Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

D: Benlai I don't want post de... lazy hahas... anyway it's late for me d.
Just devoured 3 pages of Sejarah Chapter 7 =.=
zzz boring la.

:D today is very weird lor...
don't sounds like Wednesday lol.
After having slacky sivik class
then we jiu dissect froggie.
kesian... those frog haizz..
but no choice, we want to learn...
moreover cant be denied that human the wisest creature.
so very sorry T__T Hope u become human next century :)
may god bless u froggie~

Then Chemistry also very fun lor HAHAHAHAS
Coz very relaxing lor.. teacher never teach.. so shuang
Dear Yusma snaps pics with us lol..
and we playing around
but playing time always pass very fast =.=
so after 6 periods of playing, we go back to reality - RUMUSAN =.=
Boring but no choice hahas.

Today naughty came back liao T__T!
so I have to do part time babysitter le lor..
but nvm ^^ I take care him while doing my homework.
My day always pass so fast T__T

okla sleep ler :) hope 'someone' got read this blog HAHA!

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