Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tomorrow school reopen~
Have to face the music tonight x.x
sleep early .
and cannot online until so late
but, please look at the positive site~
I'm able to do mask again haha
because mask + sleep early is a perfect match
these few days I really broke my record =.=
2am sleep
so no point doing mask, since pimple all pop out
those pimples are gonna die in 1 week time
due to my usual sleeping time haha

Yesterday I won another RM24 xP
My cousin played until cry haha!
same with me last time =.=
lose that much money
and tears will start accumulate in eye
and flows out like a river~~ T_T

Eh, I know how to play Mahjong ler ! ^_^
Sian, I'm still in an irrepressible CNY mood
but tomorrow need to go to school
and I don't know the Chemistry homework how to do /.\
never mind, many of my classmates also can't do it
the saddest thing is tomorrow have to stay back at school...
for chemistry experiment . =.=
and Tuesday from 1 to 4 my turn to duty in library
4 to 5.30 p.m. have sports house training
what a miserable life~~~ =__=!

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