Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Monday, April 11, 2011

^_^ back to blog again
actually I have something buay song to share with
but before that I'll talk about other things 1st

@_@ long time no write blog ler.
nowadays very busy lor!
homework, revision
LOL when did I become so hardworking?
I remember during Form 4 I very lazy de lor
everyday only tag in audi =.=
homework ah... at sch faster finish
then go back home can TAG TAG TAG. No life~ HAHA
Nowadays really break record luu~
1 week can on audition less than 2 hours
if it were to be Form 1 to 3
I already beh tahan for not playing audition everyday! LOL
I also remember last time I used to play audition or noob maple
until very late... sometimes play with yean mei
that time can say like.
'Gaming Empire'
but since Form 4 november or form 5
I'm not interested in games, it doesn't seems very addicting to me liaos ~
I prefer facebook and blog more ler
I think it's a good thing for not playing ALOT of game

Last week went to pray for ancestors
hehe I very childish one mah :P
when burning the 'paper' ( Aiya I don't know what it called as HAHA )
I look at the burning paper
and I secretly wish for something haha
but cannot tell her or to whoever
coz later not nice ler :D
Got abit miserable la.
sleep on floor. so hard
the next morning my back pain .
aiya it's ok
have to respect my ah gong them mah..
hm... If this tradition ceases
Later I died ler who burn for me?!

Ok, nowadays I really buay song something
Fine . I stop scolding vulgar d
yue yuan said not good.
Haiz, really dulan how?! =.=
Fine, what I can say is wait and see
I really admire yue yuan la
can be so 'Saint-like'
Lastly, I'm not saint
I got dulan and irritated easily
but at least.
I try follow his doctrine
for not spouting any rude words no matter in what condition

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