Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

today is so tiring.
10.30 only wake up
got bit head ache
then my sister telephone ler.
aiya those crap lazy talk ^^

then we go a restaurant eat lor.
I ate a chicken rice.
not saying u :P ( min )
kinda spicy de haha
they order some breads
I also eat lor.
So this morning I ate alot
= breakfast + lunch le
pro hor? 2 meals eat in one haha.

then go aunt's house awhile lor
then go back home, going to rain le.
then sleep to heal my headache
then wake up to watch the naughties D:
they very funny de la haha

so sian argh! audi got stupid maintenance again.
then what i can do is wait D:

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