Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Thursday, September 15, 2011

everyone in the world is changing.
so does every thing
my mum switched new mobile phone
my friends all growing mature
some people growing taller
their exam results improving
but myself?
still that typical
careless ... clumsy
and my height - stuck between 170 ~ 171

Hm, let's talk about other things
Do you know why I want to be a surgeron?
because I empathize people..
who's gonna lose their loved ones
because their loved ones are inflicted by cancer
but in the other hand, their financial situation
is insufficient for them to pay the high price of surgery
even the doctors, surgeons
all look for money only
even hospital accommodation fees also need lots of money
people who're not wealthy enough
just can sit there and witness their loved ones
being tortured by cancer
and lastly depart their life...
in this context, I wish to be a surgeon that the hospital
is under my control..
to help those needy

City Hunter OST have had a strong influence on me leh :x
I also feel like being a person
who protect the country safety and combat crimes
ask me to be CID ? ( CID = police of lowest rank )
I don't want !
have to chase the criminals ! I don't want. xD
Instead, I feel like being a prosecutor
I don't know is this job available in Malaysia
but Korea does ( xD, I watch City Hunter OST one )
Being a prosecutor
you have to check reports made by police
confront criminals ( small mistakes one )
probe for the truth of the case
and apply your knowledge to solve a case
whether it'd being faked by police, or the criminals.

Surgeon? Need to study alot about Bio D:
Prosecutor ?
I think I can't also
To be a prosecutor, I think you must have
a very good understanding of the country's politics, economy and social
you also have to perform well in government examinations
still the same, have to study, sit for tests
once pass the test, can apply to be a prosecutor d :)
as if I be a prosecutor
but in the end
I will either be imprisoned or I leave the job
I said before
I have individualistic mind
I do what's consider right for me with my own principles
this thing would make me easily offense the country
especially in my country, there're 3 races and other minorities
As a chinese also, people sure will say that I practice racism
when doing my job

U know. In City Hunter OST
Kim prosecutor is one of a prosecutor that I admire a lot
he's just, righteous
His virtuous attitude soon make him die in the end of the drama.
Prosecutor may held pistol one hor ! :D

I also feel like being a script writer
and my script will be used to act a drama
because I love to imagine
but people will think I'm crapping
if I tell them my ideas.
in the other hand
My writing skill isn't good
the way I express my language not so good
so I hope my idea can be act out as a drama / movie

My ambition?
I'm still wandering in this dilemma
I will decide one day
now what I must do is
concentrate in my studies
and strive for excellence in SPM :D

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