Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The awful-est week finally passed ..
haizz. tiring.
today I have migraine.
first time have..
this is MIGRAINE, not headache
I have headache everyday during exam ok =.=
Who cares? tomorrow can sleep until late late ^_^

Haiz the papers didn't go well as what I expected
Bio, Chem, Phy all have problems
mostly is because I'm too oblivious to the easy part
when doing revision, I only read the hard part
Physics paper 1 is like... have standard?
HAHA it means it's 'moderately' hard
Nevermind la. no1 is perfect
no rose is without torn :x

ARGH how tough I pass this week
violin practice..
stupid examinations..
what more else? Haizz
Throughout the week
I always tell myself
it's not gonna last long
just one week
My mum can suffer for decades
why can't I suffer just 7 days? LOL crap =x

Sometimes really feel like
but too hard to give up
already Form 5 d..
Have potential why not continue?
The suffering of my mum
I think this is the momentum
that is keep driving for not...
giving up in studies.
my mum always said : 年轻时,读多一点书,将来不用做牛做马
In the other hand I also want prove that everyone that
Studies really could change one life!
ppl always said that : study so much for what?! HUH?!
got so high degree also not 100% can earn BIG BIG MONEY LA
nvm, This is my way. :D
Meanwhile, her elbow grease will be paid off once I success

Let's drop this :x
I believe everyone sure have some..
erm.. idiotic dreams barh?
I have too ;x
I have alot..
singing, breakdance, violin, piano, guitar, drum, choreography
But I know I'm not capable in all this
so I only choose the easiest and not costly and logic
hm. violin? choreography?
piano... 30 years later barh .

very funny de sometimes!
sometimes I dislike people ask me.
Ur violin what grade?
Then I would have to explain everything
coz I don't have grade de haha =x
but the basic one I know la
so next time I would just say. Grade 1 =.=

sometimes very sad de haiz.
until like.. in the end
I only will start to realise something de
last time I damn like to play games
until I neglect the important of reading
4 amanah ler only start to compete with those pros.
But I believe if there is a way, there is a way
Is it too late now?
Last time really like.. 2hrs of games per day is my habit lor
sch days can sleep at 12 only
but my whole life underwent radical reformation since moving to Johor
This is my fate =)
Thanks God for the life You gave me :)
If my life wasn't like this
I think...
I will continue to rot . haha
(Until here :x, the further details have to wait until I graduate only write)

anyway, it's like 7 more months to suffer
Jiayou barh. myself. and my friends.
thanks for roaming into my life :)

My fav song. so romantic.

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