Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Friday, February 18, 2011

Nowadays I'm so busy with my own stuff
that I don't the time to indulge in front of laptop =.=!

Here is the summary of the week :
Last Saturday, our school hold a marathon
I got 38th
All my friends some never get, some got behind me
Vincent got 49. HAHA!
And other footballer also lost me...
xD so shuang la! I have potential one leh :P
but those Secondary 4 student very pro.
they managed to get 1-10.

Ok, the exams is around the corner =.=
So nowadays is busy preparing for exams
and today I go wild abit
open laptop to play awhile =.=
except Audition.. Really have no time D:

And yesterday is like wth.
1am after school, 7.30 p.m. only I returned home
coz my bro want go wash face =.=
so my mum, sis-in-law and I were wandering in the shopping mall
And I bought a new pant !
er Idk is it call pant =.= short one ...
RM 90.00 ! xD
That short pant was the one which I had always wanted to buy
and today I finally can buy it!
That shopping complex's name Idk call what
But the clothes there all FAR FAR NICER than Jusco one =.=

My mom was back from Taiwan on Wednesday about 12 a.m.
her bathing sound woke me up
but it was a big disappointment that the bag she bought
wasn't the one which I asked her to buy =.=
it costs RM59,90
Aiya. just casual one
But not very nice lor...
And she also bought a long sleeve shirt for me
gray colour one
today I saw it and I said okok only =.=

Nowadays my class is like very funny :P
Everyday while having class sure have some funny things happen
but my days have been overwhelemed by those homework .__.
So many man! I almost suffocate
moreover need to prepare for exams
sec 5 student isn't easy ah =.=

And today 'Hamidkuah' invited us to play football
I never go coz very tired and lazy leh zzz
It's always so inconvenient for me leh.
my nephew and niece need to sleep in the afternoon
so how I go?
So I stayed at home do my uncleared homework lor.
lastly, I have been chosen to be the school librarian xD

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