Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Monday, January 28, 2013

Yay, The bus didn't "put my aeroplane" ! ^^

Hm, time passes so fast
Thursday - went to Jusco to buy some books and CNY new clothes
then in the evening went outdoors games with friends
and ENY at night until 11 p.m.
Friday - Sleep / wake up again at school and eventually school ends
at night also play games, study a bit Physics
Saturday - went out the whole day, play games at night again
Sunday - Tuition out for the morning until evening
at night play games again
Monday - again, tuition =.= afternoon nap, then tuition agian
But I'm glad that the bus did turn up

As usual, as I stepped into my house
the first thing of course is search the table for anythings
that are edible. LOLLL
and it happened that my mum kept her promise
of buying my fav food from pasar malam
so I was like devoured it in less than 5 minutes
then of coz went upstairs to 38 awhile in her room
with my nephew and niece
which ended up with hugging
and their ass being pat or hit by me xD
and last but not least, some goodnight kiss xDDDD

So this is how my day ends

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