Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Friday, September 30, 2011

change in mood from gloomy > excited
weird? hahas
Tomorrow is my school's graduation day :)
owh.. So excited
hope I'm not panic or what when
going up stage receiving my cert from teacher xP
hahas, it's just sec school graduation :)
but I'm looking forward to it
tomorrow everyone will be dressing formally
weird ya.

After graduation have to work hard for SPM already!
woah, time had gone too fast ><
I remember last time standard 6
I kept telling myself
that I want to stay in primary school forever
coz I don't want to grow !
And become mature D:

Anyway, what I'm excited about
is our 5A ROCKSSS performance

phew, finally graduate ler...
my last resolution is to pass with flying colours in SPM
not pass, is SCORE! :)
byes good night.

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