Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nowadays I'm really busy D:
So many activities in school D:
and need to practice violin for quoir D:
I'm really diffident with my violin playing skills haiz
coz you know that Grace is very choosy
even she could spot the slightest mistake D:
nvm, treat it normally~
But if she's the on who points out, it's ok
the big problem is
Miss noraini will be supervising =.=
I don't dare to make any mistakes.

Today rain again argh!
means no club bola tampar practise D;
What I'm so fanatic about is
the president, treasurer, secretary.. etc . position are still vacant
So I must attend, in order to be elected to be something else
Got so many Form 4's know each other
do we form 5.. the infamous one stand a chance ?
haizz I don't know.
But thank God that I'm secretary in history club :)
Felt contented already D:.

ok, let's talk about some funny thing~
Today I went to 'pink'
That's the name my niece gave one.
what she meant is her ballad dancing lesson xD
And the teacher.. you know?
in the car, my mum said that got 1 teacher kinda pretty
another one not pretty
then I taunted her not to be so mean
by saying other people 'not pretty'
Actually the girl teacher really pretty
She wore ballad suit ... haha
her body is also as fit as a fiddle :D
okla =.= that's all
in conclusion, for me.
she's a mature version of someone else... LOL!

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