Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Yo! I'm back to blogging again :D
hm before that
I would like to say that
I'll try my best to use proper English in my post
and practice a non-broken-English writing skill :)

Today I just went to take road safety rules test
First, the drive will come to ur home and fetch you
So, the drive came and fetched me and I arrived there sharp at 10
who knows?
I waited until 1.30 p.m. only my turn to go in the room for test
So, 4 p.m. I only reached home lor..
Hm, actually this time was a success also
I got 48/50 ^^
And I'm the fastest who 'in and out' from the room
Coz I did it damn fast without second check mah... xD
And everyone is also very shocked haha
and lastly I felt kinda shuang coz..
I'm the youngest there xD

YES! Finally passed the test
My next resolution is study first
and wait until my birthday
then only will proceed further for LDL license
Wish me luck ya ;love ( it's an facial expression in AuditionSEA Online Dancing Game )
Ignore it if u do not grasp it or what ^^

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