Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Thursday, December 15, 2011

This is how I came out from my mother's uterus in the hospital LOL

er hm...
My childhood was quite ok, nothing special
because during that time I'm still ignorant :)
I remember last time I always play with my siblings
but I don't know since when
we started to be not very good in talking terms
perhaps because they'd all achieve "Individuality"
I remember during my times in kindergarten
I was damn screwed up with Mathematics
especially addition and subtraction involving number more than 10
because I only have 10 fingers ><
Maths is quite a difficult subject for me

I went into a primary school called SJK (C) Chen Moh
Nothing special happened in standard 1
standard 2, I started to make a lot of new friends
and standard 3 was quite hard for me T_T
coz my teacher was too fierce
every time during spelling, I wrote lots of wrong chinese characters
and got caned
standard 3 is the time when I got caned the most D:
standard 4 nothing special
standard 5 is the most merriest time :)
because examinations went quite smooth and well
and so I was freaking reveling in playing tricks at 1 girl
xD until now we still keep in contact with each other
and I miss the times when 1 girl who sit beside me
we were always giggling during class with the 2 boys in front of us
Despite the happy memories, every time during BM class was..
tremendously horrible, not for me only, everyone does hor.
because our BM teacher is Cikgu Lee
she very fierce D:
but still I did well in BM exams :)
but those are only the happy memories :)
standard 6?
well I hate this year! 2006...
This is the year when
I always digress in my BM essay, and got scolded so badly
because I really did well in standard 5
so Cikgu Lee was quite not so angry with my meagre grade
and once again, during UPSR trial, I upset her again...
and got scolded very badly
and this is the year I got slapped by her -.-!
I remember I was called to 6E class
and she kept interrogating about something ( this is not important )
and got slapped =.=
very funny
LOL, don't be startle when you know I got slapped
everyone did got slapped and stroked BADLY before.
because she's too fierce
that's why... My BM now so pro :P
But I'm still grateful that I have such a good BM teacher :)
well, this is still not the extreme embarrassment I'd ever experience
that's why I hate the times in standard 6
because something more serious happened to me D:
I'd never cry in front of people ( until secondary school )
but that time I did cried
and confided everything to my confidante
haizz, don't want to recall those unhappy memories liao
but 1 thing for sure
my childhood memories are still sweet :)
those incidents are what make me grow :)

Secondary school?
haizz, once again was damn devastated
when I was admitted to La Salle PJ (LSPJ)
all my friend went to Catholic High School (CHS)
but some went into La Salle la of coz :)
my case was quite funny
UPSR I got 7A's and got admitted to LSPJ
Complaining won't change the fact
so everything goes as arranged by God~ :)

Well in LSPJ was quite boring
this school was full of uncivilized barbarians
their exam grades suck
so I placed myself in complacency until I moved to JB
because I don't have to burn the midnight oil
hit the book, study hard to get top in class
I remember I was a scout boy in Form 1
say real, it's quite fun
because I'm too nerdy to bear the horrible physical training x)
so i quit and join PBSM since after the horrible scout camp
one more thing
I really despise those chinese in LSPJ who don't know how to speak chinese
I mean, I don't blame them for not being able to speak chinese
it's like they don't know how to speak chinese
and glamorize English
to the extent of looking down at some people
who're brought up in chinese family
but not being able to speak fluent English
please, they can't speak formal English too -.-!
campur campur with cantonese
tsk tsk, how corrupted they're.
I remember during the scout camp
1 senior was talking to my friend
but my friend didn't know the senior was talking to him
( well I'm on the spot, I don't know too )
when the senior got no reply
1 stupid fellow simply came out
and said that my friend don't know English

Since I said LSPJ people grades sucks
so I placed myself in complacency until Form 3
and didn't even make use of my precious time
to read up some good books
instead, I squander all my time in computers
in the end, my game account got hacked
and nothing left inside
nevertheless, my efforts in playing the game character
all went into longkang... xD

Form 2? still ok
but there some chinese which I really don't like
because they like to use vulgarities
sound so uncivilized
use not so serious vulgar I can accept
because we're boys LOL!
well, 1 thing I observed in LSPJ
If you ever cried in public
you'll be ostracized
and this happened to my friend .

But I'm grateful that
I made some really good friends there :)
We always went to each other house to play together :D
And I was quite bad that time
because I keep playing pranks on my friends xD
sorry ya :P

~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOHOR BAHRU ~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was AWEFUL at first
because I know nothing here!
I hate SMKTD !
because I have no friends here
with lots of weird people around me
I always look to the sky
thinking what're my LSPJ friends doing

Being in a strange environment was quite not good ><
no one to talk to
no one to confide to
no one to joke
no one to even laugh at
so I appeared as an introvert
who're the most hardworking one in class
always reading and doing exercise
when teachers weren't around
whilst other people were wandering everywhere
finding friends to chit-chat
haizz, the most tedious time is the time after PMR
sitting in the stupid hard hall
listening to those craps
and doing some crap activities ... =.=

1 more thing hehe
I was quite startled la in SMKTD
Because I've not seen female homo sapiens for more than 2.5 years xD
so I was quite uncomfortable seeing those
blue-uniformed students walking past me xD
btw, I did spotted some pretty ones la ! :D
pei qi was the first girl to talk to me
" Do you take Chinese subject ? " xD!
3 Bestari?
Banana : "Hi" ( this is his simplicity xD )
Zihao during moral class : "Hi, I'm Christopher"
" got watch football ?"
Carrick : "我叫金城"
hahaha ...

I'm so grateful to pei qi lor T_T
she;s very good
very dedicated in teaching me some stuffs
and some 'tradition' in SMKTD
if it wasn't her, I'm still not so familiar with SMKTD xD

Form 4?
I remember I was struggling in
But eventually I went into Science Stream
aww, that time I don't feel like going 4A
because I'm not close with the people there
but I went in also =.=!
but it turned out to be fun
they were very kind ( only a few )
hey, forgot to mention!
during Form 3 chinese class
Wai Kent was the one who was sitting beside me :)
and Grace in front
I found that Grace was quite a prima donna =.=
when she kept on showing off to Wai Kent that
she didn't study a single things during mid year exam
and she got 70+ 80 + marks =.=
that time I already knew that
this girl isn't the right choice to befriended :x ( SHHH )
but the first thing she asked me was
" Do you play any musical instrument "
I replied violin
she was quite shock to hear that ~~~ ;shy ;shy
maybe because male violinist is very rare in this community... haha .
but still we became friend in 4A .
and she very bad lor
every time complain when I couldn't play in tune /.\

at the beginning of 2010 in 4A was quite sian la
coz I can only befriended a few friends
but since when har?
I was arranged to sit with Mathan beside me
and Vincent beside Mathan
then we started to be very close haha
I remember during miss noraini class
they attempted to make me giggle about 'RSVP'
but in the end, I sit still
and their giggles were spotted by miss noraini xD
Just to say that 4A is a warm family

Omg I lazy to type liao ... =.=
let's talk about the class trip
that night ...
I didn't expect Wai Kent that he started 'it' so early
standard 6....
and DY DH?
they watched before....
I watched before.. yea.
at the age of 17 .
no! this is call good boy
vincent I forgot d
but was quite uncomfortable lor
when I knew that they '....' before
but thank them la =.=
Now I think it's normal ~
really love 5A
though my childhood was not so good
compare with others
and went into an unfamiliar school
but this is what make me grows :)
and my friends of SMKTD also did influenced me very much
Seriously, I'm not prepared to be mature yet!
because I feel like I cannot held the responsibilities
to become a grown-up..
I do not wish to went back into the past...
Because I have put so much effort in my journey of life
until now
I really do not wish to redo all the things in the past :)
let bygones be bygones~
and make a better future~

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