Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, June 26, 2011

3 hours passed d :P
i mean the lame LDL lic
Today while sitting bus back to house
Sit until my ass pain .. lol
back to home, had lunch, then PPS @.@

I discovered one drama very nice
call "Lie to Me"
걸짓말 을해봐
then I stop watching City Hunter d .
coz too curious of the story of Lie To Me
keep watch and watch :x
And today I damn regret I ever went to Jusco
wasted my 2 hours time la T_T
next time I won't go again ler! /.\
tmr school again la.. haiz
stupid coco, when can it stops? D:
really hate it la.
btw, spm is coming d /.\
Nowadays I become hardworking liao
sometimes would take a book and revise :D

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