Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, June 12, 2011

yesterday night, or today early morning?
I don't know...
But I really have a weird dream. LOL
I dreamt of
I was walking into a school canteen.
SO weird de? the school canteen seems so familiar to me oh
LOL I was in La Salle? xD
Then I saw a group of people sitting behind me
suddenly they vanished ler
and suddenly, the next row of table
I saw my usual friends were there
I exclaimed and greeted them
They answered my greetings :D
But soon. the school bell rang.
we went upstairs to our class together :)
Along the pathway to my class
My usual friends were still beside me.. walking together towards class
but when I entered the class
and went to the place where I used to sit
suddenly i saw a green colour bag
It was Young Qin Rui's bag! haha
(But now I know she changed bag d, though
I still recognize her green bag haha :P )
But very weird eh?
The table I remembered is la salle classroom table lai de
how come SMKTD Friends go there? =.=
I also remembered wai kent was leaning against teacher's table
Then I woke up ler x.x

So funny eh?
And today I also wasted my entire afternoon to watch
yean so called nice show =.=
I found nothing special about it lar. ..
But can learn many korean words inside. that's all
Then I watch lor =.= can learn korean what
and after watching City Hunter
I found that taekwondo really cool man!
I wanna learn also :D
for self-defense mah.
But I will only proceed to it when I finish study I think
coz really have no time =.=
okla, I go do something first
then go sleep liao
tmr still got stupid sukan tara
miserable life...

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