Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, July 17, 2011

be positive is in the progress.. :)

Yet I have to face another problem
tomorrow is exam
But I feel like I'm not well prepared
how come? I got revise also
but not as hard as during mid year exam la..

Never mind.
This time it serves as an experiment
of sleeping earlier and wake up with a fresher brain
and sit for examinations :)
because every time the day before exam
I sleep at quite late hours

Hope tomorrow everything is fine
Malay I scared the sentence making I can't make it
And I wonder Redox reaction experiment come out what =.=
Literally I really understand the redox process :)
Just have to be more cautious when answering the question
Sciences and Mathematics are never be the subjects that makes me scare
just language
I hate language =.=
Hope tonight I don't get any insomnia
and tomorrow everything is fine D:

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