
the more the disappointment might strike u D:
but I don't mind la
I haven't try before how I know the outcome D:
let's see the outcome 4 years later ... :D
Reformation~ I kinda like this word

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Girl I'm sorry~
Girl I'm sorry


This song is amazing!
MBLAQ - I Belong To You
so catchy..

HAHAHAHA, Today I only watch 1.30 hour PPS
pro or not? so little.
coz I revise la =.=
SPM is drawing near.
if don't revise, how to achieve my dream?

Today is the stupid day
but the short marathon quite fun
Seriously, I love this activity
btw, got coco marks also :P
and u know
the moment after you have intense exercise
ur body is radiating lots of heat
and your sweat is rolling out from ur body
the feeling is damn good man!

and hor, I really wonder
during the jalinan mesra
why other parents talk to long de? =.="
haiz, I don't know la
it's not parents problem or teacher
just be more hardworking la .. aiyo
study more, don't understand just ask friend or teacher la

Hari Keusahawanan ( I think it's call canteen day )
is awesome and momentous! :D
It was raining that day D:
though I went everywhere to promote 5A Rockss food :D
and kinda relief is that
they did bought my things :)
Very funny haha
the french fries is RM1.50 / each
I say liao many times, no ppl want to buy
then a bulb appear on my head.. ~~
I said " Buy 1 free 1, RM3 "
and people really buy :P
that day I was half drenched
and my shoes wet d =.=
so uncomfortable while walking.

1 more thing
I'm freaking happy about something!
I won't tell here :P
I will see the results first.
But this mission I have to carry out secretly
I'm still choosing a date for it
tomorrow too lazy =.= maybe next Saturday
:D !! really can't wait liao

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

and 1 more thing
I'm looking forward to this Saturday
not because of Hari jalinan mesra
is because in the afternoon..
I can proceed with my k-drama :P
Really feel like watching now
but not nice if watch now
coz now is still weekdays
have to wait until saturday
then 1 time watch many many
Until I shuang! :D

The drama really addictive.
haha, but I won't forget to revise de :D
today damn geram!
know why?
ben lai got soccer competition today one
then dismissed liao!
wait until 3.45 then say dismiss /.\
sian lar. means next time need come again lor
very tired leh :/

but anyway, I only have transportation at 6
so I go help gerai thing :D
but nothing to help also HAHA
and they all today going to ah ye's house :/
I cannot go.
wish them finish their work faster
and tomorrow have enough energy :)

This is really funny
let me tell u 1 joke
"There's a nerdy, ugly boy in a school
and his teacher tell him that
in Sec 3, got some girls fight with each other
because of him"
HAHAHA very illogical right?
the teacher must be lying him
or the teacher recognize the wrong people.
How come? He so ugly who want to fight for him?
LOL this is really confusing and funny @.@
Laughs BAH!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I know why nowadays I look so gloomy in school d!
I think it's because of lack of sleep
sian la
tmr soccer competition LOL
laugh? when did I play soccer? HAHA
nvm, join for experience la haha
so very sian la! have to come in the afternoon
why not they held it in the morning? =.=
I hope tomorrow lose :x
like that I can no need come again lor if lose liao
but if win, have to come on the latter day
so.. hope lose :P

Monday, June 27, 2011

Today I very no mood
don't know why. Now become no more mood Haiz
haiz, actually got something is bothering me la D:
I think I won't be cheer if I keep on thinking it
be positive? that's what I can do lor
btw, I'm that kind of people
who won't give up until I'm proven wrong
Now no one knows yet
I still won't give up
really... This is my character
Not that kind of people that can give up easily
I will persevere through this D: .
Today I went to Guardian and knew the truth
It did really strike me abit
but thinking it, it sounds quite logic..
But I still can't believe it la
got time I'll surf the web to check it again D:
Say real la, I really very sad about this lar T__T
God is fair? yes
but can't I have more than You gave me? D:
I know I'm too greedy
but I really hope it will become a reality one day lor D:

and.. today I revised Bio
the female reproductive so hard =.=
got many stages zzz
not like male. so easy
haiz, I think I will make my studies better first la
I believe that a watched pot never boiled
so I won't expect much in it ler
but still, I will work hard for it
until the 'deadline'. let's see the outcome
if really upsetting me, then I just have to accept D:
I won't give up easily! =)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

3 hours passed d :P
i mean the lame LDL lic
Today while sitting bus back to house
Sit until my ass pain .. lol
back to home, had lunch, then PPS @.@

I discovered one drama very nice
call "Lie to Me"
걸짓말 을해봐
then I stop watching City Hunter d .
coz too curious of the story of Lie To Me
keep watch and watch :x
And today I damn regret I ever went to Jusco
wasted my 2 hours time la T_T
next time I won't go again ler! /.\
tmr school again la.. haiz
stupid coco, when can it stops? D:
really hate it la.
btw, spm is coming d /.\
Nowadays I become hardworking liao
sometimes would take a book and revise :D

Saturday, June 18, 2011

1封 sms 是 “吵lin" send 来的
1封是 ”燕妹“ send 来的
6 月 17 日..
妈妈忍受了当年 Eve 产下 Cain 和 Abel 时的痛苦
为了我的诞生,忍受 excruciating pain

Today is damn lucky LOL
when I was walking to setia indah bus stop
on the way to there
one stranger (indian uncle) offered to send me there
I was reluctant at first as he's a stranger to me
but lastly I went to sit on his motorbike x)
You would thought that I;m too naive?
Please I'm not lor :P
when I settle my ass on the motorbike ler
I was thinking of how to jump away from the motorbike
if the uncle is really a scum :D
But he soon sent me to setia bus stop ler haha
so I said thank you to him lor

Ok, now in the bus
I was quite relieved
on the way to school already
then i don't know what am I doing inside the bus =.=
the bus passed by the school ler I was dreaming
until it reaches further away from the school
I only realised that I forgot to stop the bus!!!
I was like damn 'wtf' and LOL =.=
then nevermind, there's a phrase call better late than never
so I stopped the bus, but have to walk a longer route to school la =.=
ok. while walking while taking and umbrella
I saw a car passed by me leh xD
the driver kept on looking at me
I did the same too
then I found that he's Joseph Foo haha =.=
So I tumpang his car go to school lor!
xD so shuang and lucky leh
and today we marched not bad la
we get 3rd =.= last year get 4th laughs...
got improve mah
and the most shocking is
St. John got 4th.. I was like. LOL?
Last year they got 1st, how come 4th?
Say real lor, I really never expect it to be like this
and very lucky today also!
coz our principal is absent today!
so in the field, 1 fellow ( I 4got his name, what yusof de =.= )
and Pn. Lim gave speeches only :P
So our standing time in the field is greatly reduce LOL! Thanks GOD!
Very sian lar =. stand until foot pain
cant move to anywhere also =.=

Today really tired lar! :D
yesterday my sis and bro brought me to a place to have birthday dinner
so touched le :D they remember :)
So I did made some wished la
but of course. can't tell here
if not I scared it won't come true
by the way, my sis asked me want what present
very funny.
I asked her budget, then my bro-in-law said
'Not asking me to buy a HOUSE or CAR la'
I said learn violin in an impulse
But after that, I think and think
actually I have a lot of interest leh =.=
But I only can choose 1 out of a lot
Now I'm still in a dilemma
just now watched City Hunter :D
damn shuai la walao! Taekwondo rocks sia!
and still the same, Lee Min Ho know how to fight
I was like kept focusing on his moves =.=
damn cool man.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Today so sian. *Yawn*
and something stupid also keep floating in my mind. sian
she said 4.30 practice kawad
how I go oh? =.=
if really can't make it then don't kawad liao la! -.-
btw, tomorrow I duty library until 4.00
so maybe I can go practice awhile lor
But I know the 'awhile' is probably until 6+ something
nvm la, last time I also like that
then go lor =.=
sian, I hate this week too
today sukan tara cancelled
HAHA, this thing sure disappoint Yue Yuen
HAHA... xD.. I so bad hor? keep laugh at people..
so it means that
the stupid sukan tara will come whenever
haiyo, this week damn... haiz..
nvm after Saturday then can relax liao
then is time for my PPS again xD
I don't know since when I keep on watching PPS
Games? play until sian d.
Facebook? no people to talk with.
Then nvm lor, I watch PPS until siao barh x.x

and one more thing
I finished karangan d leh^^
stupid homework... SHOO
damn sian la! I just have to tahan this week more D:
for the sports day.
hari keusahawanan I don't know will sian mah
just wait and see lor -.-

Sunday, June 12, 2011

yesterday night, or today early morning?
I don't know...
But I really have a weird dream. LOL
I dreamt of
I was walking into a school canteen.
SO weird de? the school canteen seems so familiar to me oh
LOL I was in La Salle? xD
Then I saw a group of people sitting behind me
suddenly they vanished ler
and suddenly, the next row of table
I saw my usual friends were there
I exclaimed and greeted them
They answered my greetings :D
But soon. the school bell rang.
we went upstairs to our class together :)
Along the pathway to my class
My usual friends were still beside me.. walking together towards class
but when I entered the class
and went to the place where I used to sit
suddenly i saw a green colour bag
It was Young Qin Rui's bag! haha
(But now I know she changed bag d, though
I still recognize her green bag haha :P )
But very weird eh?
The table I remembered is la salle classroom table lai de
how come SMKTD Friends go there? =.=
I also remembered wai kent was leaning against teacher's table
Then I woke up ler x.x

So funny eh?
And today I also wasted my entire afternoon to watch
yean so called nice show =.=
I found nothing special about it lar. ..
But can learn many korean words inside. that's all
Then I watch lor =.= can learn korean what
and after watching City Hunter
I found that taekwondo really cool man!
I wanna learn also :D
for self-defense mah.
But I will only proceed to it when I finish study I think
coz really have no time =.=
okla, I go do something first
then go sleep liao
tmr still got stupid sukan tara
miserable life...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

D: really sian la
holiday gonna end d lehzzzz
Just played Audition and Draw My Things with Yean

U know..
I use the entire afternoon to watch pps
there I found a drama call City Hunter
damn nice man.
is from Lee Min Ho de < my idol
He damn shuai and cool inside
and a girl inside also kinda chio :)
Both of them know how to fight!
this drama is about the ugly side of Korea's politics
and Lee Min Ho and that girl
were trained to combat with this bad politics
damn nice la. I watched until ep3 d ^^
And now I wanna go sleep d :)
tomorrow wake up earlier to watch PPS again!
I'm not gonna watch City Hunter in haste
coz In korea, this drama only do twice a week
so fast watch finish for what?:P
So I will watch other things lor...
See what can I find lar..
okla good night :P

Friday, June 10, 2011

If u ask me .
Do I want to live in KL when I can make a livelihood
the answer is NO.
No also
Actually, the place which I'd always wanted to go is Korea
because I love the babes and weather there :P
London also not bad, just I have to practice more English speaking
My mood is still in a state or 'recuperation'
Holiday is going to end D:
Have to wake up early everyday again
sian leh =.=
and then study study, homework homework
and stupid sukan tara and BSMM Marching

1 month ago, I saw a very nice line in 格言
I feel like using this as a title for my short story xD
Should I?
Ok I start a few lines first barh
If I really can't make it, then I just stop :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Inexplicably I'm not in a good mood
Blue, gloom, boring. best describe my mood
Now I'm still in 'mood recuperation mode'

Okay, Let's talk about my KL trip
I reach home at about 1.00 p.m.
After that I bathed, had lunch and packed some things
I brought laptop, some homework..
about 2 p.m. my mum only start car :)
We arrived at KL at about 5.30 p.m.
then she straight drove to my babysitter's house

xD I experience this 'drama scene' 3rd time le la
so nothing special lor :P
Btw, very funny
I sms-ed Min LOL!
very funny and LOL de.
but she very bad lor
don't want pei me go Sunway Pyramid
Yean went to Sabah for holidays.
um.. Stupid ECY went to Langkawi =.=
at last, I dialed xxxxxxxxxxx
to FMJJ ( < is a person, you don't have to know his name )
I asked him out to Mid Valley city lor :D
he said ok
At night also kinda momentous
We went to 'ma mak dong' ( < cantonese lai de )
to eat Roti Canai
say real lor.
since moving to Johor I never go this kind of place ler
always go cafe eat de

FMJJ and I went to Mid Valley
But too bad, my mum don't allow me to buy clothes ler =.=
so we just went there shop for fun
We went to play arcade games LOL
Hm . not bad la. we played shot gun and basketball =.=
then we also went to eat Japan food
and he took the initiative to foot the bill xD
he did so coz last time I went to Johor we never hang out
hm okla, but hor, the Japan food really is like.
no standard and not nice de lor.
RM77 . total. aiya sap sap sui la :x ( For him la, not me :P )
Btw, I saw many nice clothes in Mid Valley lol
Mid Valley is very much bigger than City Square lor
Next time I became rich ler I sure will come here shop until die
This let me think of my dreams~
When I grown up
I will live by myself in a luxury condominium
and hm. I will have a room for my things
my shoes, socks, clothes, pants, watches, underwear
all must be branded de :P
xD very siao hor?
But I like. xD
So I'll work for it :D

it's time to go back luu~~
again, I experience this 4th or 3rd time liaos
nothing to ponder upon also
but very weird
I feel sad by the way D:
(Before that, what happen to my blog? -.- the english usage so suck de suddenly)
LOL :x

I really don't know how I feel now lar
at first, I think that going back to KL is a nuisance
have to sit car for long hours
then sleep at babysitter's house but not hotel
u know, on the way to KL, I damn miss Johor
but now, I myself in Johor already
I started to miss KL again D:
In the other hand, KL is where I grew up
So it's really hard to erase my feelings and memories here D:
On Friday, on the way back to Johor,
once again I have to say goodbyes to KL again D:
Until now, I still don't know what am I thinking =.=
Damn boring. *Sigh*
Life really isn't a bed of roses for me
Reality is something that I must face =.=
I'm not in KL anymore
and the journey ahead is still long
Until I finish STPM, uni..
Haiz, this is where the peak of my dull life =.=
Sometimes I think of this
Should I stay in KL or Johor after I can make a living
But the answer is still unknown
Haiz, I lazy to continue typing ler =.=

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sian lor today
stay back until 2.45pm then rain
means no Sukan tara meeting
then 3pm I went back home ler =.=
So means tomorrow need go again lor T_T

ok let's talk other stuff :D
我在找镜子察 aloe vera
我对这镜子时自言自语 : 约渊 Bio 好像错很多哩,奇怪 hor?
镜子中的我 : So?
“你 siao ? 没有可能的咯!”
“发梦啦你,哪里有可能,他华文酱 geng"

xD 没次照镜子时都会想到一些很好笑的事情 
有时也会想到马来鸡的搞笑样子 哈哈 
都是因为考试啦 =.=

星期三可 suey =.=
真是够倒霉的 lor D:

D: ... 有时我在想我是不是死读书
Paper 2 最为糟糕
100 里面才拿 46
这个问题我从 Form 4 就想到现在

我还是有一点 dulan 我妈妈
因为也是原则上的关系 =.=
我还是 ok 的
我觉得。。 Hm..
假期我问他要不要去 CS :x
她讲她懒 哈哈
我也很想试一下跟妈妈去 CS 跑哩

Monday, May 23, 2011


说真的,今天我在学校很 down
算了 我觉得我不必为此事感到烦
未免太 。。。。
算了,不想再提了 =.=

Sejarah 功课我做完了
做完后就玩电脑打 blog 哈哈
之前根本不想做任何东西 (除了玩电脑)

不知道可不可以回 KL
可以的话就可以去找 Vitamin :x
那个傻婆 xD
很久没有作弄她了哩 :D

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Haiz, U know or not?
On Friday I was like damn fcking angry
coz of her la ! walao
now many ppl call me pilot
but I don't care, I don't angry at this case
I angry because
I already told her Thursday
Friday I going out
Then Ta-Ma-De
when I walking to home after the bus leave me there
my mood is like damn happy and cute *Shy*
Can go City Square watch Priest :D
eat McDonald
But how it turn out to be?

Fine, I really buay tahan d!!
I scold until the max barh
JIBAI, I saw her car not at home
As anticipated
she went to my aunt house
I asked : Can come back and fetch me? I already promise my friend to go le
She said : Tell them you not free.
"Walao, you at where oh? Is it ahmai house?
(Ah mai = 阿姨的海南话)
"Ya....." ( < sounds so irresponsible )
"Why you always like that de? come back and fetch me can or not?"
(At that moment, I'm going to spout out bad words)
"Then how I go? I already promised them leh"
"Take taxi?"
( Fck, where did I get the money to take ? )
"Don't want la! Just come back and fetch me!"
"I said don't want liao lor, just tell them you not free"

It's from Vincent
That time I already smash 到够够力 the telephone on my bed
with all my power, coz too dulan =.= x.x
“Har.. 酱不用紧咯”

- The rest of the story not important -

That time I was like what the hell?
can respect people mah?
I already said I want go out d
now come give me this excuse
ur excuse for not using a proper plan
( Fetch me 1st, then go bank bank-in money for bro, then bring me home, then bathe, then bring me to setia bus stop )
Is.... No Mood ( the reason why no mood can just ignore )
Very funny lor wei .
U no mood also not like that de mah
AITA NVM LA ( at last I thought ... )

And hor, I also very dulan one very sohai
and no brain de person
can simply let his/her dog
play at the garden
without supervision
2 times d, I passed by the garden
the dogs are barking at me
The dogs aren't wrong,
you're the fcking shit whose don't know how..
you're taught in school/home who can simply let ur dogs
wandering or playing in the garden
This garden is yours ah?
What if your dogs attack me or any passers-by?
Nevermind, u better hide yourself
when u still let your dogs come out when I pass by ur place
if not, You will no face
coz I will scold you badly
I already prepare how I would like to scold you ler =)
which is without a bad words ^^
coz I ask u to act like a civilized person
so do I speak like a civilized person as well.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tomorrow is the day which I dreaded the most.
Violin Nocturne Op 9 No.2 performance
with Stephanie as piano duet
How am I gonna cope with it? =.=
The day the Anugerah Cemerlang still vivid in my mind laughs =x
My hand was like..
'Naturally occurred vibrato'
Physics law also got states before haha =.=
My heart is throbbing fast.
the adrenaline is like keep flowing in my veins!
My heart beat until the maximum point that
the force generated by my beating heart
delivered to my hand.
and thus vibrato occurred =)
How "Nice" =.=

I really dreaded tomorrow la T__T!
My skill wasn't good at all
and then have to cope with my stage fright .
in front of a throng of people....

Let's drop this,
there's no way to cure if I keep thinking of this
Just hope that God give the blessings to me =.=

But in the other hand, this is the first attempt
I played a music that's not within my grade HAHA
(Paiseh =x I damn noob HAHA =.=)
Hope tomorrow don't play wrong notes ah =.=
and follow the tempo.

I decided every night will go to listen some music
Coz I believe in God, so do I believe in miracle.
I hope I can be like them =x
guy violinist is too rare I think.
mostly prefer guitar, drum or piano
that's why I always think that I'm not the typical guy
but I do share the same trait as a guy
For example?
I enjoy playing sports
Badminton, football, soccer, basketball
just my interests isn't a typical guy should have

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The awful-est week finally passed ..
haizz. tiring.
today I have migraine.
first time have..
this is MIGRAINE, not headache
I have headache everyday during exam ok =.=
Who cares? tomorrow can sleep until late late ^_^

Haiz the papers didn't go well as what I expected
Bio, Chem, Phy all have problems
mostly is because I'm too oblivious to the easy part
when doing revision, I only read the hard part
Physics paper 1 is like... have standard?
HAHA it means it's 'moderately' hard
Nevermind la. no1 is perfect
no rose is without torn :x

ARGH how tough I pass this week
violin practice..
stupid examinations..
what more else? Haizz
Throughout the week
I always tell myself
it's not gonna last long
just one week
My mum can suffer for decades
why can't I suffer just 7 days? LOL crap =x

Sometimes really feel like
but too hard to give up
already Form 5 d..
Have potential why not continue?
The suffering of my mum
I think this is the momentum
that is keep driving for not...
giving up in studies.
my mum always said : 年轻时,读多一点书,将来不用做牛做马
In the other hand I also want prove that everyone that
Studies really could change one life!
ppl always said that : study so much for what?! HUH?!
got so high degree also not 100% can earn BIG BIG MONEY LA
nvm, This is my way. :D
Meanwhile, her elbow grease will be paid off once I success

Let's drop this :x
I believe everyone sure have some..
erm.. idiotic dreams barh?
I have too ;x
I have alot..
singing, breakdance, violin, piano, guitar, drum, choreography
But I know I'm not capable in all this
so I only choose the easiest and not costly and logic
hm. violin? choreography?
piano... 30 years later barh .

very funny de sometimes!
sometimes I dislike people ask me.
Ur violin what grade?
Then I would have to explain everything
coz I don't have grade de haha =x
but the basic one I know la
so next time I would just say. Grade 1 =.=

sometimes very sad de haiz.
until like.. in the end
I only will start to realise something de
last time I damn like to play games
until I neglect the important of reading
4 amanah ler only start to compete with those pros.
But I believe if there is a way, there is a way
Is it too late now?
Last time really like.. 2hrs of games per day is my habit lor
sch days can sleep at 12 only
but my whole life underwent radical reformation since moving to Johor
This is my fate =)
Thanks God for the life You gave me :)
If my life wasn't like this
I think...
I will continue to rot . haha
(Until here :x, the further details have to wait until I graduate only write)

anyway, it's like 7 more months to suffer
Jiayou barh. myself. and my friends.
thanks for roaming into my life :)

My fav song. so romantic.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

啊 我就暂时用华文来写 blog

楼上的电有 sot 了 =.=

then 就只好跟那两个小冬瓜一起睡了 haha =.=
坏蛋弟弟就一直用头在我的腿上滚来滚去 =.=
你都知道的 我身体没有一个部位是不痒的
他们也一直被骂 哇咔咔!
他们就一直被我妈妈骂 :x
我一定会说 :“妈~ 你看他们”
around 五点多电弄好了
我才上楼做猪 。。。。。。
一直到 6.45 :x

很 suey 的
so 我就去跑步出汗
现在 ok 多了

虽然得到很多考试 tips
不过有专注在那些 tips 上啦
我相信上天人应该很好的 hor?
希望是酱啦 ! D:
aqua 永远不比女人美
我不是说我自己是 aqua
我一直坚信我是理科的 :P
我就先暂时用英文说一句 :
I always held to the belief that I have an incarnation of science-brained
and I also believed that all my elbow grease will be paid off
because the fact remains that as you sow, so shall you reap.

Friday, April 29, 2011

sorry to post twice a day
coz really can't control my enthusiasm LOL :x

The 2 kids always very cute and funny de la =.=
everyday in school I always think of them.
sometimes I will be humming their songs
And the first thing I do when I reach home is
play with them 1st.
Sometimes I like to make them cry
erm in this context it means that,
My naughty nephew very naughty and he's a green-eyed monster
everytime when I sit very close with my mum
he will buay song and say : 我没有位了!
actually I purposely did that one xP
Coz when he flirts with us damn cute =.=
That's why I have a strong desire of making him cry or what
coz very cute lor!
Aiya U not me u won't understand de
u live with them U will know ler :D

For example, I went sunway college and get a star
I show off to them
and they quarrel over this star xP

and when eating something
have to hide in a corner eat one ;x
coz hor.. they will ask u to let them grab a bite
very mafan leh =.=
when they eat, will scatter on the floor or etc
and sometimes cannot let them eat too much
coz later they get sick
So everytime I hide when eating snacks or chocolate.
sometimes have to act like the snacks (food) very spicy
now they become smarter
this strategy not efficient anymore haha
Study. Study. Study
This is what I do everyday~ =.=
Let's drop this boring task.

On Wednesday, we went to Sunway College
to listen those craps about resume and etc etc
abit useful la I admit =.=
and then TD3 students also went there
they are like... the girls... their hair
don't show that they're students D:
Ok I have nothing to do with them ^^

17/05 is the Teacher's Day :O
Feel like doing performance with Grace :P
by the traditional way :P
means play violin lor
if Grace and I can't do a better song
we decided to play the easiest song - Canon in D by Patchebel
coz I want to get kerja amal marks mah hahas

Today I studied again
Hope my noob brain better remember what I had studied hor! =.=
Tomorrow I will continue to study like a nerd again D:
no choice la haiz.

In the other hand, our new class mate
name I think is called Nadya
sms me :x
I think is noob banana told her my hp number de
too bad no more credits I can't reply her
and I also kinda lazy reply la =.= haha
Tuesday I apologize for not replying lor
anyway, I got abit feel shuang coz she sms me :x
I didn't mean that I long for it
just that... erm.. very SHUAAANGGG LOR!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

ARGH?! Sat And sun pass in a blink of an eye
if it were to be weekdays jiu hao lor!
I'm going to become furious d!
when do I have to live like this?!
FINE I slowly wait D:

Today went CS with friends~
ate McDonald as lunch
watch movie.. HAHA damn funny man =.=
then go look for some nice clothes and bags .
then went econsave to buy oils
haiz, when did my blog turn out to be so dull ?

Monday, April 11, 2011

^_^ back to blog again
actually I have something buay song to share with
but before that I'll talk about other things 1st

@_@ long time no write blog ler.
nowadays very busy lor!
homework, revision
LOL when did I become so hardworking?
I remember during Form 4 I very lazy de lor
everyday only tag in audi =.=
homework ah... at sch faster finish
then go back home can TAG TAG TAG. No life~ HAHA
Nowadays really break record luu~
1 week can on audition less than 2 hours
if it were to be Form 1 to 3
I already beh tahan for not playing audition everyday! LOL
I also remember last time I used to play audition or noob maple
until very late... sometimes play with yean mei
that time can say like.
'Gaming Empire'
but since Form 4 november or form 5
I'm not interested in games, it doesn't seems very addicting to me liaos ~
I prefer facebook and blog more ler
I think it's a good thing for not playing ALOT of game

Last week went to pray for ancestors
hehe I very childish one mah :P
when burning the 'paper' ( Aiya I don't know what it called as HAHA )
I look at the burning paper
and I secretly wish for something haha
but cannot tell her or to whoever
coz later not nice ler :D
Got abit miserable la.
sleep on floor. so hard
the next morning my back pain .
aiya it's ok
have to respect my ah gong them mah..
hm... If this tradition ceases
Later I died ler who burn for me?!

Ok, nowadays I really buay song something
Fine . I stop scolding vulgar d
yue yuan said not good.
Haiz, really dulan how?! =.=
Fine, what I can say is wait and see
I really admire yue yuan la
can be so 'Saint-like'
Lastly, I'm not saint
I got dulan and irritated easily
but at least.
I try follow his doctrine
for not spouting any rude words no matter in what condition

Saturday, March 26, 2011

nowadays music had stolen my soul T__T
I'm addicted to music again!
why I want to stop learning violin since Form 1?!
here are some songs which I really like :
1) Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata
2) Banya - Beethoven Virus
3) Patchabel - Canon in D

very nice one, if you love music sure know all the musics~
today I didn't know why am I feeling nervous again D:
the choir was ok,
but the violin part
I think didn't play until very good lor D:
In the beginning still ok
but at the last part my hearbeat beat until very fast leh!
and the force generated by it
transmitted to my legs D:
hands and legs shivering, pro ya? D: .....
But nvm, it's a good experience
I don't think I have chance to
participate such thing in such occasion ler D: ...
Nowadays I found the true of myself
I love musics xD!

Let's talk about other things D: .
I got abit sad lor.
the Bola Tampar stupid sports
It didn't work out what I expected to be =.=
I want to be Bendahari (Treasurer)
But other people did ler D: ..
I only be AJK Form 5..
haiz nvm la this is just a school.
then I suddenly realised something when I came back home
I saw my mum sitting on the sofa eating things
I realised that the world
is not gonna end
or whatever.. the sun will still glow brightly
the earth will still spin
in spite of my failure =.=
nvm la I suddenly laughed when I'm writing this blog. lol
ok I will voice out how I feel ah
do you really think you're that success
that you're being elected to be many many positions
in ur curricular activities in sch? LOL LMAO =.=
Please change this kind of lifeless, nonsense thinking
when you come to this meritocracy world faggots =.=
people work hard, OT everyday, work on Sunday
do research until late midnight
to do their best in their project
only can get what they want
for example ( Manager or CEO or group leader in some company )
:D !

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today I went Jusco~
Besides buying some work book for SPM
I also bought a book called 'Holy Bible'
the book is like so nice to me leh :D
and the cover is like.. so godly :D
I don't think I will have much time reading this book
But 1 page a day is possible barh?

And my mum bought a handphone for me leh :D
aiya not very fashionable one.
But at least can call / msg people mah :P

Friday, March 11, 2011

WOO HOO! Holiday!!
ER HM. /.\
It's not as good as we expected earlier.. D:
Coz we need to attend the stupid extra class
from 7.30 to 12.30
the funniest thing that happen in my life is that
Sunday is a school day?
OMFG =.=
Lame + Funny
Saturday going to celebrate my mum's birthday leh
so got abit no mood come ler =.=
and 1 more thing
after extra class need practice the stupid singing also
Haizz, hope faster SPM barh!
Like that our miserable life can only come to an end!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Everyone in the class thought that it was the screaming sound
which made by the mentally disorder students.
But soon the screaming sound perpetuate. . . endlessly . .
Now, everyone has fallen into a state of perplexity and confusion,
I guessed that everyone was thinking
" who the hell on earth makes such an unorthodox sound "
Without much hesitation, everyone rushed out from the classroom
to find out what the fuss was happening...

It was what happen in SMKTD today =.=
Is it consider a contagious phenomenon? =.=
So rare leh..
but actually it's not terrible at all xD
Many people fell victim to this 'thing'
And I heard that majority of the victims
are malay girls and indians
But the funny thing was.
This incident happened too early D:.
It supposed to happen after holiday mah D:
like that our school will be close for a couple of days
But next week holiday.. no use =.=

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nowadays I'm really busy D:
So many activities in school D:
and need to practice violin for quoir D:
I'm really diffident with my violin playing skills haiz
coz you know that Grace is very choosy
even she could spot the slightest mistake D:
nvm, treat it normally~
But if she's the on who points out, it's ok
the big problem is
Miss noraini will be supervising =.=
I don't dare to make any mistakes.

Today rain again argh!
means no club bola tampar practise D;
What I'm so fanatic about is
the president, treasurer, secretary.. etc . position are still vacant
So I must attend, in order to be elected to be something else
Got so many Form 4's know each other
do we form 5.. the infamous one stand a chance ?
haizz I don't know.
But thank God that I'm secretary in history club :)
Felt contented already D:.

ok, let's talk about some funny thing~
Today I went to 'pink'
That's the name my niece gave one.
what she meant is her ballad dancing lesson xD
And the teacher.. you know?
in the car, my mum said that got 1 teacher kinda pretty
another one not pretty
then I taunted her not to be so mean
by saying other people 'not pretty'
Actually the girl teacher really pretty
She wore ballad suit ... haha
her body is also as fit as a fiddle :D
okla =.= that's all
in conclusion, for me.
she's a mature version of someone else... LOL!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Today I went to 'big mouth' with VT, his baby, and Gary
noob Banana and xian qian put aeroplane
(let me use broken english this time :D )

very funny.
when I get VT's msg to come out quickly
I was bathing
and then he called me and reminded me to bring my IC =.=
And I use sometime to search it =.=
and he keep sms me to be more faster
Then I walk like a bolt of lightning to my house's guardhouse
hehe, I saw a red car is waiting there ler :P
then I go in!

Ok, arrived there liao
Cost us 3 ppl RM 11
OK. nvm. Vincent paid 1st
then after that, he told me to divide RM11 by 2
I was like... =.=?!
nvm I let this go, coz he never take account of his baby =.=!

By the way we arrived there, Gary already waiting there haha
then we go in .
order drinks.
and sing.. and put songs also :)
All the chinese songs they chose Idk how to sing =.=
only a few I know.
But I grabbed the chance to choose Korean song also
the songs are :
SM The Ballad - Missing You
FT Triple - Love letter
2AM - You wouldn't answer my call
and I solo all, coz they don't know how to read korean
no alphabet romanization, only pure korean words.
nvm lor :P show off to them

Something funny happen there also
which is hard to describe :P
me and Gary kept on going toilet
let VT and his baby inside
Then we came in again

when we finished singing
we did the same thing to them again
coz 6.30 gary's mum came to fetch him le
so I tumpang his car
and left they 2 alone again~

-The End-

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I just read someone's funny blog
about hot girls =.=
too bad I can't imagine. LOL
laugh die me! :P

And my blog is like many of my classmates are viewing =.=
nvm help me promote abit barh :P
but I'm not that free
can every time comes up with a good story =.=

I found a girl very attractive nowadays
after she spoke korean LOL :x :x :x :x :x
coz she gave me a sense of 'korean-girl-ness'
as the chinese saying goes : 韩国妹
Aiya, very fast then I'll forgot de lar :P
My 'idol' ( << I don't know a suitable word for this =.= )
is always changing one mah =.=

By the way, nowadays I'm like becoming very sluggish =.=
every day after finish my homework then I play computer =.=
no revision at all D:
Haiz! SPM will come in a blink of an eye
I must work hard for it!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I read Grace's essays just now
it's so good.
she used to write story essays
and her word vocabulary usage is just fine
not very difficult
and what I learned from her essay is that
difficult bombastic vocab isn't the point
to boost your marks in story-writing essays.
every time I get English Paper 1 exam papers
I was always tempted to attempt story-writing
but I have no confidence enough =.=
so I chose facts-writing essays

What I learned from her essays is that
essay need not to be full with bombastic words
must be in a very ... manner
I can't find a word for it =.=
it's like a flow~ and comprehensive
But the adjectives play an important role in this case
and the story must be interesting
and full with moral values .
So, this encourage me to try on story-writing during the exams
I already made up my mind
I'll be writing story during this mid-year English test
only if the title is suitable for me to elaborate

Thursday, February 24, 2011

YAY, the sch examinations are finally settled today!
Now I want to write a story which I suddenly think of it
when I'm bathing.
Please switch on the music box for better story-reading experience
(If you have a earphone, use it for better enhancing voice)
and I'll use simple English ( coz my English not that good ya )
and this is a short story, I don't have much time elaborate it in detail ya
^ _ ^ please read patiently, track list is arranged accordingly.

There's a boy named B. His distinctive results had made him to be the top student in the school. He's also well-known for his nerd-ness. He wears spectacles, a normal looking guy. Despite his excellent results in school, he's not famous in the school.
One day, when he was strolling along the school veranda, he saw a pretty and demure girl (let her name be G) passing by him. Too bad, love and fate struck him. He was crazily in love with that girl, though they don't even know and talk to each other!
B's mind started to wander off to the girl~ Her pretty smile, everything of her outward appearance attracted B. B would always peep G outside the classroom. One day, B finally can't control his passion for G, he proposed to G. At first, B wasn't very confident - who would want to be-coupled with a nerd, infamous and ordinary-looking boy? But the girl accepted.
So... They began their relationship. B's exam results started to deteriorate. They would go out for movies, eating or even staying back at the school library to do their revision.
But one day, B found G having a rendezvous with another boy. B felt weird. So, B found G for her to explain everything. G had no choice but told B that she was dating with another boy already. B asked her for reason. G said that being with him was a shame, all her friends critised of her odd taste. Besides, B can't be compared to the guy exactly! G said B is too nerdy, not coming from a rich family background, she doesn't like this type or guy. Instead, she chose the other guy because he's more good-looking and famous in school.

B almost cried when he heard G said such thing. It's like a mighty sharp spear pierce through his already broken heart, rather like putting salts in an already injured wound. B never cry out in front of G. His feeling concealment is rather too hard for him to stand with it. So, he went home and cry, the whole day. He looked at the mirror, looking at the reflection, questioning why is he like this? Is physical appearance that important? He don't know ...

It was a hard time for him during the school days. He had to face the exams again, the highly loaded homework from teacher ... and the image of G kept flicking in his mind. Lastly, he made up his mind. He wants to be good in studies, he wants to prove to people around him that he's capable in studies, he wants to studies overseas, and he also wants to show that being rich isn't the primary requirement to be able to study abroad, in fact good result makes it possible. So, an improvement started to emerge in his examination results, which last time he failed so badly because of love-sickness.

He success~ He scored high-distinctive result in his important examinations, and he was offered a scholarship to study in England. He was very happy, like he was on the seventh heaven. In the other hand, his fully occupied schedule had made him forget about G.

However, studying abroad is quite a tough task for him. He was exposed to a new culture and new language ( English spoken in European country is more eloquent and grammatically correct than Malaysian one ) . Though, he never give up, because he was very obsessed with being success in life. He wants to bring good life to his families and live a luxurious life. ( Before that, I forgot to mention one thing =.= he studied business management )

Throughout the arduous year in getting use to a new life in England, it had made him more strong mentally. After he finished studying abroad, he came back to his own country to start another new life there. He told himself, he wasn't the B that it looked like during the times in secondary school, he was now a brand-new one of himself. He then underwent radical reformation, either in behaviors or outward appearance, from top to foot.

He started to work in a company. Life seems like a bed of roses for him now. He got high position in the company and he was well-paid. He got what he wants. He can now have expensive meals in luxurious restaurant. Bringing his families who suffered a lot when raising him to other countries for excursion doesn't pose any problems to him anymore, even buy new cars and keep changing computers.

One day again.. ( sorry my english sucks =.= I don't know instead of one day, can use what word =.=! ) ... He was having his breakfast in a restaurant, and fate struck him, he met G! They still remembered each other. But their brief meeting was quite awkward. But they promised to keep in contact.

They chatted a lot about their old times during secondary school. But what they never mention about was their first relationship during the old days. So, G started to be in close contact with B again. B is far away different now, he's more good-looking, taller, richer, gentleman and mature, the most important is he don't wear spectacles already ( << LOL xD ) G started to fall in love with B again, due to his attractive looking and wealth. Besides that, B treated G well, they would be together whenever they're free. Their relationship is further fostered, until one day, they became couple again.

B was reluctant because G was the girl who once hurt him before. The memories during their school times were still vivid in B's mind. Reminiscence is always cruel for him. He decided to pay back how much G had hurt him to G.

B and G's relationship continued to grow~ Until they ... ( Not convenient to state sorry =.=! ) Now, B is a part of G's soul for her already. G even thought of getting married to B, and she was waiting for his proposals, maybe with flowers? but what G wasn't aware of was B's real intention - She's too naive .

Their relationship was very good, like the next thing to do is to proceed to marriage. So it's time for B to seek revenge now. One day, B said he wants to meet G in a restaurant. But B arrived earlier than G. When G arrived and saw B, she was shocked. She can't believe what she saw. Who was sitting beside B was a very beautiful and voluptuous woman. B's hand was placing beside the woman's waist. Lastly, B explained everything to G about his real intentions of getting close to G.

The ending... think yourself, be it good or bad . ^^