Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stuck with my projects again 
feel like asking the question in forum but not dare x.x
ask teachers?
well, I rather save the saliva for other uses

I went to forum again
and again, I was awe-inspired by the people there x.x
talks of A-level, SAM, IB Diploma
and ASEAN Scholarship, JPA etc etc
and other renowned universities like UNHM, Melbourne 
Suddenly the realization strucks me like a lightning bolt
There are still lots of people out there who are
far more outstanding than me
and so now, I shouldn't be so complacent
and slacking around doing nothing
like talking shits in the class x.x
But what I need now is motivation
and it seems like there is no motivation to spur me at all 
once again, I was devastated by a maths question again
Differentiation is so hard when it comes to proving an equation to be true 

Haizz, let's talk about the projects
really have no idea of how to do and start the project
not even a sample to refer except for General Studies
Again, I'd like complain about the school again
Why do we need to do the bullshit correction?
we're not kids anymore
if you insist on having us to do correction for every mistakes made
I think it will just encourage other people to copy the answers
straight from the answer pages behind 
not to mention
didn't the culture of Renaissance teach us to be more inquisitive
and ready to accept the new things?
well, I think 1 of our teacher failed this
because once again,
she insist using the conventional way of hers 
and she doesn't want to accept the ways which I formulated 

Speaking about the class
So how to get motivated ?
every time feel like sleeping in the class
thank God that I do not even doze off in class at all 
Especially physics class .
General Studies class is ok
since the teacher is quite committed 
it's just my problem of not getting enough sleep
speaking of sleep
I also want to voice out my discontentment 
why the heck do I every time have to wake up at 5?! D:
why can't the auntie bus fetch other people first
before coming to fetch me!! D: 

cheh, have lost my interest in them liao 
nowadays so sleepy and stress

and now I'm slacking again D:
because I'm stuck with the maths question
fine, should go and sleep now
Thursday is holiday, haven't done my CNY shopping yet
and Friday is a hang out day with old buddies ~   
What I can say is think of the positive side first
because after a hurricane, comes a rainbow
but after the rainbow, the hurricane will come and last for very long again x.x 

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