Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

today the teacher ( Idk her name )
speech is so inspiring !
hm, eventually I'd been studying for more than 11 years
and my final aim is to success in life
and I forgot which teacher said that
Aftermath of SPM is only the beginning of a challenging life!

Hm, I study damn hard ><
but not as hard as yue yuan la of course
why am I studying hard while others not?
well, I have a wild desire
to be good at everything
top to toes ...
appearance, physique, verbal, IQ, attitude
now I'm striving for excellence in IQ
and I'm on the way in finding my own identity
what I found is that :
I damn like to act cute =.= but always failed
so it looks quite abit .... LOL
and I always live with my principle <3

these 2 aren't the things that I should ponder upon now
they're what will be predetermined by my results
as to my perspective,
being a penniless fellow like me
study or certificate is the most important thing in life
with certificate,
my capability is recognized in society
if I'm able to strive for a good cert
the chances of me getting a high salary job is greater :)
if I can earn more money
then only I'm able to do work on my physique and appearance :)

what's the other reason I study?
I want my mum to be envied by all the relatives!
"Woah, her son is ....
"Woah .... "
this is what I want my mum to hear people around her
uttering such words ~
I also want my mum to feel that
raising a child like me isn't the wrong choice!
I'm so glad that I raise such a good child . xD

and do you know that
being respect / envied by people is kind good?
imagine people in a restaurant looking at you
when you step out of a 'BMW' car
imagine you're attending a wedding banquet
with your hands putting around a sexy girl's waist
imagine that you no longer need to ppreciate everyone around you
who always hurt you, whom you must always grovel from him / her
and now it's the time you become a dragon
and flamethrower them back hard

well, I think my arduous life had just begun :)
but what is worth a price is worth a fight
so before my wings hardened, matured
in preparation for roaming to the sky high
I'll be temporarily closing all the doors around me
stuffing my head in the world of books~~
Physics, Add Maths, Chemistry, Biology, English, Chinese... etc
plunge myself in the world of academics~
wish me break a leg :)

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