Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Friday, September 16, 2011

One thing I find 'Wern Yean Tan' great is
she looks the same like me =.=
she's also that kind of person
that has strong principles embedded in her heart
but what make she and I different is that
I'm less bonded to my own principles
and the way I act and think
she's more
that's why during primary school we always quarrel
but after awhile, we become friends again
it still apply the same here

so 'friend' this word
started to arise in my mind
what's a true friend?
some friends
1 ) 翻脸了 then forever their relationship can't be salvage
2 )some even have a big quarrel
after a period of times, they get back together again

A true friend for me is number 2
weird, a girl's is my true friend =.=
though I've to admit it

and my friends?
but there is one thing in myself
I don't like to wear a mask when socializing with people ( maybe now )
If I did eventually, the person I'm talking to
is not my true friend
this is how I distinguish between a true friend or
just a merely good friend
that have fun together
when something big happens
he or she will just ditch you .

Wear a mask?
this is what I have to learn when I come into this society later
but not now
now it's the time for me to find my own identity =.=
and not wearing a mask just because
I wanna be a perfect person in front of other people

Seriously, people with different principles
really can't mix together
can you mix a fire with and ice and they bond together?
no right.
as if such people like this still can live together harmoniously
I would say that they're a couple ^^

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