Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Friday, September 30, 2011

change in mood from gloomy > excited
weird? hahas
Tomorrow is my school's graduation day :)
owh.. So excited
hope I'm not panic or what when
going up stage receiving my cert from teacher xP
hahas, it's just sec school graduation :)
but I'm looking forward to it
tomorrow everyone will be dressing formally
weird ya.

After graduation have to work hard for SPM already!
woah, time had gone too fast ><
I remember last time standard 6
I kept telling myself
that I want to stay in primary school forever
coz I don't want to grow !
And become mature D:

Anyway, what I'm excited about
is our 5A ROCKSSS performance

phew, finally graduate ler...
my last resolution is to pass with flying colours in SPM
not pass, is SCORE! :)
byes good night.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

what has happened to me?! =.=
like brainwashed by some unknown sources
I really find that korean girls not as hot as English girls
well, English girls who play music are more hot!
regardless their physique
of course I'm still a guy
not too fat, slim abit la .

English girl that plays piano is the apple of my eye <3
I love music!
So I really have to work hard from now on =.=
study hard
go overseas to study not possible
either I migrate to other countries
or work harder in a company
and got sent to other countries
but I'm science student D:
today the teacher ( Idk her name )
speech is so inspiring !
hm, eventually I'd been studying for more than 11 years
and my final aim is to success in life
and I forgot which teacher said that
Aftermath of SPM is only the beginning of a challenging life!

Hm, I study damn hard ><
but not as hard as yue yuan la of course
why am I studying hard while others not?
well, I have a wild desire
to be good at everything
top to toes ...
appearance, physique, verbal, IQ, attitude
now I'm striving for excellence in IQ
and I'm on the way in finding my own identity
what I found is that :
I damn like to act cute =.= but always failed
so it looks quite abit .... LOL
and I always live with my principle <3

these 2 aren't the things that I should ponder upon now
they're what will be predetermined by my results
as to my perspective,
being a penniless fellow like me
study or certificate is the most important thing in life
with certificate,
my capability is recognized in society
if I'm able to strive for a good cert
the chances of me getting a high salary job is greater :)
if I can earn more money
then only I'm able to do work on my physique and appearance :)

what's the other reason I study?
I want my mum to be envied by all the relatives!
"Woah, her son is ....
"Woah .... "
this is what I want my mum to hear people around her
uttering such words ~
I also want my mum to feel that
raising a child like me isn't the wrong choice!
I'm so glad that I raise such a good child . xD

and do you know that
being respect / envied by people is kind good?
imagine people in a restaurant looking at you
when you step out of a 'BMW' car
imagine you're attending a wedding banquet
with your hands putting around a sexy girl's waist
imagine that you no longer need to ppreciate everyone around you
who always hurt you, whom you must always grovel from him / her
and now it's the time you become a dragon
and flamethrower them back hard

well, I think my arduous life had just begun :)
but what is worth a price is worth a fight
so before my wings hardened, matured
in preparation for roaming to the sky high
I'll be temporarily closing all the doors around me
stuffing my head in the world of books~~
Physics, Add Maths, Chemistry, Biology, English, Chinese... etc
plunge myself in the world of academics~
wish me break a leg :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nowadays I find that English people, be it male or female
is more handsome / beautiful than asians
I don't know what had happened to my mind =.=
last time I prefer korean girls
now I find that English girls are more hot
well, beauty is the eye of the beholder :)

female :


male :

one thing I envy him : his eyes
one 1 merit English people have
I wish I really grow taller T_T
and it's just my hallucinations or delusions

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I just compared and valued my blog with 1 person
so much difference ><
his one is full of very valuable minds and philosophies
but my one?
just a childish, full of complaints, meaning-hollowed blog

fine, it's because I treat blog as something
that which I could express my feelings
well, you can see also
when I'm serious, I use more proper English :x
when I'm saying some craps, complaints
I use kinda broken English
It's my style
and I'm not gonna follow suit others
as stated before, I strongly advocate individualism
(though I still need lots of effort to practice it)

Sian ( < no such words in English =.= )
I really have no mood to study at all!
I do not know also
I think it's because I stressed out too much during
the Malay Raya Holiday
1 day I used 5 to 8 hours studying all the book!
Only study books, never do exercise
also consume lots of my time
conclusion : revising is time-consuming
even have a simple read is far more better than revising =.=
So I hope I could graduate as soon as possible!

Let's talk about mask thing :x
well, undeniably
everyone is wearing a mask la =.=
it just depends on how thick the mask you're wearing
well, I always wear a mask in my social life
but I'd take control of its thickness in different circumstances
for example, when people are talking sports
My mask thickness is about 50% of its original thickness
when people are talking about sport celebrities
I'll just feign that I have my interest in it
actually I'm not sure am I really love those sports news
but if it's about Malaysia, I mostly will pay heeds to the news
that's why I said I support individualism
although my 'lack of interest in sports'..
is making me lack of topics or discussions with other boys
but I won't change the way I'm ^_^V
this is me xD

in the other hand, I love music
but the sad thing is
many boys don't love music
well I'm here to say that I'm a violinist
I love soft or pop music
but I think, a guitarist, or even a drummer
would have had a good conversation with me also =.=
coz everything about music would make me irrepressible :D
~My zeal my music would never stop!~

it's going to digress from my topic 'mask'
1 more proof I would like to mention about this mask
some people are throwing brickbats at people behind their back lor.
without a sense of remorse and embarrass
don't you feel ashamed when you're facing a friend or a person
whom you always talk bout his negative qualities
without him / her knowing?
and they pretend to be good in front of that person
but they merely just do not want to get hated by that person
and they talk like birds about them behind =.=

last but not least
mask is useful sometimes
when you want to hide your identity or personalities
but I believe it's not long-lasting
your attitudes will be exposed to publicity one day
whether intentionally or unintentionally

So I said
If the thickness of my mask is so great
in front of a person / friend / acquaintance
then I would know that he / she isn't my real friend =.=
a real friend is someone that you trust and confide in.
friend? I never believe the definition of this word
what it's to me is
someone that provide entertainment to you, so you won't feel upset / boring in your life, and these friends find you boring, they won't want to join you again.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

sian failed again =.=
I thought can get 50 above in chinese paper 2
then, haizz
should be grateful that this thing
isn't happen in my Bio, Chem, Phy, Add Maths, English

let's talk about girls.
Why do God created girls?
this is the story
One day, Adam was sleeping
God made him into a deep sleep
while he was sleeping, God make another human
as an assistant to help and accompany Adam
God took out a bone from his body
and use other materials ( sand ) to make another human
God named this human woman, a man's ( Adam ) woman

For me, girls are something that
provide pleasure for guys
what I meant pleasure isn't the '...'
is a vision pleasure understand? :P
Yesterday ZH asked me do I like some girl in our class
so I started to think of : Am I normal?
since I do not fall for any girl

I change my ideal girl periodically de =.=
sometimes I think this girl is pretty and nice
sometimes that
I do not have a steady heart :P~
my heart fluctuates periodically xD

in my point of view,
I would say that
Girls are like flowers in a garden
and I'm a passer-by in the garden
Some colourful flowers caught my attention
and I will stop by to see the flowers
once I feel bored already, then I will switch to another flower

Today I almost got stroke by a girl =.=
not because she's pretty ( actually kinda )
but it's her demure smile
that is able to salvage my heart from falling for other flower further~

Friday, September 16, 2011

One thing I find 'Wern Yean Tan' great is
she looks the same like me =.=
she's also that kind of person
that has strong principles embedded in her heart
but what make she and I different is that
I'm less bonded to my own principles
and the way I act and think
she's more
that's why during primary school we always quarrel
but after awhile, we become friends again
it still apply the same here

so 'friend' this word
started to arise in my mind
what's a true friend?
some friends
1 ) 翻脸了 then forever their relationship can't be salvage
2 )some even have a big quarrel
after a period of times, they get back together again

A true friend for me is number 2
weird, a girl's is my true friend =.=
though I've to admit it

and my friends?
but there is one thing in myself
I don't like to wear a mask when socializing with people ( maybe now )
If I did eventually, the person I'm talking to
is not my true friend
this is how I distinguish between a true friend or
just a merely good friend
that have fun together
when something big happens
he or she will just ditch you .

Wear a mask?
this is what I have to learn when I come into this society later
but not now
now it's the time for me to find my own identity =.=
and not wearing a mask just because
I wanna be a perfect person in front of other people

Seriously, people with different principles
really can't mix together
can you mix a fire with and ice and they bond together?
no right.
as if such people like this still can live together harmoniously
I would say that they're a couple ^^

Thursday, September 15, 2011

everyone in the world is changing.
so does every thing
my mum switched new mobile phone
my friends all growing mature
some people growing taller
their exam results improving
but myself?
still that typical
careless ... clumsy
and my height - stuck between 170 ~ 171

Hm, let's talk about other things
Do you know why I want to be a surgeron?
because I empathize people..
who's gonna lose their loved ones
because their loved ones are inflicted by cancer
but in the other hand, their financial situation
is insufficient for them to pay the high price of surgery
even the doctors, surgeons
all look for money only
even hospital accommodation fees also need lots of money
people who're not wealthy enough
just can sit there and witness their loved ones
being tortured by cancer
and lastly depart their life...
in this context, I wish to be a surgeon that the hospital
is under my control..
to help those needy

City Hunter OST have had a strong influence on me leh :x
I also feel like being a person
who protect the country safety and combat crimes
ask me to be CID ? ( CID = police of lowest rank )
I don't want !
have to chase the criminals ! I don't want. xD
Instead, I feel like being a prosecutor
I don't know is this job available in Malaysia
but Korea does ( xD, I watch City Hunter OST one )
Being a prosecutor
you have to check reports made by police
confront criminals ( small mistakes one )
probe for the truth of the case
and apply your knowledge to solve a case
whether it'd being faked by police, or the criminals.

Surgeon? Need to study alot about Bio D:
Prosecutor ?
I think I can't also
To be a prosecutor, I think you must have
a very good understanding of the country's politics, economy and social
you also have to perform well in government examinations
still the same, have to study, sit for tests
once pass the test, can apply to be a prosecutor d :)
as if I be a prosecutor
but in the end
I will either be imprisoned or I leave the job
I said before
I have individualistic mind
I do what's consider right for me with my own principles
this thing would make me easily offense the country
especially in my country, there're 3 races and other minorities
As a chinese also, people sure will say that I practice racism
when doing my job

U know. In City Hunter OST
Kim prosecutor is one of a prosecutor that I admire a lot
he's just, righteous
His virtuous attitude soon make him die in the end of the drama.
Prosecutor may held pistol one hor ! :D

I also feel like being a script writer
and my script will be used to act a drama
because I love to imagine
but people will think I'm crapping
if I tell them my ideas.
in the other hand
My writing skill isn't good
the way I express my language not so good
so I hope my idea can be act out as a drama / movie

My ambition?
I'm still wandering in this dilemma
I will decide one day
now what I must do is
concentrate in my studies
and strive for excellence in SPM :D

Friday, September 9, 2011

I feel like watching football
but lazy .
nvm I just take care of
the gossips
not gossips . I think is call football news -.-
see I got times or not
I still put music as my priority.
Trial ~
Next week is my fav subjects
Though, efforts still must be put
in order to get flying colours

I like sleeping with my mum
lying on the bed together
chatting our past time
until we feel tired
and close our eyes eventually..
she's the on who closes first
and her snoring sound is always the first to be heard by me
after that when I open my eyes
it's already morning :)

Let's reminisce the past~
Last time when I'm still a small boy
I used to sleep with my mum
and I instructed her that
she must face me.
But I'm a grown-up now
I can no longer do this D:
sometimes la. of course
but not often

Now I love sleeping with my mum because
Can play with him.
can say many things to make him cry
those childish things la haha

SPM is around the corner O.O
I must work hard for it ~
so that my mum's 'investment' on me is is worthwhile and paid off

Sunday, September 4, 2011

OMG I'm so sad .
I just finished watching City Hunter OST
Why must Prosecutor Kim been killed in the drama?!
he's so straight in doing his job
why must he died in the drama?

hm anyway
this drama is damn cool still.. =.=
fighting scenes....
Great technology.
If City Hunter did exist in Malaysia
I think some people really die ler :x
And exams no more tips already
coz City Hunter
will prosecute people who buy the tips with money
or people who involved in corruption to get exam tips.
1st person to be sent to police station
Mr Kalithason! HAHA :P
OMG =.=
I finished watching edi
but City Hunter still kept on floating in my mind leh !
I'm addicted to city hunter ler!!!
I don't mean the drama
I mean this person.... CITY HUNTER!

cheh, I'm too naive la
how come city hunter will exist in this world?
all people scare die de ( like me :P )
and don't wanna sacrifice one
not all people so pro
like city hunter
tall, handsome, IQ high, EQ high, know how to use high-tech, martial arts.

really thumbs up for the japanese who created city hunter lor.
the plot so nice....
If english essay during exam can write such story
I'm willing to give it a try
er hm... the title should me
" how to combat crime ?
Discuss how you would take part in combating crime "

Cannot stay at home rot.
sleep until late late ( not really. 9.30 =.=, consider late for me )
Very funny la they two =.=
<3 Actually I damn love them
but they too naughty d
don't care them la. not my children also
their parents will take care de... .

Trial exams?
should be happy mah... Cheer Up. KL :)
how I wish I could finish Form 5
and pursuit my dream~
er hm. still need to go through Uni. D:
by the way
after SPM can continue to dwell on my stature problem le AHA!
And learn violin
Nowadays I'm so addicted to this music from Beethoven Virus OST
Passion from Beethoven Virus
go search for it :)
music lover ( like me ) sure like it.

so 2 months more is time to take SPM ler
maybe this is my last post d...
( Choy Choy Choy! Joking one lar =.=
I can still continue blogging after SPM
and I cannot tahan 2 months later only play blog xP )
City Hunter is so daring to find prove of the politician's
involvement in corruption
so this stupid silly exam
why can't I treat it as a bean? LOL
Just sit for the exam for 1 month only.

I said before that I feel myself special from others
So I'll continue on my 'specialties'
Hey! I have my own identity
And not that kind of people
that like to mimick people's doing.
I will continue to live
with my principles...
that are hard to be wavered in any circumstances.. <3