Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Friday, October 22, 2010

eh... WOOHOO
nola, exam havent finish yet hahas
next week is my paradise ... really...
hm just joking la.
coz cannot too confident u know?
later get the result with I don't like

Next week also is a suffering week la x.x
Sejarah Paper 2, Physics 3, Chemistry
add maths and math okok lo
very scared physics 3 and chemistry
chemistry, I heard mathan said very hard
his tuition teacher told him maybe we manage to get 50 to 60 only
But I told him I will take this as a challenge
hm... Can I say I don't believe it?!
ok I will jiayous de
i read ler chapter 8, the qualitative analysis hard
got a lot of test lol.
But I will try my best to memorize all =.=

Hm, language papers still going smoothly
But I scared can;t get A leh.
Today BC Paper 2 totally die u know LOL
affected my mood in Paper 1 liao =.=
hahas, but paper 1 I think I not bad leh hehe
so hope can help me cover paper 2 lor
very funny.
when we're taking English Paper 2
Teacher say got correction in the advertisement ( info xfer ) part
she said 'AQUARAM' (< main title is that)
then the boys, including me look at Kuah Chia Joon
so funny leh xP
All laugh and look at him
so u all also understand what means hor?
At first My mood was very boring
but that moment had made me refresh LOL
Thanks to Kuah Chia Joon aqua-ness HAHA!

Bio. I can get A 1 la.. hope so la
nowadays I don't know hor
how come my friends they know what questions come out
they said their tuition teacher told de
is like very fake lor
so not professional de tuition teacher =.= zzz
like that not fair ler.
Anyway I'm one of that we get the tips also
But, I only get to know at that day the exam day.
And I'm not like freaking faggots that memorize essay
I will use my own skill, vocab, grammar, idea write
then they all like very pro.
they know what title come out, then go memorize
haiz, nvm
I did my best can d

D: I very scared my English essay.
coz the essay I never write it to be so precise
I just roughly write the points
the title which I chose is 'Save The Earth'
Hope I can get good marks /.\
same as BC and BM essay also

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