Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

and 1 more thing
I'm looking forward to this Saturday
not because of Hari jalinan mesra
is because in the afternoon..
I can proceed with my k-drama :P
Really feel like watching now
but not nice if watch now
coz now is still weekdays
have to wait until saturday
then 1 time watch many many
Until I shuang! :D

The drama really addictive.
haha, but I won't forget to revise de :D
today damn geram!
know why?
ben lai got soccer competition today one
then dismissed liao!
wait until 3.45 then say dismiss /.\
sian lar. means next time need come again lor
very tired leh :/

but anyway, I only have transportation at 6
so I go help gerai thing :D
but nothing to help also HAHA
and they all today going to ah ye's house :/
I cannot go.
wish them finish their work faster
and tomorrow have enough energy :)

This is really funny
let me tell u 1 joke
"There's a nerdy, ugly boy in a school
and his teacher tell him that
in Sec 3, got some girls fight with each other
because of him"
HAHAHA very illogical right?
the teacher must be lying him
or the teacher recognize the wrong people.
How come? He so ugly who want to fight for him?
LOL this is really confusing and funny @.@
Laughs BAH!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I know why nowadays I look so gloomy in school d!
I think it's because of lack of sleep
sian la
tmr soccer competition LOL
laugh? when did I play soccer? HAHA
nvm, join for experience la haha
so very sian la! have to come in the afternoon
why not they held it in the morning? =.=
I hope tomorrow lose :x
like that I can no need come again lor if lose liao
but if win, have to come on the latter day
so.. hope lose :P

Monday, June 27, 2011

Today I very no mood
don't know why. Now become no more mood Haiz
haiz, actually got something is bothering me la D:
I think I won't be cheer if I keep on thinking it
be positive? that's what I can do lor
btw, I'm that kind of people
who won't give up until I'm proven wrong
Now no one knows yet
I still won't give up
really... This is my character
Not that kind of people that can give up easily
I will persevere through this D: .
Today I went to Guardian and knew the truth
It did really strike me abit
but thinking it, it sounds quite logic..
But I still can't believe it la
got time I'll surf the web to check it again D:
Say real la, I really very sad about this lar T__T
God is fair? yes
but can't I have more than You gave me? D:
I know I'm too greedy
but I really hope it will become a reality one day lor D:

and.. today I revised Bio
the female reproductive so hard =.=
got many stages zzz
not like male. so easy
haiz, I think I will make my studies better first la
I believe that a watched pot never boiled
so I won't expect much in it ler
but still, I will work hard for it
until the 'deadline'. let's see the outcome
if really upsetting me, then I just have to accept D:
I won't give up easily! =)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

3 hours passed d :P
i mean the lame LDL lic
Today while sitting bus back to house
Sit until my ass pain .. lol
back to home, had lunch, then PPS @.@

I discovered one drama very nice
call "Lie to Me"
걸짓말 을해봐
then I stop watching City Hunter d .
coz too curious of the story of Lie To Me
keep watch and watch :x
And today I damn regret I ever went to Jusco
wasted my 2 hours time la T_T
next time I won't go again ler! /.\
tmr school again la.. haiz
stupid coco, when can it stops? D:
really hate it la.
btw, spm is coming d /.\
Nowadays I become hardworking liao
sometimes would take a book and revise :D

Saturday, June 18, 2011

1封 sms 是 “吵lin" send 来的
1封是 ”燕妹“ send 来的
6 月 17 日..
妈妈忍受了当年 Eve 产下 Cain 和 Abel 时的痛苦
为了我的诞生,忍受 excruciating pain

Today is damn lucky LOL
when I was walking to setia indah bus stop
on the way to there
one stranger (indian uncle) offered to send me there
I was reluctant at first as he's a stranger to me
but lastly I went to sit on his motorbike x)
You would thought that I;m too naive?
Please I'm not lor :P
when I settle my ass on the motorbike ler
I was thinking of how to jump away from the motorbike
if the uncle is really a scum :D
But he soon sent me to setia bus stop ler haha
so I said thank you to him lor

Ok, now in the bus
I was quite relieved
on the way to school already
then i don't know what am I doing inside the bus =.=
the bus passed by the school ler I was dreaming
until it reaches further away from the school
I only realised that I forgot to stop the bus!!!
I was like damn 'wtf' and LOL =.=
then nevermind, there's a phrase call better late than never
so I stopped the bus, but have to walk a longer route to school la =.=
ok. while walking while taking and umbrella
I saw a car passed by me leh xD
the driver kept on looking at me
I did the same too
then I found that he's Joseph Foo haha =.=
So I tumpang his car go to school lor!
xD so shuang and lucky leh
and today we marched not bad la
we get 3rd =.= last year get 4th laughs...
got improve mah
and the most shocking is
St. John got 4th.. I was like. LOL?
Last year they got 1st, how come 4th?
Say real lor, I really never expect it to be like this
and very lucky today also!
coz our principal is absent today!
so in the field, 1 fellow ( I 4got his name, what yusof de =.= )
and Pn. Lim gave speeches only :P
So our standing time in the field is greatly reduce LOL! Thanks GOD!
Very sian lar =. stand until foot pain
cant move to anywhere also =.=

Today really tired lar! :D
yesterday my sis and bro brought me to a place to have birthday dinner
so touched le :D they remember :)
So I did made some wished la
but of course. can't tell here
if not I scared it won't come true
by the way, my sis asked me want what present
very funny.
I asked her budget, then my bro-in-law said
'Not asking me to buy a HOUSE or CAR la'
I said learn violin in an impulse
But after that, I think and think
actually I have a lot of interest leh =.=
But I only can choose 1 out of a lot
Now I'm still in a dilemma
just now watched City Hunter :D
damn shuai la walao! Taekwondo rocks sia!
and still the same, Lee Min Ho know how to fight
I was like kept focusing on his moves =.=
damn cool man.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Today so sian. *Yawn*
and something stupid also keep floating in my mind. sian
she said 4.30 practice kawad
how I go oh? =.=
if really can't make it then don't kawad liao la! -.-
btw, tomorrow I duty library until 4.00
so maybe I can go practice awhile lor
But I know the 'awhile' is probably until 6+ something
nvm la, last time I also like that
then go lor =.=
sian, I hate this week too
today sukan tara cancelled
HAHA, this thing sure disappoint Yue Yuen
HAHA... xD.. I so bad hor? keep laugh at people..
so it means that
the stupid sukan tara will come whenever
haiyo, this week damn... haiz..
nvm after Saturday then can relax liao
then is time for my PPS again xD
I don't know since when I keep on watching PPS
Games? play until sian d.
Facebook? no people to talk with.
Then nvm lor, I watch PPS until siao barh x.x

and one more thing
I finished karangan d leh^^
stupid homework... SHOO
damn sian la! I just have to tahan this week more D:
for the sports day.
hari keusahawanan I don't know will sian mah
just wait and see lor -.-

Sunday, June 12, 2011

yesterday night, or today early morning?
I don't know...
But I really have a weird dream. LOL
I dreamt of
I was walking into a school canteen.
SO weird de? the school canteen seems so familiar to me oh
LOL I was in La Salle? xD
Then I saw a group of people sitting behind me
suddenly they vanished ler
and suddenly, the next row of table
I saw my usual friends were there
I exclaimed and greeted them
They answered my greetings :D
But soon. the school bell rang.
we went upstairs to our class together :)
Along the pathway to my class
My usual friends were still beside me.. walking together towards class
but when I entered the class
and went to the place where I used to sit
suddenly i saw a green colour bag
It was Young Qin Rui's bag! haha
(But now I know she changed bag d, though
I still recognize her green bag haha :P )
But very weird eh?
The table I remembered is la salle classroom table lai de
how come SMKTD Friends go there? =.=
I also remembered wai kent was leaning against teacher's table
Then I woke up ler x.x

So funny eh?
And today I also wasted my entire afternoon to watch
yean so called nice show =.=
I found nothing special about it lar. ..
But can learn many korean words inside. that's all
Then I watch lor =.= can learn korean what
and after watching City Hunter
I found that taekwondo really cool man!
I wanna learn also :D
for self-defense mah.
But I will only proceed to it when I finish study I think
coz really have no time =.=
okla, I go do something first
then go sleep liao
tmr still got stupid sukan tara
miserable life...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

D: really sian la
holiday gonna end d lehzzzz
Just played Audition and Draw My Things with Yean

U know..
I use the entire afternoon to watch pps
there I found a drama call City Hunter
damn nice man.
is from Lee Min Ho de < my idol
He damn shuai and cool inside
and a girl inside also kinda chio :)
Both of them know how to fight!
this drama is about the ugly side of Korea's politics
and Lee Min Ho and that girl
were trained to combat with this bad politics
damn nice la. I watched until ep3 d ^^
And now I wanna go sleep d :)
tomorrow wake up earlier to watch PPS again!
I'm not gonna watch City Hunter in haste
coz In korea, this drama only do twice a week
so fast watch finish for what?:P
So I will watch other things lor...
See what can I find lar..
okla good night :P

Friday, June 10, 2011

If u ask me .
Do I want to live in KL when I can make a livelihood
the answer is NO.
No also
Actually, the place which I'd always wanted to go is Korea
because I love the babes and weather there :P
London also not bad, just I have to practice more English speaking
My mood is still in a state or 'recuperation'
Holiday is going to end D:
Have to wake up early everyday again
sian leh =.=
and then study study, homework homework
and stupid sukan tara and BSMM Marching

1 month ago, I saw a very nice line in 格言
I feel like using this as a title for my short story xD
Should I?
Ok I start a few lines first barh
If I really can't make it, then I just stop :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Inexplicably I'm not in a good mood
Blue, gloom, boring. best describe my mood
Now I'm still in 'mood recuperation mode'

Okay, Let's talk about my KL trip
I reach home at about 1.00 p.m.
After that I bathed, had lunch and packed some things
I brought laptop, some homework..
about 2 p.m. my mum only start car :)
We arrived at KL at about 5.30 p.m.
then she straight drove to my babysitter's house

xD I experience this 'drama scene' 3rd time le la
so nothing special lor :P
Btw, very funny
I sms-ed Min LOL!
very funny and LOL de.
but she very bad lor
don't want pei me go Sunway Pyramid
Yean went to Sabah for holidays.
um.. Stupid ECY went to Langkawi =.=
at last, I dialed xxxxxxxxxxx
to FMJJ ( < is a person, you don't have to know his name )
I asked him out to Mid Valley city lor :D
he said ok
At night also kinda momentous
We went to 'ma mak dong' ( < cantonese lai de )
to eat Roti Canai
say real lor.
since moving to Johor I never go this kind of place ler
always go cafe eat de

FMJJ and I went to Mid Valley
But too bad, my mum don't allow me to buy clothes ler =.=
so we just went there shop for fun
We went to play arcade games LOL
Hm . not bad la. we played shot gun and basketball =.=
then we also went to eat Japan food
and he took the initiative to foot the bill xD
he did so coz last time I went to Johor we never hang out
hm okla, but hor, the Japan food really is like.
no standard and not nice de lor.
RM77 . total. aiya sap sap sui la :x ( For him la, not me :P )
Btw, I saw many nice clothes in Mid Valley lol
Mid Valley is very much bigger than City Square lor
Next time I became rich ler I sure will come here shop until die
This let me think of my dreams~
When I grown up
I will live by myself in a luxury condominium
and hm. I will have a room for my things
my shoes, socks, clothes, pants, watches, underwear
all must be branded de :P
xD very siao hor?
But I like. xD
So I'll work for it :D

it's time to go back luu~~
again, I experience this 4th or 3rd time liaos
nothing to ponder upon also
but very weird
I feel sad by the way D:
(Before that, what happen to my blog? -.- the english usage so suck de suddenly)
LOL :x

I really don't know how I feel now lar
at first, I think that going back to KL is a nuisance
have to sit car for long hours
then sleep at babysitter's house but not hotel
u know, on the way to KL, I damn miss Johor
but now, I myself in Johor already
I started to miss KL again D:
In the other hand, KL is where I grew up
So it's really hard to erase my feelings and memories here D:
On Friday, on the way back to Johor,
once again I have to say goodbyes to KL again D:
Until now, I still don't know what am I thinking =.=
Damn boring. *Sigh*
Life really isn't a bed of roses for me
Reality is something that I must face =.=
I'm not in KL anymore
and the journey ahead is still long
Until I finish STPM, uni..
Haiz, this is where the peak of my dull life =.=
Sometimes I think of this
Should I stay in KL or Johor after I can make a living
But the answer is still unknown
Haiz, I lazy to continue typing ler =.=