Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, June 18, 2011

1封 sms 是 “吵lin" send 来的
1封是 ”燕妹“ send 来的
6 月 17 日..
妈妈忍受了当年 Eve 产下 Cain 和 Abel 时的痛苦
为了我的诞生,忍受 excruciating pain

Today is damn lucky LOL
when I was walking to setia indah bus stop
on the way to there
one stranger (indian uncle) offered to send me there
I was reluctant at first as he's a stranger to me
but lastly I went to sit on his motorbike x)
You would thought that I;m too naive?
Please I'm not lor :P
when I settle my ass on the motorbike ler
I was thinking of how to jump away from the motorbike
if the uncle is really a scum :D
But he soon sent me to setia bus stop ler haha
so I said thank you to him lor

Ok, now in the bus
I was quite relieved
on the way to school already
then i don't know what am I doing inside the bus =.=
the bus passed by the school ler I was dreaming
until it reaches further away from the school
I only realised that I forgot to stop the bus!!!
I was like damn 'wtf' and LOL =.=
then nevermind, there's a phrase call better late than never
so I stopped the bus, but have to walk a longer route to school la =.=
ok. while walking while taking and umbrella
I saw a car passed by me leh xD
the driver kept on looking at me
I did the same too
then I found that he's Joseph Foo haha =.=
So I tumpang his car go to school lor!
xD so shuang and lucky leh
and today we marched not bad la
we get 3rd =.= last year get 4th laughs...
got improve mah
and the most shocking is
St. John got 4th.. I was like. LOL?
Last year they got 1st, how come 4th?
Say real lor, I really never expect it to be like this
and very lucky today also!
coz our principal is absent today!
so in the field, 1 fellow ( I 4got his name, what yusof de =.= )
and Pn. Lim gave speeches only :P
So our standing time in the field is greatly reduce LOL! Thanks GOD!
Very sian lar =. stand until foot pain
cant move to anywhere also =.=

Today really tired lar! :D
yesterday my sis and bro brought me to a place to have birthday dinner
so touched le :D they remember :)
So I did made some wished la
but of course. can't tell here
if not I scared it won't come true
by the way, my sis asked me want what present
very funny.
I asked her budget, then my bro-in-law said
'Not asking me to buy a HOUSE or CAR la'
I said learn violin in an impulse
But after that, I think and think
actually I have a lot of interest leh =.=
But I only can choose 1 out of a lot
Now I'm still in a dilemma
just now watched City Hunter :D
damn shuai la walao! Taekwondo rocks sia!
and still the same, Lee Min Ho know how to fight
I was like kept focusing on his moves =.=
damn cool man.

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