Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, September 4, 2011

OMG I'm so sad .
I just finished watching City Hunter OST
Why must Prosecutor Kim been killed in the drama?!
he's so straight in doing his job
why must he died in the drama?

hm anyway
this drama is damn cool still.. =.=
fighting scenes....
Great technology.
If City Hunter did exist in Malaysia
I think some people really die ler :x
And exams no more tips already
coz City Hunter
will prosecute people who buy the tips with money
or people who involved in corruption to get exam tips.
1st person to be sent to police station
Mr Kalithason! HAHA :P
OMG =.=
I finished watching edi
but City Hunter still kept on floating in my mind leh !
I'm addicted to city hunter ler!!!
I don't mean the drama
I mean this person.... CITY HUNTER!

cheh, I'm too naive la
how come city hunter will exist in this world?
all people scare die de ( like me :P )
and don't wanna sacrifice one
not all people so pro
like city hunter
tall, handsome, IQ high, EQ high, know how to use high-tech, martial arts.

really thumbs up for the japanese who created city hunter lor.
the plot so nice....
If english essay during exam can write such story
I'm willing to give it a try
er hm... the title should me
" how to combat crime ?
Discuss how you would take part in combating crime "

Cannot stay at home rot.
sleep until late late ( not really. 9.30 =.=, consider late for me )
Very funny la they two =.=
<3 Actually I damn love them
but they too naughty d
don't care them la. not my children also
their parents will take care de... .

Trial exams?
should be happy mah... Cheer Up. KL :)
how I wish I could finish Form 5
and pursuit my dream~
er hm. still need to go through Uni. D:
by the way
after SPM can continue to dwell on my stature problem le AHA!
And learn violin
Nowadays I'm so addicted to this music from Beethoven Virus OST
Passion from Beethoven Virus
go search for it :)
music lover ( like me ) sure like it.

so 2 months more is time to take SPM ler
maybe this is my last post d...
( Choy Choy Choy! Joking one lar =.=
I can still continue blogging after SPM
and I cannot tahan 2 months later only play blog xP )
City Hunter is so daring to find prove of the politician's
involvement in corruption
so this stupid silly exam
why can't I treat it as a bean? LOL
Just sit for the exam for 1 month only.

I said before that I feel myself special from others
So I'll continue on my 'specialties'
Hey! I have my own identity
And not that kind of people
that like to mimick people's doing.
I will continue to live
with my principles...
that are hard to be wavered in any circumstances.. <3

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