Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Just read Beatrice Liew's blog
One of my little classmates from the trio 38 group =.=
and then I've the urge to post again. LOL

Today is Saturday night,
but not a happy day for me la :/
Have been through this, but still not use to it ><
tomorrow have to attend the damn tuition again
so my day starts at 8.30 a.m. again
and 5.30 p.m. only reach home D:
4.30 or 5 reach setia bus stop
then walk a long way back to my house again .
Why the hell is my teachers all so incompetent?
If they're good, then I wouldn't have to attend tuition classes anymore D:

Nowadays have been complacent
Maybe the school has just started, I guess
But eventually pressure starts to build up, *SIGH*
Have to worry about my projects, chemistry and physics
everything is on our own
with no one to guide. haizzzzzz
But this time, I'm different D:
I think I lost a bit of my enthusiasm in study..
at least, compared to last time
it wasn't as strong as last time.
I guess because school has just started a few days ago :/
The thought of having to attend tuition classes tomorrow already have me bad-mood-ed :/

Nowadays have been imagining things again,
or having hallucinations, shall I say? xD
Have been imagining myself confessing to girls
or flirting with girls, or coax them to '....' LOLLLL.
Don't have to say
well, I guess these are normal to a typical guy
well, puberty has just done the right job on me
despite the fact that it's a bit late haha
because I know that my all my friends had been through all these
which now I only started to experience it, tsk tsk
anyway, as I said, puberty has just done the right job
as it makes me more typical
and have something in common with other boys, hahaha

So, now I'm going to sleep liaozzz
tomorrow have to wake up early
only to attend those boring classes.

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