Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, August 20, 2011

LOL :x :x :x :x :x
Today lots of interesting happened
upon my visit to Jusco in Tebrau City
I went Harris to see STMP textbook ( Thick like hell D: )
the moment I made my way to the piles of book
someone said hello to me :x
I don't know who she was saying to
I just ignore
and she found me! ( she just stood next to me, block by an average height shelf )
then we greet each other and talked abit xD

after this, I went to Yamaha store
and I saw another familiar face
she's the woman whom I saw in Setia Indah Yamaha store before
and she recognize me!
and we talked abit lar LOL
I told her that I went to Yamaha in Setia Indah
to buy rosin for violin before..
I also saw Kawaii working is Samsung Store

this is damn embarrassing and funny la weih =.=
I was going to find my family
after going up another floor
I saw my bro
ok then I saw my maid :x haha
She didn't know that I was behind
and I go and pat my hand on her shoulder
and push her slightly
she thought someone harassed her =.=!
she turned and gave the fellow a slap ( the fellow is me lar )
=.=... haha

So many interesting things happened today lar <3
so may I have miracles happen on myself? :P
please la just 5 cm more first T____T

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