Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, March 26, 2011

nowadays music had stolen my soul T__T
I'm addicted to music again!
why I want to stop learning violin since Form 1?!
here are some songs which I really like :
1) Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata
2) Banya - Beethoven Virus
3) Patchabel - Canon in D

very nice one, if you love music sure know all the musics~
today I didn't know why am I feeling nervous again D:
the choir was ok,
but the violin part
I think didn't play until very good lor D:
In the beginning still ok
but at the last part my hearbeat beat until very fast leh!
and the force generated by it
transmitted to my legs D:
hands and legs shivering, pro ya? D: .....
But nvm, it's a good experience
I don't think I have chance to
participate such thing in such occasion ler D: ...
Nowadays I found the true of myself
I love musics xD!

Let's talk about other things D: .
I got abit sad lor.
the Bola Tampar stupid sports
It didn't work out what I expected to be =.=
I want to be Bendahari (Treasurer)
But other people did ler D: ..
I only be AJK Form 5..
haiz nvm la this is just a school.
then I suddenly realised something when I came back home
I saw my mum sitting on the sofa eating things
I realised that the world
is not gonna end
or whatever.. the sun will still glow brightly
the earth will still spin
in spite of my failure =.=
nvm la I suddenly laughed when I'm writing this blog. lol
ok I will voice out how I feel ah
do you really think you're that success
that you're being elected to be many many positions
in ur curricular activities in sch? LOL LMAO =.=
Please change this kind of lifeless, nonsense thinking
when you come to this meritocracy world faggots =.=
people work hard, OT everyday, work on Sunday
do research until late midnight
to do their best in their project
only can get what they want
for example ( Manager or CEO or group leader in some company )
:D !

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