Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Monday, December 13, 2010

Nowadays I kinda lazy post d
But I suddenly have an urge to post...
so keep reading it ya~

Hm, Nowadays
I think I'm getting lazier and lazier liao
hm.. so what?
Everyone also la.
haha.. but at least I got revise and read novel
but also never read much de
I revised Sejarah, then read my novel lor.

Nowadays I'm crazy about a drama again
the drama I think kinda long liao de.. maybe is 2009 one.
call 'Pink Lipstick' / 粉红色口红 / 분홍립스틱
that drama kinda nice de.. haha
Actually hor.. I not so like to watch 偶像剧
I prefer more mature korean drama
like that drama I mentioned above lor.
That drama show on Singapore tv U channel
weekdays. 7pm ~ 8pm
kinda nice :D:D

And nowadays become addicted to audition liao
dk why.. LOL
And I did something sorry to my mum
but I also made a secret promise to cover my faulty act
I would concentrate on my studies in form 5 :D
I want 9A+
Although I don't know possible or not
and... people said.
High expectations upsets you more
undeniable, this quote kinda correct
nvm la.. just that's all
see the new song I uploaded ya :D

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