Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tomorrow is the day which I dreaded the most.
Violin Nocturne Op 9 No.2 performance
with Stephanie as piano duet
How am I gonna cope with it? =.=
The day the Anugerah Cemerlang still vivid in my mind laughs =x
My hand was like..
'Naturally occurred vibrato'
Physics law also got states before haha =.=
My heart is throbbing fast.
the adrenaline is like keep flowing in my veins!
My heart beat until the maximum point that
the force generated by my beating heart
delivered to my hand.
and thus vibrato occurred =)
How "Nice" =.=

I really dreaded tomorrow la T__T!
My skill wasn't good at all
and then have to cope with my stage fright .
in front of a throng of people....

Let's drop this,
there's no way to cure if I keep thinking of this
Just hope that God give the blessings to me =.=

But in the other hand, this is the first attempt
I played a music that's not within my grade HAHA
(Paiseh =x I damn noob HAHA =.=)
Hope tomorrow don't play wrong notes ah =.=
and follow the tempo.

I decided every night will go to listen some music
Coz I believe in God, so do I believe in miracle.
I hope I can be like them =x
guy violinist is too rare I think.
mostly prefer guitar, drum or piano
that's why I always think that I'm not the typical guy
but I do share the same trait as a guy
For example?
I enjoy playing sports
Badminton, football, soccer, basketball
just my interests isn't a typical guy should have

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