Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Recently, there are two girls in my class who read my blog
I never expect that in the first place
actually creating this blog, I never meant to let anyone know.
it just.. simply..
serves as a channel for me to dissipate my emotions
writing down my daily activities
and what is recorded is my maturity or immaturity at different age
so the next time I emo again, I can click them and view them all
to see how time flies, and how my mind has been consumed by time
and most cruelly, the timeless reality in this world.
Actually, I don't even care does anyone read it or not
And the only one who's constantly viewing my blog is my best friend indeed
sorry, I mean companion or confidante.

There are really no best friend in my dictionary
and there are only companion or confidante
to those who fall to the category of confidante
are really those understand me, whose I always talk to
Like noobie Droisyer.
and those in my school?
I term them as something companion
that keeps you moving on in life, with companionship
so you don't feel lonely, as if walking in a desert.

Anyway, have just read Ricey's blog
and what she said is more than true =.=
Stay back after school ... and a lot more
In the other hand, seriously, I quite enjoy mahani's class
because what she taught for 1 hour
I'd already read it during my time of duty
and the rest of the time I either chit-chat with Mervyn
or teasing Eric. xD
that's why I enjoy her class the most
whereas Maths class is a bit stress /.\
Physics is totally BORING, DULL
Well, it's the class, not the subjects
PA is also quite boring and stress
have to concentrate or else you will miss a thing

And 1 more thing
I've been selected as the President of the what kelab bitara
(what a lame name)
from what I heard, it's some kind of "literature" club
if it is, then the members from other classes
seemingly are not interested in this class
well I've no idea the motive of them joining this club
Now, I'm really under pressure again
what activities should I plan
that has got something to do with literature
Reciting poems? writing poems?
I don't thinks those people would enjoy doing such things.
Maybe I'll google it one day to find out what other schools do. LOLL

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