Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You can say I'm spiteful or what
but I have a "wild will"
to be more successful than my friends :x
this is how I feel la haha

Seriously, nowadays I'm really bored to hell
but I know this won't last long
I'm going to work soon. maybe in January :D
nowadays I'm getting confused by 2 girls =.=
the feeling of
when you like someone had becoming more vague in my mind @.@
nvm, I don't care also :D
now what I care for is only study!

seriously I can't wait for form 6 ~
because I can go back to that school again
though there're alot of stupid rules that I have to follow
could make new friends~
and learn new things~
haizz, I keep telling myself that
I must go into Singapore University
that's why I choose to study Form 6 =.=

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