Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, January 9, 2011

today is a damn tiring day.
7am wake up to prepare d =.=
yesterday also same time woke up
coz go sch help teachers earn markah kelakuan ^^

Hm let's talk about today
today I 7.45 waiting for the kancil d =.=
8.15 only come, waited so long =.=
about 8.30 arrived at perling d
the place to do our driving thingy
those not important things I will just skip^^
hm, leong and vincent arrivied earlier than me
but who knows?
Leo's room full d, so we not listening to lecture together d
the ppl ask me go another room
T___T that time I really feel lonely :x
but at last, the room full until vincent also came my room haha
so got ppl pei me le lor

During the lectures, at 1st quite fun de
but at last very boring
coz lecturer need to change one
and damn shuang, coz we 2 are the youngest there ^^V
During the 2nd lecturer give lecture time
I really feel like sleeping =.=
so different with the first one.
the way the 1st one talks is so interesting and humourous :)

can't wait to drive ler :x
but have to pass undang 1st la.
today damn tired x.x
have to sleep earlier .

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