Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Friday, April 29, 2011

sorry to post twice a day
coz really can't control my enthusiasm LOL :x

The 2 kids always very cute and funny de la =.=
everyday in school I always think of them.
sometimes I will be humming their songs
And the first thing I do when I reach home is
play with them 1st.
Sometimes I like to make them cry
erm in this context it means that,
My naughty nephew very naughty and he's a green-eyed monster
everytime when I sit very close with my mum
he will buay song and say : 我没有位了!
actually I purposely did that one xP
Coz when he flirts with us damn cute =.=
That's why I have a strong desire of making him cry or what
coz very cute lor!
Aiya U not me u won't understand de
u live with them U will know ler :D

For example, I went sunway college and get a star
I show off to them
and they quarrel over this star xP

and when eating something
have to hide in a corner eat one ;x
coz hor.. they will ask u to let them grab a bite
very mafan leh =.=
when they eat, will scatter on the floor or etc
and sometimes cannot let them eat too much
coz later they get sick
So everytime I hide when eating snacks or chocolate.
sometimes have to act like the snacks (food) very spicy
now they become smarter
this strategy not efficient anymore haha

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