Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Scientists say that the time for earth to orbit around the Sun
is decreasing each year
and it's estimated that after 100 million years
1 year is equivalent to 312 days only ( is about 310 to 320, i 4got sorry =.= )
but why nowadays I feel like the cruel time
passing so fast?!
I have this kind of feeling since Form 4 leh lol....
really have no time to do so much thing instead of study

OK, I have alot to share ^^
Aww!! SO buay song my mum T__T
my bro bought a handbag for her haha.
RM399, then I said : u shuang lor
NVM! My bro also said will give me RM300 to buy CNY clothes
then I whisper to my mum : too little le barh? /_\
then she said : so greedy for what?
LOL zadao haha..
wah, her 1 hand bag for me can buy so many clothes and things ler T_T

Just now I shut down my comp d
but then I 4got that I havent post a blog LOL!
So now I'm posting :D

So fast... Tomorrow is Monday ler T_T
Tuesday and Friday got sukan practise from 4 to 5.30 zz
damn sian and fan la!
I feel damn tired everytime after sch. haizzz
nvm la... 1 more year only .. haha
Though I always won't forget to smile :)

sian, My audi time really very less liao
and most important is
Idk why even weekends I also don't have the time
to watch my drama ! =.= zzzz
Now.. I'm still ina dilemma that
Should I give up chinese? LOL
Anyway, get a B+ satisfy me liao lol.
coz.. I watched the korean drama
got a 'quote' I damn like
that's is 'Giving up is a type of habit'
'once u get use to it, maybe u gave up before in the past'
this quote keep repeating in my mind....
I like this quote, this is very motivative for me :)
Okla I go sleep liao =.=
just masking :P

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