Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, January 19, 2013

What makes a person a best author?
Apart from eloquence in language
I think it's imagination haha
well, this time my imagination ran wild abit x.x

Ok, the story goes like this
today went to Jusco with family
and it happened that my brother left his wallet in the car
then I was "ordered" or "instructed" to help him take his wallet
then he handed me the car key
last but not least, he did remind me to lock the door after taking his wallet

For the first time, I had this kind of feeling of "act like a boss" LOLLL
Holding the key, going down escalators after escalators
and finally getting to the parking lot
Locating the white car
having my posture and walking gait straighten
preserving my image as a, hm.. don't know how to say xD
despite all the bullshits, I found the car, pressed the button
got into the car
the other paranoid side of me kept me searching for perpetrators
that might knock me down when I was getting into the car
the other side of my ego kept me opening the door like a boss
pretend like I own the BMW
so finally, I get into the car to search the wallet
and lock myself inside
and for the first time, I was being recognized
as if I OWNED the car
and a person was signalling to fill in the space that the car parked
but I did not notice it not until I found the wallet
and since I was only taking the wallet, but not driving away
I ended the scenario with grace
by shaking my hand profusely
as a sign that I was not driving the car out
and funnily, I did not press the correct button
when locking the door
and thanks God no one ever saw it LOL!

So it was time for my imagination again
I imagine myself owning the car
wearing some nice outfit
(Although I'm not as stunningly gorgeous and hot as Chris Evans)
and people who sit next to me
would be some SexY, ClassY and SassY girls
well, definitely not for "her"
but if "she" insists, maybe she can sit there
temporarily for erm.. 1 month and a half, or even weeks
as she can't sustain my interest long. xD

By the way, yesterday had a nice hang out with some "friends"
definitely Eric is one of them la
sadly, we didn't get to sing K together
because once again, I was rushing back home =.=
so we decided to sing K on next Friday

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