Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Inexplicably I'm not in a good mood
Blue, gloom, boring. best describe my mood
Now I'm still in 'mood recuperation mode'

Okay, Let's talk about my KL trip
I reach home at about 1.00 p.m.
After that I bathed, had lunch and packed some things
I brought laptop, some homework..
about 2 p.m. my mum only start car :)
We arrived at KL at about 5.30 p.m.
then she straight drove to my babysitter's house

xD I experience this 'drama scene' 3rd time le la
so nothing special lor :P
Btw, very funny
I sms-ed Min LOL!
very funny and LOL de.
but she very bad lor
don't want pei me go Sunway Pyramid
Yean went to Sabah for holidays.
um.. Stupid ECY went to Langkawi =.=
at last, I dialed xxxxxxxxxxx
to FMJJ ( < is a person, you don't have to know his name )
I asked him out to Mid Valley city lor :D
he said ok
At night also kinda momentous
We went to 'ma mak dong' ( < cantonese lai de )
to eat Roti Canai
say real lor.
since moving to Johor I never go this kind of place ler
always go cafe eat de

FMJJ and I went to Mid Valley
But too bad, my mum don't allow me to buy clothes ler =.=
so we just went there shop for fun
We went to play arcade games LOL
Hm . not bad la. we played shot gun and basketball =.=
then we also went to eat Japan food
and he took the initiative to foot the bill xD
he did so coz last time I went to Johor we never hang out
hm okla, but hor, the Japan food really is like.
no standard and not nice de lor.
RM77 . total. aiya sap sap sui la :x ( For him la, not me :P )
Btw, I saw many nice clothes in Mid Valley lol
Mid Valley is very much bigger than City Square lor
Next time I became rich ler I sure will come here shop until die
This let me think of my dreams~
When I grown up
I will live by myself in a luxury condominium
and hm. I will have a room for my things
my shoes, socks, clothes, pants, watches, underwear
all must be branded de :P
xD very siao hor?
But I like. xD
So I'll work for it :D

it's time to go back luu~~
again, I experience this 4th or 3rd time liaos
nothing to ponder upon also
but very weird
I feel sad by the way D:
(Before that, what happen to my blog? -.- the english usage so suck de suddenly)
LOL :x

I really don't know how I feel now lar
at first, I think that going back to KL is a nuisance
have to sit car for long hours
then sleep at babysitter's house but not hotel
u know, on the way to KL, I damn miss Johor
but now, I myself in Johor already
I started to miss KL again D:
In the other hand, KL is where I grew up
So it's really hard to erase my feelings and memories here D:
On Friday, on the way back to Johor,
once again I have to say goodbyes to KL again D:
Until now, I still don't know what am I thinking =.=
Damn boring. *Sigh*
Life really isn't a bed of roses for me
Reality is something that I must face =.=
I'm not in KL anymore
and the journey ahead is still long
Until I finish STPM, uni..
Haiz, this is where the peak of my dull life =.=
Sometimes I think of this
Should I stay in KL or Johor after I can make a living
But the answer is still unknown
Haiz, I lazy to continue typing ler =.=

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