Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Friday, July 15, 2011

I really buay tahan la!
Everyday at school so tired liao panda
at night active like owls =.=
how come?!
10.15 p.m. I already went to bed
flip on bed until 11.30+ only fell asleep =(
So today I forced myself not to take afternoon nap =)
instead I revised Bio D:
exam is around the corner
I think this time I won't stress out
I just simply read .. :D

When you're doing something consider illegal
U really did sweat alot! xD
On Tuesday I got what I wanted d
which my mum don't know de
and I hide it among my clothes in the cupboard
she sure won't find out :D
haha damn bad hor?
but no choice, this is for my future :P
And that day I tumpang Jr's car :D
and I saw Hamidkuah =.=
haha damn funny

Wednesday went to CCC's house to play basketball again
quite satisfy la
every time I'm so scared to bring the ball
but at least now have some courage d
but still sucks :x
need more practise x.x

And sadly, I never kena NS
Yean, and other of my friends all kena ler =.=
I know they will sure show off to me about NS
when they return!
So I feel like going also
But I still wonder is it against His will
I really don't know la D:

Nowadays I really have a lot of personal problems
I still can't choose between Matric and STPM
But probably I'll opt for STPM la...
Haiz Today hor I went Jusco
I stacked all the subjects book which I intended to take during Form 6
who knows.. it's damn thick
Haiz D:
I still can't stay away from books after my SPM la D:

Nowadays I'm really very no mood lor!
damn ..
feel so lethargic in school
and problems floating on my mind
and the 'something'
is bothering me too la!
If I really can't make it
I will choose to accept the fact.
But now I'm still hoping my miracles~
Now I'm going to SLEEP liao!

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