Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hard to believe that my bro watches City Hunter OST
I thought he don't like to watch korean drama
er hm, it's really a fcking nice show la!
today I watched an ep :P
Damn cool man. have some fighting scenes
which I damn like de
and LMH is damn clever :)

Today I studies Bio chap 2 and 3
feel so great :)
Tmr will continue to study again~

I think I'm quite ok now la :D
I'm not fanatic about height already
But it doesn't mean that I will give up hor :P
I will work for it x.x
hope it works la .. muacks.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Still in the progress of positive thinking :)

Today stayed in the dewan for almost the whole school hours
though I learnt something from Pn .Norashuhah
^ Our so called cikgu fokus

Now really have no time to slack liao
have to study hard for SPM d :D
To conquer my laziness. EASY
But to conquer my .... U know one....
I decided to be positive already :)
and be optimistic
still waiting for that miracle to happen :)

So I don't think I have time to think about it already
Thanks to SPM :) For making me forget about it
and work smart & hard for you. SPM

There's something very vivid in my mind that Vincent told me
"The more you long for something, you sure won't get it"
in this context, he meant I want to be chosen to NS
But in the end, I wasn't chosen
But in my context,
Say real, I want to prove that this concept is wrong lor
If I want go to NS, I can apply one right?

Hormone is something that very important
and any fluctuation in its quantity
can affect you badly or godly
and nowadays
my 'positive thinking' hormone dropped drastically.
I know why la of course, but I can't do nothing also

So from now on, I made up my mind ler :) !
After today ( midnight ) I wouldn't want to measure my height again ler!
A watched pot never boiled, this is how it sounds
I will just concentrate on my studies first :)
I will measure it again after SPM ( Probably in mid of December )
erm. or maybe mid of March next year?

I hope I can control myself la haha
Say real la, nothing is impossible.
U see in Korea
They're not satisfy with their face
or they think they're not attractive enough
They may go for plastic surgery
You're not satisfy with your current gender
You may go for a surgery too
Cancer strikes you
You may go for chemotherapy
You have a lot of pimples
You may go for H2O or any Dermatologist
You're fat
You may go for London weight management? haha

So from all the things I type
You can do something to reform yourself :)
You need not to feel sad by now
and also never give up until the end :)
There is always many solution to a problem
Just we have to put effort in search of them~

Lastly, I'm not greedy, I just want to reform myself and be more perfect.
I hope You give Your consent, God

Friday, July 22, 2011

突然间看到一个金色短发,样子长得很像 voldermort 的女孩对我微笑
这对我来说满恐怖的啦 =.=

我看了子豪给我的 video
结果我去叫 kakak 跟我按摩 =.=
好不容易她才肯跟我按 :P
希望这个东西是有效的啦 =.=

最近我承认我太疏忽考试了 D:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

be positive is in the progress.. :)

Yet I have to face another problem
tomorrow is exam
But I feel like I'm not well prepared
how come? I got revise also
but not as hard as during mid year exam la..

Never mind.
This time it serves as an experiment
of sleeping earlier and wake up with a fresher brain
and sit for examinations :)
because every time the day before exam
I sleep at quite late hours

Hope tomorrow everything is fine
Malay I scared the sentence making I can't make it
And I wonder Redox reaction experiment come out what =.=
Literally I really understand the redox process :)
Just have to be more cautious when answering the question
Sciences and Mathematics are never be the subjects that makes me scare
just language
I hate language =.=
Hope tonight I don't get any insomnia
and tomorrow everything is fine D:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

OKLA Nowadays I'm REALLY REALLY gloomy!
because of my current stature.
I didn't know when did I become so fanatic about my stature
and I'm damn pissed off with the fact that
An inexplicable mood
which influence my mood to revise
my mood to surf the web
and my routines. Sigh.

I know that I should be contented that
I'm not born handicapped, mental retarded
or inability in something
but can't I have more? D:
Moreover, my parents aren't tall
( Seriously, I'm now taller than both of them )
Say real, I really resent my current stature
and I'm also quite envy of my friends
as some of them are tall because they've tall parents

Well you know
Because of my stature
it affects my mood heavily
plus I'm always deprive of sleeps everyday
and my current resentment did add on a lots of stress during my school time
even when I'm revising for my exams
The feeling of wanting to grow more more taller
can't be erased from my mind D:

There's a very renowned phrase
"The more you yearn for something,
the more the disappointment might strikes you"
( I translated it from Mandarin )
And I also heard of someone said this before
"Your foolish persistence will only make you perish soon"
( I also translated it from Mandarin )

I really do not know who should I seek solace from
Be positive?
I tried
Be contented?
I'm not that virtuous
YES I love this word!


Friday, July 15, 2011

I really buay tahan la!
Everyday at school so tired liao panda
at night active like owls =.=
how come?!
10.15 p.m. I already went to bed
flip on bed until 11.30+ only fell asleep =(
So today I forced myself not to take afternoon nap =)
instead I revised Bio D:
exam is around the corner
I think this time I won't stress out
I just simply read .. :D

When you're doing something consider illegal
U really did sweat alot! xD
On Tuesday I got what I wanted d
which my mum don't know de
and I hide it among my clothes in the cupboard
she sure won't find out :D
haha damn bad hor?
but no choice, this is for my future :P
And that day I tumpang Jr's car :D
and I saw Hamidkuah =.=
haha damn funny

Wednesday went to CCC's house to play basketball again
quite satisfy la
every time I'm so scared to bring the ball
but at least now have some courage d
but still sucks :x
need more practise x.x

And sadly, I never kena NS
Yean, and other of my friends all kena ler =.=
I know they will sure show off to me about NS
when they return!
So I feel like going also
But I still wonder is it against His will
I really don't know la D:

Nowadays I really have a lot of personal problems
I still can't choose between Matric and STPM
But probably I'll opt for STPM la...
Haiz Today hor I went Jusco
I stacked all the subjects book which I intended to take during Form 6
who knows.. it's damn thick
Haiz D:
I still can't stay away from books after my SPM la D:

Nowadays I'm really very no mood lor!
damn ..
feel so lethargic in school
and problems floating on my mind
and the 'something'
is bothering me too la!
If I really can't make it
I will choose to accept the fact.
But now I'm still hoping my miracles~
Now I'm going to SLEEP liao!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wah, today really waste my time lor!
and I lied alot today la
because of my 'secret mission'
but it fails. HAHA
Who knows that I'm damn bad luck =.=

So I decided
to do it again on Tuesday
coz Tuesday 1 pm school ends
and then 2.30 I only go duty as librarian
so the 1.30 hours I make use of it la of coz
I really have no choice /.\
Today is fated to fail one
now I only get to know this =.=
nvm, don't give up! haha
Tuesday I think I'm able to finish this mission :)

Frank Lampard

최시원 / Choi Si Won

강지환 / Kang Ji Hwan

You would think that I'm gay
But you can think whatever u like =.=
There is something I very envy of D:
I won't tell here haha
But very easy guess de

Tomorrow I really have to carry out my secret mission d la!
can't wait already. still wait for what?
btw, it's a secret mission
so I won't say what thing is it also :P
and today I revise BIO chapter 3
talk about hormones one
and it inspires me again
those 'things' also inspires me alot haha
coz I said liao
I'm not that kind of people that can give up easily
and my full plan will be carried out on Monday I think :x
hope I success.
but have u heard of
the more u yearn for something
the more the disappointment might strike u D:
but I don't mind la
I haven't try before how I know the outcome D:
let's see the outcome 4 years later ... :D
Reformation~ I kinda like this word

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Girl I'm sorry~
Girl I'm sorry


This song is amazing!
MBLAQ - I Belong To You
so catchy..

HAHAHAHA, Today I only watch 1.30 hour PPS
pro or not? so little.
coz I revise la =.=
SPM is drawing near.
if don't revise, how to achieve my dream?

Today is the stupid day
but the short marathon quite fun
Seriously, I love this activity
btw, got coco marks also :P
and u know
the moment after you have intense exercise
ur body is radiating lots of heat
and your sweat is rolling out from ur body
the feeling is damn good man!

and hor, I really wonder
during the jalinan mesra
why other parents talk to long de? =.="
haiz, I don't know la
it's not parents problem or teacher
just be more hardworking la .. aiyo
study more, don't understand just ask friend or teacher la

Hari Keusahawanan ( I think it's call canteen day )
is awesome and momentous! :D
It was raining that day D:
though I went everywhere to promote 5A Rockss food :D
and kinda relief is that
they did bought my things :)
Very funny haha
the french fries is RM1.50 / each
I say liao many times, no ppl want to buy
then a bulb appear on my head.. ~~
I said " Buy 1 free 1, RM3 "
and people really buy :P
that day I was half drenched
and my shoes wet d =.=
so uncomfortable while walking.

1 more thing
I'm freaking happy about something!
I won't tell here :P
I will see the results first.
But this mission I have to carry out secretly
I'm still choosing a date for it
tomorrow too lazy =.= maybe next Saturday
:D !! really can't wait liao