Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Monday, January 7, 2013

I've just had my shower at this hour 10.52 p.m.
as usual, I open the door, but this time a bit slow
as my mood was different
and my mum was lying on the bed
but she wasn't asleep, she was asking why am I taking shower at this time
I told her everything, and as usual
she started her nagging of why didn't I take the taxi home
and this is her... :)
and I know that she cares for me

Do you know how pissed I'm today?!
Have been waiting for the bus for more than 30 mins
but I guess missed it, couldn't catch the bus
or shall I say

Then it was my rage, frustration that carried my legs
all the way to my home
as I walked longer, I became more intoxicated
later did I realized that it wasn't the bus which pissed me off so badly
My mood was somehow ambivalent
Frustrated because I've to walked a long way home
but it all still revolves around 1 common point
that I'm pathetic in every 'aspect'
not to mentioned here
which I swore this can be only told to my wife since form 3
fucking hell yea  ...

And then while I was walking,
I thought of many things again
and the "things" somehow motivate me to study harder.
I don't want to let all my efforts, my mum's efforts be in vain
I don't wan't to destroy the hopes that my mum laid on me

It won't last long...
is the only hope which I'm still clinging to until now...
because after a hurricane, comes a rainbow. :)

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