Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, November 21, 2010

holiday kinda sian xD
i never go work
anyway I don't want also
I want to prepare for SPM :P
hm.. I never read form 5 syllabus la
prepare here means that
I read story book lor...
to improve my English
I feel like my Chinese no hopez.
Nvm la. English is international language mah

I'm reading 2 books call
'Faith' and 'The Curse'
the 'The Curse' is my form 5 literature =.=
so lan.. haha.

hm. this holiday stay at home play audi
sleep, watch naughties
and read book lor...
kinda sian..
I really scare next year D:
Hope God will be always standing by me to help me :)

1 comment:

  1. I am surprised that there is not mention of Esperanto here.

    This is an international language which intends to defend the rights of minority languages.

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