Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Haha, Sejarah exam over ler
actually this kind of exam not bad for me..
can motivate me to study..
in other times I really no mood to study lor

Haiz, nowadays I'm not so like to sleep at night
Sian la
plus sometimes I will have insomnia D:
how am I gonna grow taller if I can't get sufficient sleep?!

Everytime when sitting bus
or during some easy exams
some korean songs will be playing in my mind de haha
anyway I did enjoy it lar :D
but exam like Add Maths, languages, Chemistry
I will just concentrate the whole time :)

SPM is around the corner D:
I feel the weight of stress already
I really hope my dreams can become true lar.
But I know i have to work for it
what is worth a price is worth a fight. haha
so I will continue with my hardwork :)

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