Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Trial's right after this holiday
still, exam always motivates me to study study study!
I promise myself not to collapse before the real examination
SPM .....
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia
it sounds peanut compare to other cert.
but it serves as a ticket
for me to pursuit my studies
and even my job later.

Why am I studying so hard?!
Being a man ( sounds so gross xP I'm still a boy 'lahhh~' )
not merely appearance and stature ( << which I've always been dwelling on )
could boost a man's affections
but. in this materialistic era
A man with successful career..... can you imagine?

who said only education can make a person successful?!
but.. who in this world is so much lucky
can be as successful as .. Build Gates? 林梧桐?
So.... Study barh -.-!
and strive for a beautiful, glorious, magnificent certificate

how to start?
throw away my laziness
temporarily shift my attention to studies
instead of dwelling on my stature problem.
This is my destiny
and it depends on myself ! :D

Seriously la :x
I would like to do an experiment
and the manipulated variable in it is : Kok Leong's routine
what I mean is
I will not engage myself in any body building activities
which my classmates are so indulge and obsessive with.
and I will only concentrate on height increment.
Responding variable :
between organism of same species who does lots of muscle training
and organism of same species who does lots of jumping, spine sretching
who will grow taller faster?

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