Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I just compared and valued my blog with 1 person
so much difference ><
his one is full of very valuable minds and philosophies
but my one?
just a childish, full of complaints, meaning-hollowed blog

fine, it's because I treat blog as something
that which I could express my feelings
well, you can see also
when I'm serious, I use more proper English :x
when I'm saying some craps, complaints
I use kinda broken English
It's my style
and I'm not gonna follow suit others
as stated before, I strongly advocate individualism
(though I still need lots of effort to practice it)

Sian ( < no such words in English =.= )
I really have no mood to study at all!
I do not know also
I think it's because I stressed out too much during
the Malay Raya Holiday
1 day I used 5 to 8 hours studying all the book!
Only study books, never do exercise
also consume lots of my time
conclusion : revising is time-consuming
even have a simple read is far more better than revising =.=
So I hope I could graduate as soon as possible!

Let's talk about mask thing :x
well, undeniably
everyone is wearing a mask la =.=
it just depends on how thick the mask you're wearing
well, I always wear a mask in my social life
but I'd take control of its thickness in different circumstances
for example, when people are talking sports
My mask thickness is about 50% of its original thickness
when people are talking about sport celebrities
I'll just feign that I have my interest in it
actually I'm not sure am I really love those sports news
but if it's about Malaysia, I mostly will pay heeds to the news
that's why I said I support individualism
although my 'lack of interest in sports'..
is making me lack of topics or discussions with other boys
but I won't change the way I'm ^_^V
this is me xD

in the other hand, I love music
but the sad thing is
many boys don't love music
well I'm here to say that I'm a violinist
I love soft or pop music
but I think, a guitarist, or even a drummer
would have had a good conversation with me also =.=
coz everything about music would make me irrepressible :D
~My zeal my music would never stop!~

it's going to digress from my topic 'mask'
1 more proof I would like to mention about this mask
some people are throwing brickbats at people behind their back lor.
without a sense of remorse and embarrass
don't you feel ashamed when you're facing a friend or a person
whom you always talk bout his negative qualities
without him / her knowing?
and they pretend to be good in front of that person
but they merely just do not want to get hated by that person
and they talk like birds about them behind =.=

last but not least
mask is useful sometimes
when you want to hide your identity or personalities
but I believe it's not long-lasting
your attitudes will be exposed to publicity one day
whether intentionally or unintentionally

So I said
If the thickness of my mask is so great
in front of a person / friend / acquaintance
then I would know that he / she isn't my real friend =.=
a real friend is someone that you trust and confide in.
friend? I never believe the definition of this word
what it's to me is
someone that provide entertainment to you, so you won't feel upset / boring in your life, and these friends find you boring, they won't want to join you again.

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