Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I just read someone's funny blog
about hot girls =.=
too bad I can't imagine. LOL
laugh die me! :P

And my blog is like many of my classmates are viewing =.=
nvm help me promote abit barh :P
but I'm not that free
can every time comes up with a good story =.=

I found a girl very attractive nowadays
after she spoke korean LOL :x :x :x :x :x
coz she gave me a sense of 'korean-girl-ness'
as the chinese saying goes : 韩国妹
Aiya, very fast then I'll forgot de lar :P
My 'idol' ( << I don't know a suitable word for this =.= )
is always changing one mah =.=

By the way, nowadays I'm like becoming very sluggish =.=
every day after finish my homework then I play computer =.=
no revision at all D:
Haiz! SPM will come in a blink of an eye
I must work hard for it!

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