Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Monday, January 28, 2013

Yay, The bus didn't "put my aeroplane" ! ^^

Hm, time passes so fast
Thursday - went to Jusco to buy some books and CNY new clothes
then in the evening went outdoors games with friends
and ENY at night until 11 p.m.
Friday - Sleep / wake up again at school and eventually school ends
at night also play games, study a bit Physics
Saturday - went out the whole day, play games at night again
Sunday - Tuition out for the morning until evening
at night play games again
Monday - again, tuition =.= afternoon nap, then tuition agian
But I'm glad that the bus did turn up

As usual, as I stepped into my house
the first thing of course is search the table for anythings
that are edible. LOLLL
and it happened that my mum kept her promise
of buying my fav food from pasar malam
so I was like devoured it in less than 5 minutes
then of coz went upstairs to 38 awhile in her room
with my nephew and niece
which ended up with hugging
and their ass being pat or hit by me xD
and last but not least, some goodnight kiss xDDDD

So this is how my day ends

Friday, January 25, 2013

Maybe I was wrong about the friend stuffs
actually there are three terms in my "friend hierarchy"
Starting from companion > friend > confidante
those who falls to the category of confidante are very little
and those who falls to companion are ABUNDANT
But one thing I'd like to clarify
my secondary friends are what I call friends :)
because after so long, we still meet with each other
and talk non-stop about how ya is life going on
and "My Boys" < I'm not gay xD
we still play sports together, talk together
and any other guys' stuffs :D
whereas companion?
I'm not sure about what makes me term him/her as companion
and what are the criteria
maybe not so close friend or acquaintance
other than that
there are such friends that I encounter
if you never hang out with them much often
your ranking in "friend hierarchy" drops eventually
and such people I don't need them as my friends

Ok, my Thursday is awesome :)
it was like Finally we get to go out and meet together again :D
First, we went to Adda Heights park to exercise
the girls are jogging
while the boys play basketball
and surprisingly, Tiu turned up and
he appeared in basketball court LOL
and we kept on teasing him throughout our playtime at the basketball court

after about an hour or a half of sports
the girls have gone home taking bath
well the boys went straight to ENY
and then the usual gatherings x.x
eat, drink, talk, laugh, tease
and then we went home at about 11 p.m.
last but not least,
I'm happy that I get to shoot with a few friends  :D

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stuck with my projects again 
feel like asking the question in forum but not dare x.x
ask teachers?
well, I rather save the saliva for other uses

I went to forum again
and again, I was awe-inspired by the people there x.x
talks of A-level, SAM, IB Diploma
and ASEAN Scholarship, JPA etc etc
and other renowned universities like UNHM, Melbourne 
Suddenly the realization strucks me like a lightning bolt
There are still lots of people out there who are
far more outstanding than me
and so now, I shouldn't be so complacent
and slacking around doing nothing
like talking shits in the class x.x
But what I need now is motivation
and it seems like there is no motivation to spur me at all 
once again, I was devastated by a maths question again
Differentiation is so hard when it comes to proving an equation to be true 

Haizz, let's talk about the projects
really have no idea of how to do and start the project
not even a sample to refer except for General Studies
Again, I'd like complain about the school again
Why do we need to do the bullshit correction?
we're not kids anymore
if you insist on having us to do correction for every mistakes made
I think it will just encourage other people to copy the answers
straight from the answer pages behind 
not to mention
didn't the culture of Renaissance teach us to be more inquisitive
and ready to accept the new things?
well, I think 1 of our teacher failed this
because once again,
she insist using the conventional way of hers 
and she doesn't want to accept the ways which I formulated 

Speaking about the class
So how to get motivated ?
every time feel like sleeping in the class
thank God that I do not even doze off in class at all 
Especially physics class .
General Studies class is ok
since the teacher is quite committed 
it's just my problem of not getting enough sleep
speaking of sleep
I also want to voice out my discontentment 
why the heck do I every time have to wake up at 5?! D:
why can't the auntie bus fetch other people first
before coming to fetch me!! D: 

cheh, have lost my interest in them liao 
nowadays so sleepy and stress

and now I'm slacking again D:
because I'm stuck with the maths question
fine, should go and sleep now
Thursday is holiday, haven't done my CNY shopping yet
and Friday is a hang out day with old buddies ~   
What I can say is think of the positive side first
because after a hurricane, comes a rainbow
but after the rainbow, the hurricane will come and last for very long again x.x 

Monday, January 21, 2013

So glad that I'm home this early 9.45 p.m.
after the brain storming physics tuition
somehow I'm proud of myself being a physics student
as this subject applies all the Maths stuffs in it

Physics project, chemistry project.
PA the topic is settled
as for the science projects
I'm still very skeptical towards
the knowledge of our school teachers on these projects
haiz never mind
as I always said
Government schools are all like that
what I can do is to bear with it
for 1 more DREADFUL year
hopefully, my degree years wouldn't be like this x.x

Saturday, January 19, 2013

What makes a person a best author?
Apart from eloquence in language
I think it's imagination haha
well, this time my imagination ran wild abit x.x

Ok, the story goes like this
today went to Jusco with family
and it happened that my brother left his wallet in the car
then I was "ordered" or "instructed" to help him take his wallet
then he handed me the car key
last but not least, he did remind me to lock the door after taking his wallet

For the first time, I had this kind of feeling of "act like a boss" LOLLL
Holding the key, going down escalators after escalators
and finally getting to the parking lot
Locating the white car
having my posture and walking gait straighten
preserving my image as a, hm.. don't know how to say xD
despite all the bullshits, I found the car, pressed the button
got into the car
the other paranoid side of me kept me searching for perpetrators
that might knock me down when I was getting into the car
the other side of my ego kept me opening the door like a boss
pretend like I own the BMW
so finally, I get into the car to search the wallet
and lock myself inside
and for the first time, I was being recognized
as if I OWNED the car
and a person was signalling to fill in the space that the car parked
but I did not notice it not until I found the wallet
and since I was only taking the wallet, but not driving away
I ended the scenario with grace
by shaking my hand profusely
as a sign that I was not driving the car out
and funnily, I did not press the correct button
when locking the door
and thanks God no one ever saw it LOL!

So it was time for my imagination again
I imagine myself owning the car
wearing some nice outfit
(Although I'm not as stunningly gorgeous and hot as Chris Evans)
and people who sit next to me
would be some SexY, ClassY and SassY girls
well, definitely not for "her"
but if "she" insists, maybe she can sit there
temporarily for erm.. 1 month and a half, or even weeks
as she can't sustain my interest long. xD

By the way, yesterday had a nice hang out with some "friends"
definitely Eric is one of them la
sadly, we didn't get to sing K together
because once again, I was rushing back home =.=
so we decided to sing K on next Friday

Friday, January 11, 2013

Suddenly, I'm overwhelmed by a sense of loss again
I feel like everyone is advancing forward
and the light they see, is somehow brighter and brighter
and me?
I feel like as if... the pathetic me...
is still wandering in the dark wilderness
circling aimlessly, bleak .
and I can see no light coming
not even a ray of light. D:
But in the other hand
I appreciate the fact that I'm not alone in this journey
Despite the doubts that whether this is worth a fight
something that is rewarding or not
I'm happy that there are still people around me
that can accompany me. :)

Suddenly I can't help but keep listening to this music : )
And it just evokes the magical and wonderful feeling again =.= oh no
But I still stick to the "truth" that
I'm still not into her <33

So tomorrow I will start to learn this :D

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Recently, there are two girls in my class who read my blog
I never expect that in the first place
actually creating this blog, I never meant to let anyone know.
it just.. simply..
serves as a channel for me to dissipate my emotions
writing down my daily activities
and what is recorded is my maturity or immaturity at different age
so the next time I emo again, I can click them and view them all
to see how time flies, and how my mind has been consumed by time
and most cruelly, the timeless reality in this world.
Actually, I don't even care does anyone read it or not
And the only one who's constantly viewing my blog is my best friend indeed
sorry, I mean companion or confidante.

There are really no best friend in my dictionary
and there are only companion or confidante
to those who fall to the category of confidante
are really those understand me, whose I always talk to
Like noobie Droisyer.
and those in my school?
I term them as something companion
that keeps you moving on in life, with companionship
so you don't feel lonely, as if walking in a desert.

Anyway, have just read Ricey's blog
and what she said is more than true =.=
Stay back after school ... and a lot more
In the other hand, seriously, I quite enjoy mahani's class
because what she taught for 1 hour
I'd already read it during my time of duty
and the rest of the time I either chit-chat with Mervyn
or teasing Eric. xD
that's why I enjoy her class the most
whereas Maths class is a bit stress /.\
Physics is totally BORING, DULL
Well, it's the class, not the subjects
PA is also quite boring and stress
have to concentrate or else you will miss a thing

And 1 more thing
I've been selected as the President of the what kelab bitara
(what a lame name)
from what I heard, it's some kind of "literature" club
if it is, then the members from other classes
seemingly are not interested in this class
well I've no idea the motive of them joining this club
Now, I'm really under pressure again
what activities should I plan
that has got something to do with literature
Reciting poems? writing poems?
I don't thinks those people would enjoy doing such things.
Maybe I'll google it one day to find out what other schools do. LOLL

Monday, January 7, 2013

I've just had my shower at this hour 10.52 p.m.
as usual, I open the door, but this time a bit slow
as my mood was different
and my mum was lying on the bed
but she wasn't asleep, she was asking why am I taking shower at this time
I told her everything, and as usual
she started her nagging of why didn't I take the taxi home
and this is her... :)
and I know that she cares for me

Do you know how pissed I'm today?!
Have been waiting for the bus for more than 30 mins
but I guess missed it, couldn't catch the bus
or shall I say

Then it was my rage, frustration that carried my legs
all the way to my home
as I walked longer, I became more intoxicated
later did I realized that it wasn't the bus which pissed me off so badly
My mood was somehow ambivalent
Frustrated because I've to walked a long way home
but it all still revolves around 1 common point
that I'm pathetic in every 'aspect'
not to mentioned here
which I swore this can be only told to my wife since form 3
fucking hell yea  ...

And then while I was walking,
I thought of many things again
and the "things" somehow motivate me to study harder.
I don't want to let all my efforts, my mum's efforts be in vain
I don't wan't to destroy the hopes that my mum laid on me

It won't last long...
is the only hope which I'm still clinging to until now...
because after a hurricane, comes a rainbow. :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Just read Beatrice Liew's blog
One of my little classmates from the trio 38 group =.=
and then I've the urge to post again. LOL

Today is Saturday night,
but not a happy day for me la :/
Have been through this, but still not use to it ><
tomorrow have to attend the damn tuition again
so my day starts at 8.30 a.m. again
and 5.30 p.m. only reach home D:
4.30 or 5 reach setia bus stop
then walk a long way back to my house again .
Why the hell is my teachers all so incompetent?
If they're good, then I wouldn't have to attend tuition classes anymore D:

Nowadays have been complacent
Maybe the school has just started, I guess
But eventually pressure starts to build up, *SIGH*
Have to worry about my projects, chemistry and physics
everything is on our own
with no one to guide. haizzzzzz
But this time, I'm different D:
I think I lost a bit of my enthusiasm in study..
at least, compared to last time
it wasn't as strong as last time.
I guess because school has just started a few days ago :/
The thought of having to attend tuition classes tomorrow already have me bad-mood-ed :/

Nowadays have been imagining things again,
or having hallucinations, shall I say? xD
Have been imagining myself confessing to girls
or flirting with girls, or coax them to '....' LOLLLL.
Don't have to say
well, I guess these are normal to a typical guy
well, puberty has just done the right job on me
despite the fact that it's a bit late haha
because I know that my all my friends had been through all these
which now I only started to experience it, tsk tsk
anyway, as I said, puberty has just done the right job
as it makes me more typical
and have something in common with other boys, hahaha

So, now I'm going to sleep liaozzz
tomorrow have to wake up early
only to attend those boring classes.