Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Friday, September 3, 2010

nowadays really like a no-life-er and geek LOL
coz Audi got 2x. If i dun play i stupid
so I tag until die lor... << my slogan
So I said.. my time is wasted T__T
nvm lor just until Monday only.
haizz.. jiayous barh.
LOL I don't care.. lv high nice !

Don't know this Monday want go play football with them or not.
coz I really don't know how to play football
and I go there just stone only hahas
moreover my tag schedule until Monday 0930 xD
So I very tired de lor... no mood to play also.
From Saturday to Monday I have to live like an owl LOL
So I called myself no-life-er because of games xD
Anyways.. I dun care LOL :P

Regardless to myself as a no-life-er LOL
But I got half of my life fulfilled meaningfully on Friday LOL.
Last day of Miss Yusma in SMKTD~
Friday we play play play and play in Chemistry Lab
looks like we just finished our SPM LOL!
She go liao very sian de T__T
coz Puan Mahani teaching style not same with her
If can I hope she will continue to teach us
but anyway, human should live with more aspiration.
and move forwards without looking back
so I hope teacher u really can success in your life
Don't ever look back.. But thinking of us is a must xD
haha ok?

back to my no-life days =.=
today is my 2nd no-life day.
6am wake up tag zzzzzzz No choice want lv49
yesterday also tag until siao =.=
And the stupid license make me failed so much time
coz that song sucks, that's why so hard to play.
but I passed it finally :D
If not wrong it's already 12.10 a.m. ( Saturday )
then I straight away go sleep
to continue my 'no-life' day tomorrow.

I already stop tagging exp 3 weeks ago de =.=
but suddenly got 2x exp event again
So If I don't tag.. I'm really stupid lor.
coz the event really very rare mah
after Monday I want quit ler =.=
coz really no time to play so much

My target in this holiday..
game ah.. play awhile lor...
friends ah.. they sms me then I go out with them lor.
and lastly =.= my target is
Sejarah chapter 8 finish.
then re-read again from chapter 1 to 7
Chemistry, Biology, Physics all re-read again
until the chapter where we paused at
Add math maybe do exercise, math can throw it aside 1st =.=
and constant readings also is a must
Moral nilai memorize 1/day
Peribahasa and idioms also 1 each per day
Like that my language can improve
and the literature drama which Ms. Noraini ask us to act de =.=
haizzz so many things to do.
Nvm I do 1 by 1 LOL, So now I have to reach lv49 1st
btw, really thanks god for not giving karangan/composition this holiday.
( Dun worry, I won't neglect exercise!)

haizz the scrap book still need use handwriting
computer typing is prohibited =.=
so nuisance one.

Hey teacher,
If you see this your heart must be touched LOL!
U really very good ( other teacher also, u're one of it )
first.. u always give us leaflet and handouts
I doubt that the photostat money is school sponsor
or you really use your pocket money .
coz.. you give us so many... ( not only 4A, 4B as well )
need alot of money to afford it. D:
If you continue giving, really will bankrupt
But. I got read the handouts u give me one
Dun worry ya.
really thank you :D

BLABLABLA I should continue with my game now.. HAHA

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kok Leong!

    i like the way you planned your holiday. still play but not forgetting about study.that's good!

    oh, so touched reading on the last paragraph of this post.
    yes, the handouts that i gave to my students are using my own money. i am satisfied + happy coz i used the money on the right way.and i am willing to do so. knowledge is very i dont mind spend money for my students for that.
    i love my students so much and i just want the best for you guys~hopefully u enjoy reading my handouts even though not all information are there..u still need to refer to text bok and reference books~

    best regards,
    -miss y-
