Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life still go on... as normal
well, this is my life ;dan ( Audi expression < )
Every day when I take a step into my house
the first thing I will do is play with my nephew
and keep calling out his nicknames xD
after that, I will change my clothes and have lunch
then I will rest awhile and take a "short" afternoon nap

And I'm still watching Pink Lipstick OST
xD. the drama reach its climax
and this is the moment which I've been waiting for
how Jia En will take revenge for her misfortune xD

Tomorrow I will be going to Jusco with my mum again
to buy clothes maybe
Aww =.= nowadays my blog style seems so boring =.=
is it the language problem or what -.-!

OYA Beford I forget, I just twisted my left hand on Monday
Haizzz, sad lor
I don't remember much how I fell down
but what I remember was
I'm running towards the ball to kick it randomly to the front
coz maybe my friend is in front
I kept on running, but still can't get the ball
until I saw someone with orange koko shirt is also running towards the ball
which is in the opposite of my direction
Though, I kicked the ball to the front before him
and on the spur of the moment I lifted my leg to kick the ball to the front
He ambushed me and deliver a strong momentum to my body ( p = mv hor... xD )
Within a short time of impact, the large momentum...
causes me to fly away not higher than 50 cm
I heard my friend I did a 90~180 rotation in mid-air
aiya, this isn't important
When I'm on the verge of falling,
I acted by instinct by using my left hand to land first
or else my whole arm and head will get hurt
and so... My hand got twisted =.=
so damn bad luck!!!
Monday is my bad day T__T

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