Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Monday, June 13, 2011

Today so sian. *Yawn*
and something stupid also keep floating in my mind. sian
she said 4.30 practice kawad
how I go oh? =.=
if really can't make it then don't kawad liao la! -.-
btw, tomorrow I duty library until 4.00
so maybe I can go practice awhile lor
But I know the 'awhile' is probably until 6+ something
nvm la, last time I also like that
then go lor =.=
sian, I hate this week too
today sukan tara cancelled
HAHA, this thing sure disappoint Yue Yuen
HAHA... xD.. I so bad hor? keep laugh at people..
so it means that
the stupid sukan tara will come whenever
haiyo, this week damn... haiz..
nvm after Saturday then can relax liao
then is time for my PPS again xD
I don't know since when I keep on watching PPS
Games? play until sian d.
Facebook? no people to talk with.
Then nvm lor, I watch PPS until siao barh x.x

and one more thing
I finished karangan d leh^^
stupid homework... SHOO
damn sian la! I just have to tahan this week more D:
for the sports day.
hari keusahawanan I don't know will sian mah
just wait and see lor -.-

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