Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Thursday, February 24, 2011

YAY, the sch examinations are finally settled today!
Now I want to write a story which I suddenly think of it
when I'm bathing.
Please switch on the music box for better story-reading experience
(If you have a earphone, use it for better enhancing voice)
and I'll use simple English ( coz my English not that good ya )
and this is a short story, I don't have much time elaborate it in detail ya
^ _ ^ please read patiently, track list is arranged accordingly.

There's a boy named B. His distinctive results had made him to be the top student in the school. He's also well-known for his nerd-ness. He wears spectacles, a normal looking guy. Despite his excellent results in school, he's not famous in the school.
One day, when he was strolling along the school veranda, he saw a pretty and demure girl (let her name be G) passing by him. Too bad, love and fate struck him. He was crazily in love with that girl, though they don't even know and talk to each other!
B's mind started to wander off to the girl~ Her pretty smile, everything of her outward appearance attracted B. B would always peep G outside the classroom. One day, B finally can't control his passion for G, he proposed to G. At first, B wasn't very confident - who would want to be-coupled with a nerd, infamous and ordinary-looking boy? But the girl accepted.
So... They began their relationship. B's exam results started to deteriorate. They would go out for movies, eating or even staying back at the school library to do their revision.
But one day, B found G having a rendezvous with another boy. B felt weird. So, B found G for her to explain everything. G had no choice but told B that she was dating with another boy already. B asked her for reason. G said that being with him was a shame, all her friends critised of her odd taste. Besides, B can't be compared to the guy exactly! G said B is too nerdy, not coming from a rich family background, she doesn't like this type or guy. Instead, she chose the other guy because he's more good-looking and famous in school.

B almost cried when he heard G said such thing. It's like a mighty sharp spear pierce through his already broken heart, rather like putting salts in an already injured wound. B never cry out in front of G. His feeling concealment is rather too hard for him to stand with it. So, he went home and cry, the whole day. He looked at the mirror, looking at the reflection, questioning why is he like this? Is physical appearance that important? He don't know ...

It was a hard time for him during the school days. He had to face the exams again, the highly loaded homework from teacher ... and the image of G kept flicking in his mind. Lastly, he made up his mind. He wants to be good in studies, he wants to prove to people around him that he's capable in studies, he wants to studies overseas, and he also wants to show that being rich isn't the primary requirement to be able to study abroad, in fact good result makes it possible. So, an improvement started to emerge in his examination results, which last time he failed so badly because of love-sickness.

He success~ He scored high-distinctive result in his important examinations, and he was offered a scholarship to study in England. He was very happy, like he was on the seventh heaven. In the other hand, his fully occupied schedule had made him forget about G.

However, studying abroad is quite a tough task for him. He was exposed to a new culture and new language ( English spoken in European country is more eloquent and grammatically correct than Malaysian one ) . Though, he never give up, because he was very obsessed with being success in life. He wants to bring good life to his families and live a luxurious life. ( Before that, I forgot to mention one thing =.= he studied business management )

Throughout the arduous year in getting use to a new life in England, it had made him more strong mentally. After he finished studying abroad, he came back to his own country to start another new life there. He told himself, he wasn't the B that it looked like during the times in secondary school, he was now a brand-new one of himself. He then underwent radical reformation, either in behaviors or outward appearance, from top to foot.

He started to work in a company. Life seems like a bed of roses for him now. He got high position in the company and he was well-paid. He got what he wants. He can now have expensive meals in luxurious restaurant. Bringing his families who suffered a lot when raising him to other countries for excursion doesn't pose any problems to him anymore, even buy new cars and keep changing computers.

One day again.. ( sorry my english sucks =.= I don't know instead of one day, can use what word =.=! ) ... He was having his breakfast in a restaurant, and fate struck him, he met G! They still remembered each other. But their brief meeting was quite awkward. But they promised to keep in contact.

They chatted a lot about their old times during secondary school. But what they never mention about was their first relationship during the old days. So, G started to be in close contact with B again. B is far away different now, he's more good-looking, taller, richer, gentleman and mature, the most important is he don't wear spectacles already ( << LOL xD ) G started to fall in love with B again, due to his attractive looking and wealth. Besides that, B treated G well, they would be together whenever they're free. Their relationship is further fostered, until one day, they became couple again.

B was reluctant because G was the girl who once hurt him before. The memories during their school times were still vivid in B's mind. Reminiscence is always cruel for him. He decided to pay back how much G had hurt him to G.

B and G's relationship continued to grow~ Until they ... ( Not convenient to state sorry =.=! ) Now, B is a part of G's soul for her already. G even thought of getting married to B, and she was waiting for his proposals, maybe with flowers? but what G wasn't aware of was B's real intention - She's too naive .

Their relationship was very good, like the next thing to do is to proceed to marriage. So it's time for B to seek revenge now. One day, B said he wants to meet G in a restaurant. But B arrived earlier than G. When G arrived and saw B, she was shocked. She can't believe what she saw. Who was sitting beside B was a very beautiful and voluptuous woman. B's hand was placing beside the woman's waist. Lastly, B explained everything to G about his real intentions of getting close to G.

The ending... think yourself, be it good or bad . ^^

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