Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Monday, December 13, 2010

Nowadays I kinda lazy post d
But I suddenly have an urge to post...
so keep reading it ya~

Hm, Nowadays
I think I'm getting lazier and lazier liao
hm.. so what?
Everyone also la.
haha.. but at least I got revise and read novel
but also never read much de
I revised Sejarah, then read my novel lor.

Nowadays I'm crazy about a drama again
the drama I think kinda long liao de.. maybe is 2009 one.
call 'Pink Lipstick' / 粉红色口红 / 분홍립스틱
that drama kinda nice de.. haha
Actually hor.. I not so like to watch 偶像剧
I prefer more mature korean drama
like that drama I mentioned above lor.
That drama show on Singapore tv U channel
weekdays. 7pm ~ 8pm
kinda nice :D:D

And nowadays become addicted to audition liao
dk why.. LOL
And I did something sorry to my mum
but I also made a secret promise to cover my faulty act
I would concentrate on my studies in form 5 :D
I want 9A+
Although I don't know possible or not
and... people said.
High expectations upsets you more
undeniable, this quote kinda correct
nvm la.. just that's all
see the new song I uploaded ya :D

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

today is so tiring.
10.30 only wake up
got bit head ache
then my sister telephone ler.
aiya those crap lazy talk ^^

then we go a restaurant eat lor.
I ate a chicken rice.
not saying u :P ( min )
kinda spicy de haha
they order some breads
I also eat lor.
So this morning I ate alot
= breakfast + lunch le
pro hor? 2 meals eat in one haha.

then go aunt's house awhile lor
then go back home, going to rain le.
then sleep to heal my headache
then wake up to watch the naughties D:
they very funny de la haha

so sian argh! audi got stupid maintenance again.
then what i can do is wait D:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

holiday kinda sian xD
i never go work
anyway I don't want also
I want to prepare for SPM :P
hm.. I never read form 5 syllabus la
prepare here means that
I read story book lor...
to improve my English
I feel like my Chinese no hopez.
Nvm la. English is international language mah

I'm reading 2 books call
'Faith' and 'The Curse'
the 'The Curse' is my form 5 literature =.=
so lan.. haha.

hm. this holiday stay at home play audi
sleep, watch naughties
and read book lor...
kinda sian..
I really scare next year D:
Hope God will be always standing by me to help me :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

today is a freaking wonderful day!! HAHAHA
benlai hor, yesterday we planned to go badminton
but when today morning I woke up
I got muscle pain, so I sms Vincent I don't want go liao
In school they very sad lor. coz I never go xP

Then suddenly Ah Ye asked want to City Square (CS) watch movie bo
so sudden eh! LOL!
I of course say..
"Har.. Don't want la, next time mah, you guys suddenly say nia"
then we discuss and discuss
then we decided to go!
we never ask other ppl go, out secret plan xD
whne Leo come 38, we acted we don't want go for movie liao

So 1.15 I reached home
rush until.... =.=
bathe, eat maggie mee
then ZTing come my house fetch me xD
then we go meet with Vincent, Ah Ye, and others...
actually, not only my class frens go only =.=
other class de also got ._.
so just say Hi lor LOL.

Okay, the bus fee is RM2.30 to CS lol.
hm ok la.. affordable what.
then we reached there liao
go buy cinema ticket ( Megamind )
hm it's a nice movie la hahas.
coz this is 2nd time go CS
is also 1st time go CS with frens.
so they introduce the "Beauty of Johor shopping complex" to me lor haha

after movie, (5pm) U know what we do?
we go play Audition.
nolanola LOL joking only
the Audition here means
Damn fun, and they help me design
and they said
Lol coz they everyday see my results so pro
and my appearance... xD know what means right?
they help me choose clothes
I go changed it
then come out and they help me take pictures xD

After tired in this game liao
we go McDonald stay awhile to chit chat
until 8pm =.=
damn worry me that time u know?!
coz I told my mum that I will be back home for dinner
but so late ler.
U guess how late I go back home?
9.30 pm..
today is like very fun but not tiring LOL
coz keep play nia
From 5am wake up, to sch until 1.15
go back home, bath, eat and str8 went CS

we're so lucky that we caught the bus at 8.30 pm =.=

anyway, there's 1 more thing I would like to share xD
Miss Hilmah gave me, Yue Yuan and Sharifah RM50 each
u know why?
coz our Bio test A+

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

woo hoo
Now I want make a small summary on my exams har. k?

Maybe my place and table fengshui not good wtf
ok I tell u how fxxx is it.

Physics - Because careless write wrong law, the P/T is pressure's Law, I go write Charles' Law, and the calculation I also put V/T, in fact there's no V provided in the question, by the way my calculation still is Pressure divide by Temperature.

Bio - The moment I passed up the paper, the moment I knew I circle the wrong answer

Chemistry - Still ok =.= And I challenge myself to do salts in essay part

Maths - NEVER READ QUESTION PROPERLY .so 1 question wrong ler. wtf

Add maths - When calculating composite index, forgot to divide the degrees by 360 to find its weightage.

haizz, how come can I so careless?! damn annoying =.=

Anyway, behind the bad things, always have things that are good
Today Just received my BM and Sej Paper
89 in BM
96 in Sej
Anyway, nothing to proud of
coz Sej Kali gave us tips =.=
Hahas.. =.=!!

Wahahahas at least the exam is over liao
the big stone in my heart is finally removed.
Is time for the pimple living on my face to vanished ler HAHA!
coz during exam days very late sleep.
I hope I can get 9A's for this time exam
Chinese get A or B I don't care also de hahas
but of course I hope A, But I know my own ability D:

Yay tomorrow can cut my hair ler :P
Thursday go Qin Rui's house for BBQ leh xD
Me, ZiHau, CCC and Vincent said liao will wear same shirt same shorts
xD, they all sure zadao de
coz we do this in secret mah
Can't wait for the party xD

Friday, October 22, 2010

eh... WOOHOO
nola, exam havent finish yet hahas
next week is my paradise ... really...
hm just joking la.
coz cannot too confident u know?
later get the result with I don't like

Next week also is a suffering week la x.x
Sejarah Paper 2, Physics 3, Chemistry
add maths and math okok lo
very scared physics 3 and chemistry
chemistry, I heard mathan said very hard
his tuition teacher told him maybe we manage to get 50 to 60 only
But I told him I will take this as a challenge
hm... Can I say I don't believe it?!
ok I will jiayous de
i read ler chapter 8, the qualitative analysis hard
got a lot of test lol.
But I will try my best to memorize all =.=

Hm, language papers still going smoothly
But I scared can;t get A leh.
Today BC Paper 2 totally die u know LOL
affected my mood in Paper 1 liao =.=
hahas, but paper 1 I think I not bad leh hehe
so hope can help me cover paper 2 lor
very funny.
when we're taking English Paper 2
Teacher say got correction in the advertisement ( info xfer ) part
she said 'AQUARAM' (< main title is that)
then the boys, including me look at Kuah Chia Joon
so funny leh xP
All laugh and look at him
so u all also understand what means hor?
At first My mood was very boring
but that moment had made me refresh LOL
Thanks to Kuah Chia Joon aqua-ness HAHA!

Bio. I can get A 1 la.. hope so la
nowadays I don't know hor
how come my friends they know what questions come out
they said their tuition teacher told de
is like very fake lor
so not professional de tuition teacher =.= zzz
like that not fair ler.
Anyway I'm one of that we get the tips also
But, I only get to know at that day the exam day.
And I'm not like freaking faggots that memorize essay
I will use my own skill, vocab, grammar, idea write
then they all like very pro.
they know what title come out, then go memorize
haiz, nvm
I did my best can d

D: I very scared my English essay.
coz the essay I never write it to be so precise
I just roughly write the points
the title which I chose is 'Save The Earth'
Hope I can get good marks /.\
same as BC and BM essay also

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

eh I miss 마혜리 검사님 leh xD
just joking la, that's just an illusion only haha

hm, tmr sch lor.
damn sad and boring la T__T
Today still the same
do revision in home lor.
do until boring
tonight going to sleep at early time liao
if not tomorrow extremely tired
oya, tmr got BC class
1 word.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

eh? long time never post liao .
suddenly have the inspiration to post nia lol.
er... erhm..
boring, dull. lame. shit =.=

Life still goes on
erm, the time is like..
so fast October d
will be November in a blink of an eye
so I also must write blog always :D
coz after SPM can read read for fun LOL.

hm, this holiday better than last time one lor
stay at home do revision :D
Monday was playing badminton with them lor.
so fun xP
er, coz very sian at home
I watched 1 korean drama leh.
call Princess Prosecutor OST
Still the same, 2 chio bu's inside LOL
That drama not bad leh.
worth to watch :D
and the songs inside also damn nice :D

wooo!! Know why I'm so happy?
estimated more 400 days I want to scream liao LOL
From standard 1 until now....
Work so hard
now finally realise that it's so tiring man!!
years by years by years...
finally form 4.
and it is going to come to an end :D
after SPM can relax awhile liao~
But now no need so fast happy =.=
the journey is still long leh D:
er. okla. this blog until here
later some noob ppl say my blog long D:

Friday, September 17, 2010

WOO!! Almost all the scrapbook is finish
chemistry still have one part, is about the alternative fuels
I think I'm gonna borrow yue yuan one see see 1st
then only do, since the due date not after holiday
The biology.. hm... the content are all done
just the cover and conclusion haven't done
i also don't know we need or not
see yue yuan de first LARH xD
All the scrapbook I will recheck them again
in order to see which things are missing, so can add them

xD I'm so pro hor?
From last Sunday, chiong scrapbook until today!
Since I can train game, why can't I train 'book' also? hahas
Although lv49 le, but also no big deal
keep doing scrapbook already drive me insane
the whole week doesn't look like holiday at all
coz keep doing scrapbook la...
got 1 day, I even wake up at 6 a.m.
and do until 12am lol =.=
can you imagine that?
And I hate when I'm doing my scrapbooks
People come to disturb me ( my mum )
AWW Did you heard of Newton accidentally
cooked his watch when he's reading, in facts he was going to fry eggs
this is an example for my situation :D

So now I can relax abit le lor, can sleep better ler
I had sleepless night during the 'scrapbook week' *sigh*
and my blog has been abondoned for so long ler ( it's long for me )

Now .. regarding the Genting trip
damn boring. hm not so so also la.
coz the weather I love it there.
but also nothing to do at there.
furthermore, I'm always so obsess with my scrapbooks
so how can I have fun there? D:
And I bought a shirt and socks there.. lol. nothing special la x.x
just saying it for fun only hahaz.

After back from Genting, it was Sunday
after a blink of an eye, it's Friday now D:
Means the holiday gonna end le
This week I felt like it's a school day u know?
lots of things to rush with... scrapbooks~
Do until I die. the time flows so quickly.
24 hours a day is really not enough la~!

sienzzz I still have some uncleared homeworks
but at least better than the scrapbooks.
it's more easy =.= hahas.
so I do it tomorrow lor.
D: After holiday, I will miss someone.
the someone also very good
when we ask her questions, she won't ignore and will reply us.
btw, thank you to 'someone' who guide us for the scrapbook.
really appreciate ur efforts :D

Ok write until here =.= 1am d.
play game awhile then go and have my sweet dream ever
during this holiday.. LOL.

D: My mission totally failed
U know why?
moral values never memorize
peribahasa and idioms never also.
sejarah just read chapter 1 and 2.
chapter 8 only memorize 25%
OF COZ IS U LA! Scrapbooks

Let's list the good/bad effects of scrapbooks :
Advantages :
1) Learn ourself
2) Teacher can relax and slack around because we read and understood
3) A big earn for paper sellers and TNB
as we consume papers and electricity alot to find infos with internet
may profit cyber cafe as well as not all ppl have internet at homes
4) Possibly may give profits to specs shop, coz we spend long time in front of
computer, which may lead to short-sightedness.

Disadvantages :
1) Tress are cutting down, coz we consume so many papers, then global warming,
greenhouse effect, animals facing extinction
2) Stress happens on teachers, coz they mark alot of scrapbooks. ( but they
benefits in advantages (2))
3) vision deprove
4) hand tired
5) waste of electricity
6) waste of money on unnecessay things ( no offends ^_^V )

Friday, September 3, 2010

nowadays really like a no-life-er and geek LOL
coz Audi got 2x. If i dun play i stupid
so I tag until die lor... << my slogan
So I said.. my time is wasted T__T
nvm lor just until Monday only.
haizz.. jiayous barh.
LOL I don't care.. lv high nice !

Don't know this Monday want go play football with them or not.
coz I really don't know how to play football
and I go there just stone only hahas
moreover my tag schedule until Monday 0930 xD
So I very tired de lor... no mood to play also.
From Saturday to Monday I have to live like an owl LOL
So I called myself no-life-er because of games xD
Anyways.. I dun care LOL :P

Regardless to myself as a no-life-er LOL
But I got half of my life fulfilled meaningfully on Friday LOL.
Last day of Miss Yusma in SMKTD~
Friday we play play play and play in Chemistry Lab
looks like we just finished our SPM LOL!
She go liao very sian de T__T
coz Puan Mahani teaching style not same with her
If can I hope she will continue to teach us
but anyway, human should live with more aspiration.
and move forwards without looking back
so I hope teacher u really can success in your life
Don't ever look back.. But thinking of us is a must xD
haha ok?

back to my no-life days =.=
today is my 2nd no-life day.
6am wake up tag zzzzzzz No choice want lv49
yesterday also tag until siao =.=
And the stupid license make me failed so much time
coz that song sucks, that's why so hard to play.
but I passed it finally :D
If not wrong it's already 12.10 a.m. ( Saturday )
then I straight away go sleep
to continue my 'no-life' day tomorrow.

I already stop tagging exp 3 weeks ago de =.=
but suddenly got 2x exp event again
So If I don't tag.. I'm really stupid lor.
coz the event really very rare mah
after Monday I want quit ler =.=
coz really no time to play so much

My target in this holiday..
game ah.. play awhile lor...
friends ah.. they sms me then I go out with them lor.
and lastly =.= my target is
Sejarah chapter 8 finish.
then re-read again from chapter 1 to 7
Chemistry, Biology, Physics all re-read again
until the chapter where we paused at
Add math maybe do exercise, math can throw it aside 1st =.=
and constant readings also is a must
Moral nilai memorize 1/day
Peribahasa and idioms also 1 each per day
Like that my language can improve
and the literature drama which Ms. Noraini ask us to act de =.=
haizzz so many things to do.
Nvm I do 1 by 1 LOL, So now I have to reach lv49 1st
btw, really thanks god for not giving karangan/composition this holiday.
( Dun worry, I won't neglect exercise!)

haizz the scrap book still need use handwriting
computer typing is prohibited =.=
so nuisance one.

Hey teacher,
If you see this your heart must be touched LOL!
U really very good ( other teacher also, u're one of it )
first.. u always give us leaflet and handouts
I doubt that the photostat money is school sponsor
or you really use your pocket money .
coz.. you give us so many... ( not only 4A, 4B as well )
need alot of money to afford it. D:
If you continue giving, really will bankrupt
But. I got read the handouts u give me one
Dun worry ya.
really thank you :D

BLABLABLA I should continue with my game now.. HAHA

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

D: Benlai I don't want post de... lazy hahas... anyway it's late for me d.
Just devoured 3 pages of Sejarah Chapter 7 =.=
zzz boring la.

:D today is very weird lor...
don't sounds like Wednesday lol.
After having slacky sivik class
then we jiu dissect froggie.
kesian... those frog haizz..
but no choice, we want to learn...
moreover cant be denied that human the wisest creature.
so very sorry T__T Hope u become human next century :)
may god bless u froggie~

Then Chemistry also very fun lor HAHAHAHAS
Coz very relaxing lor.. teacher never teach.. so shuang
Dear Yusma snaps pics with us lol..
and we playing around
but playing time always pass very fast =.=
so after 6 periods of playing, we go back to reality - RUMUSAN =.=
Boring but no choice hahas.

Today naughty came back liao T__T!
so I have to do part time babysitter le lor..
but nvm ^^ I take care him while doing my homework.
My day always pass so fast T__T

okla sleep ler :) hope 'someone' got read this blog HAHA!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Yo! I play back blog again xD..
The rules are still the same
Broken English ( which u can understand one ) ... bahasa rojak! LOL
When creating, I went stupid Min blog hahas.
coz I want get the cbox things... LOL
so I got ler... edit awhile... then open blog liao LOL

Today is 31/8/2010.
Happy Birthday to Malaysia
But I stay at home rotting D:
Don't know do what....
My Mum and niece went singapore ler.. T__T
So I ownself rot at home lor... =.=
Besides.. I just back from lunch then do blog ler LOL
Dang the audition today got patch ;wild
but nvms.. hope tio nice nice songs =.=
then I jiu do my homework and revise sejarah lor..
exam is coming D:

I found that time pass so fast D:
so fast going to Sept ler..
then very fast next year jiu SPM liao D:
so very sian lor... so fast big ler
feels like I didn't even enjoy a single joy during childhood
then now so fast going to Teens ler.. ps. is BIG TEENS
okla =.= I hope u guys also play blog la..
coz when audi patching, i very sian.. nothing to do
if u guys have blog at least can go see see and gossip =.=